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Pentagon 2 | US building its 'Colonial Headquarter' in Pakistan?

@FaujHistorian : Dear Brother, I just take you 20 Years back, what happened after withdrawal of Russian forces from Afghanistan, US put sanctions on Pakistan, we already paid money for F-16 but they didn't provide to us. They know the importance of Pakistan to invade Afghanistan....We are their need for supplies and support, that's the reason....they used and still using Pakistan for their own benefit

you are now tlaking like boys in my younger brother's class.

you know nothing about the history

Sanctions were in place BEFORE commie attack on Afghanistan because we were pursuing nuki bumbs

But you won't know!
Although I beg to add that stabilization of the region (and not just one country) is much bigger objective.


Of course. It will take a co-ordinated effort with partnerships to achieve this goal.
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