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Pentagon F-35 Cancellation


Mar 2, 2007
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By Jennifer Wolowitz (www,associatednews.com)

The pentagon budget review reveals that the company is tired of its costly F-35 fighter jets and is cancelling the $391.2 billion program that was started to build Lockheed Martin corp. F-35 fighter jets. The program already involves ten foreign countries.

In a briefing held on July 31, Pentagon officials laid out a number of ways in which Pentagon would deal with $500 billion in automatic budget cuts required over the next ten years. Defense secretary Chuck Hagel, however, didn’t disclose the option of scrapping the fighter to the reporters during the briefing. He said Pentagon may have to choose between a decade- long holiday from modernizing its technology and weapon system and a much smaller force.

The F-35 program is the most expensive weapon system ever. About 2443 aircrafts are to be built. Though the warplane is the most expensive combat aircraft in history, it lacks quality. A whole fleet of F 35 was grounded in February because of a crack on a turbine blade found on one aircraft.

The company, on the contrary, has a plenty of supporters in congress which can make the cancellation unlikely.

Pentagon officials and the Government Accountability office confirmed that F-35 is making a steady progress towards its development and flight testing. Lockheed and Pentagon have signed an agreement this week according to which the company will produce 71 more F-35 fighter jets which will reduce costs per plane by 4 per cent.

Pentagon officials are trying to control the damage caused by the alarming news of cancellation of F-35 program.

Pentagon F-35 Cancellation | Associated News
The problem obviously was the co-opting of multiple vendors for this project. It could have been made solely by Lockheed Martin as a single vendor like Northrop Grumman's top secret B-2 Spirit. Though Lockheed had experience in this field due to development of the A-12 and SR-71, it has failed to iron out the faults bugging the F-35 because of multiple vendors.

Though a single vendor/contractor option would have been more expensive but in the long run it would have proved cost effective as there would not have been such inordinate delays which have resulted in enormous cost escalation.

And then as the sole designer/manufacturer, Lockheed could have used its expertise in the top secret technologies available with their black project org known as Lockheed Skunk Works. After all, they have produced such super high tech secret aircraft like the Aurora, the TR3-A/B and the Nautilus (known to fly into space and back at 30 mach!) which not many have heard of. But with co-opting international contractors from more than 10 countries, sharing of such top secret technologies wasn't an option.
The lifetime cost of this program was said to be 1.45 trillion.

Had this been a cold war, the US would have suffered a similar fate as the soviet union.
Will this program be sold to EU on a small cost??

US has tried to drag in many countries in the EU and even India, but no body is happy because its too expensive and needs time which no one has. So, US is thinking of shelving the entire program.
US has tried to drag in many countries in the EU and even India, but no body is happy because its too expensive and needs time which no one has. So, US is thinking of shelving the entire program.

Sorry Sir you are 100% wrong by saying they have also invited India, as they have not invited Indian's at any corner of the program and if they wish to sell it to India at a cost of $120 Million a piece then they will going to place an big order too.

Although the last option for US is to bring India as just a Customer for this F-35 program and offer them 100 of each plane type and I am more than 100% sure that IAF and IN will going to buy it like:
100 F-35As
100 F-35Bs
100 F-35Cs

and this can easily secure their beloved program.

But the tell me the current cost of:
Sorry Sir you are 100% wrong by saying they have also invited India, as they have not invited Indian's at any corner of the program and if they wish to sell it to India at a cost of $120 Million a piece then they will going to place an big order too.

Although the last option for US is to bring India as just a Customer for this F-35 program and offer them 100 of each plane type and I am more than 100% sure that IAF and IN will going to buy it like:
100 F-35As
100 F-35Bs
100 F-35Cs

and this can easily secure their beloved program.

But the tell me the current cost of:

I said tried, did not say formally invited. No formal announcement was made. US wants to keep this technology within its allies and India's relation with Russia is of concern for the US and India is already developing a similar program with Russia.
I said tried, did not say formally invited. No formal announcement was made. US wants to keep this technology within its allies and India's relation with Russia is of concern for the US and India is already developing a similar program with Russia.

I am sure now US representatives are in India and USA will sell it all the 3 models.

Also me the cost of each type???
Idiotss!!! :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:. It's shameful that Turkey is one of that 10 nations.

We should accept the offer of BAe, to go with Eurofighters with ToT. But again, our magnificant sultan's goverment refused it :hitwall:
Idiotss!!! :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:. It's shameful that Turkey is one of that 10 nations.

