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PEMRA Suspends GEO Entertainment & ARY licenses

PEMRA suspends license of Geo Entertainment, ARY News

The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) has suspended the licences of Geo Entertainment and ARY News over gross violations of the Authority laws.

According to a statement, PEMRA members unanimously decided to immediately suspend the license of Geo Entertainment for a period of 30 days and imposed a fine of Rs 10 million. The Authority also banned programme “Utho Jago Pakistan” aired on Geo Entertainment, its entire team including host Dr Shaista Lodhi, producer etc. forthwith, besides banning the rebroadcasting of this programme on any channel.

Regarding the violations committed by ARY News, the Authority unanimously decided to immediately suspend the licence of ARY News for 15 days and imposed a fine of Rs 10 million. The Authority has also banned programme “Khara Sach” aired on ARY News and its anchorperson Mubasher Lucman for persistently airing contemptuous and malicious campaign against the judiciary.

PEMRA suspends license of Geo Entertainment, ARY News | Pakistan Today
I am happy that mubashir luqman is permanently banned considering the type garbage that he spews, being a journalist, he has harmed journalism in Pakistan by dividing the journalist community

I am sitting in the US and have a lot of contacts in South Asia. Even I know this Luqman guy, is a blackmailer and a thug. He's ruthlessly blackmailed a lot of people. Not sure why people call this journalism. I heard this guy was nothing a few years ago, now he drives a better Mercedes and lives in an Estate better than many politicians......??? That's unprecedented economic growth for a journalist in a country like Pakistan.......
I am sitting in the US and have a lot of contacts in South Asia. Even I know this Luqman guy, is a blackmailer and a thug. He's ruthlessly blackmailed a lot of people. Not sure why people call this journalism. I heard this guy was nothing a few years ago, now he drives a better Mercedes and lives in an Estate better than many politicians......??? That's unprecedented economic growth for a journalist in a country like Pakistan.......
believe it or not, the guy owns private planes ! ( no kidding) he has a line of cars & lives is posh house, this guy is one dubious fellow
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This is good, these bans should put these channels in their place. Both Ary and Geo are fooling the people of Pakistan.
ARY's Mubashir Luqman accused Kayani of being a Free Mason while Kayani was a serving COAS. This is a line even Geo has not crossed and is in-fact a far far more serious allegation then the one Geo accused ISI chief of. Considering the emotional state of a common Pakistani such an accusation can be enough to get someone killed.

I think there is grouping within Army, Kayani is ridiculed almost on a regular basis and there is not a peep out of Khakis (even by pro-Army analysts like Zaid Hamid) yet a word against Musharraf get them riled up.
Journalist should not run "SPECULATIVE" shows , where with out research judgement is passed
Such shows should be , challenged in courts and fines should be imposed
ARY's Mubashir Luqman accused Kayani of being a Free Mason while Kayani was a serving COAS. This is a line even Geo has not crossed and is in-fact a far far more serious allegation then the one Geo accused ISI chief of. Considering the emotional state of a common Pakistani such an accusation can be enough to get someone killed.
Everybody knows that kayani became shemale.
I think there is grouping within Army, Kayani is ridiculed almost on a regular basis and there is not a peep out of Khakis (even by pro-Army analysts like Zaid Hamid) yet a word against Musharraf get them riled up.
Comes down to the personality involved - ZA Bhutto was adored by millions (as was BB) and could draw crowds effortlessly - Zardari on the other hand, despite leading the very same PPP, does not command anywhere close to the same amount of respect.

Musharraf had a "larger than life" personality - he was the 'commando', brash, outspoken, and unapologetic about Pakistan when engaging with the world. He commanded a lot of respect and adoration among a certain breed of 'nationalistic Pakistanis'. Kayani was by far the better 'soldier' and 'COAS', but he was quiet, secretive and shunned the limelight, so while he may have been respected as a soldier, he did not command the kind of 'loyalty' that Musharraf did with his personality cult.
Comes down to the personality involved - ZA Bhutto was adored by millions (as was BB) and could draw crowds effortlessly - Zardari on the other hand, despite leading the very same PPP, does not command anywhere close to the same amount of respect.

Musharraf had a "larger than life" personality - he was the 'commando', brash, outspoken, and unapologetic about Pakistan when engaging with the world. He commanded a lot of respect and adoration among a certain breed of 'nationalistic Pakistanis'. Kayani was by far the better 'soldier' and 'COAS', but he was quiet, secretive and shunned the limelight, so while he may have been respected as a soldier, he did not command the kind of 'loyalty' that Musharraf did with his personality cult.
kiyani was also a coward with no balls
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