We should accept the offer of BAe, to go with Eurofighters with ToT. But again, our magnificant sultan's goverment refused it :hitwall:
In a way this is good for us,the TFX gets more importance.
For sure there will be participation from other countries.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military on Thursday downplayed concerns it could cancel the F-35 fighter and a new stealth bomber, after leaked documents from a budget review suggested the programs might be eliminated as one way to deal with deep budget cuts.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said on Wednesday that finding $500 billion in budget cuts required by law over the next decade, on top of $487 billion in cuts already being implemented, required tough trade-offs between the size of the military and high-end weapons programs.

Pentagon briefing slides shown to various groups mapped out those tradeoffs in stark terms, indicating that a decision to maintain a larger military could result in the cancellation of the $392 billion Lockheed Martin Corp F-35 program and a new stealthy, long-range bomber, according to several people who saw the slides.

Defense officials later stressed there were no plans to kill either program, noting that dismantling the F-35 program in particular would have far-reaching consequences for the U.S. military services and 10 foreign countries involved in the program, which is already in production.

"We have gone to great lengths to stress that this review identified, through a rigorous process of strategic modeling, possible decisions we might face, under scenarios we may or may not face in the future," Pentagon Spokesman George Little told Reuters in an email when asked about the slides.

"Any suggestion that we're now moving away from key modernization programs as a result of yesterday's discussion of the outcomes of the review would be incorrect," he said.

Analysts said Hagel and other Pentagon officials appeared to be leaning toward the option that would emphasize high-end weapons programs over force size.

Mackenzie Eaglen, an analyst at the American Enterprise Institute, said suggestions that the F-35 program "was being targeted was either an oversight or a scare tactic, but it wasn't a serious proposition that the entire program would be cancelled under any circumstances."

She said failure by Congress to reverse deep budget cuts could result in the F-35 program being slowed or scaled back, but outright cancellation was unlikely given the huge investment already made in the new warplane, which is designed to replace over a dozen planes in use around the world.

One defense official, who was not authorized to speak publicly, said the budget document had sketched out a worst-case scenario that was highly unlikely to occur.

"Cancelling the program would be detrimental to our national defense," said the official, noting that the U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps needed to replace aging fleets of fighter planes that were increasingly expensive to maintain.

Loren Thompson, chief operating officer of the Lexington Institute, cited estimates that it would cost four times the amount needed to buy new F-35s to keep the current force flying. And cutting the planned bomber would generate very little savings since the program - which could eventually cost around $30 billion - is in the early stages at this point, he said.

"You have to view these options as analytical excursions rather than serious proposals because they're not consistent with what the administration has said it wants to do," he said.

Pentagon acquisition chief Frank Kendall and top U.S. military officials have repeatedly underscored their commitment to the F-35 program in recent months.

On Thursday, Admiral James Winnefeld, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a House Armed Services Committee that early work to develop a new long-range bomber was on track, and the new bomber would be a vital part of the U.S. nuclear deterrent and potential future warfare concepts.

But he said deepening budget cuts under the Budget Control Act (BCA) of 2011 could threaten the ambitious schedule for the new bomber, which Air Force officials want to field by 2025 -- and potentially the whole program.

"It could impact that program in terms of timing," Winnefeld told lawmakers. "It also would depend a little bit on whether you emphasized capacity or capability in terms of how many you might buy or - or whether you would do the program."

Details are classified, but industry officials and analysts said Lockheed, Northrop Grumman Corp, and Boeing Co have been awarded small-scale study contracts to start working on possible bomber designs, with a formal acquisition process to begin in coming years.

The Air Force requested $400 million in its fiscal 2014 budget request for what it is trying to keep an affordable program. It plans to spend up to $550 million each to buy 80 to 100 new bombers in coming years, with an eye to fielding them in the mid-2020s, said spokesman Ed Gulick.

Jim Thomas, vice president at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, said the two options of a smaller military or sharp cutback in weapons programs represented a false dichotomy.

"This is almost one reasonably attractive option and a straw man that looks pretty unattractive," he said. "I don't think we're going to end up at either of these corners on the map. I think that you're going to get a hybrid solution."

(Additional reporting by David Alexander; Editing by Ken Wills)
Not even a tinniest chance. F-35 is and will be a very successful program.
I do not believe that they will cancel. They will reduce procurement 2 times, but until the U.S. will collapse - they will support even the most unsuccessful programs.
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