Yes all one big conspiracy against you isn't it. Nothing is ever your fault. A faultless victim just carrying out Gods orders.
That is by far the lamest response by your type I have ever come across. What happen? Straight up debate proved too much for you, now that you're resorting to psychological ploys? And yes of course, all your kind resorts to the favorite word "
conspiracy." It's not a conspiracy when it is documented and your benevolent (yeah right!) british governments admit to it. Slave Trade Enterprize in the Caribbean, North America, massacre of Africans to impose imperial writ over a free people, proliferation of opium into China to subjugate China's traders and forcing it into a war it couldn't win. The list is endless and what more, evil ole britain is still at it to present day. So take your "
conspiracy theory" rant elsewhere.
Gaslighting your way out of a debate on giving a very small minority their due rights.
Rights? What rights? When a people openly defy God's commands they are given an opportunity to return to the normal society. If they choose to continue in their ways, they will not be accepted into a Muslim society where God's law is supreme. Accepting homos in their diseased form is defying God's law. We can provide help, we can reintegrate them into society and we would provide education and friendship, if they are willing to become normal again. Other than that, it's disobedience of God's commands and that is something a Muslim shall not do.
I've said here before I'll say it again, politics is a product of greed and envy, anyone who has murdered innocents is just as guilty.
Good, now go force your british government to handover trillions $$$$ in gold and diamonds back to Africa, repatriate hundreds of thousands of Africans back to Africa. While you're at it, compensate the Indians for the millions that died of hunger and return all of the jewels stolen from the Mughal empire. Don't forget compensating the Chinese for the Opium Wars, and not forgetting the reparation for Japanese invasions done on the back british transfer of military technology. Return Gibraltar back to Spain, Las Malvinas back to Argentina, repatriate the indigenous population of the island referred to as Deigo Garcia. Once you've managed to have the british government accomplish these tasks. Then place all financial dealings as a matter of transparency so that the world can see how much money was provided to support and fund institutions and individuals who actively formulate and organize coalitions of terrorist groups in Syria, in Iraq, in Libya and in Afghanistan. After that, compensate the Palestinian people with land and money and repatriate Ashkenazis back to britain, germany, poland, bulgaria, austria, ukraine, belgium, netherlands and etc.
One thing is for certain people in the west, the ordinary people understand true humanity thats why we have multiculturalism here and genuine peace.
Rrriiiiiiiiight!!!!! And the cows have been jumping over the moon, unicorns flying in marshmallow clouds and the next Prime Minister of britain is a Muslim. Of course there is genuine peace, due to genuine terrorist proliferation in the Middle East by your secular western zionist governments and the wars that imposed on various countries in the Middle East. Not forgetting staunch support of brutal regimes in Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, Emirates and Kuwait. Splendid work, worthy of genuine peace!!!
While you are in a crime ridden poverty stricken 3rd world hellhole. But thats not your fault you are just a poor little victim just doing Gods bidding.
My poverty at least affords me freedom. My children do not grow up in a divorced family, and won't learn about the lies of homosexuality. I'm no victim, but that doesn't stop me from calling out the criminal, satanic britain for what it really is.
ISIS poor little muslims doing Gods bidding aren't they. Sickening. Its a disgust that a lot of good people have for this mindset.
Now you're just making an *** out of yourself. There are 2 billion of us Muslims on this planet, and even the ignorant ones know that Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Nusra, HTS, Al-Shabab are terrorist scum, paid for and supported by Wahhabi elites of the Middle Eastern regimes. Who in turn are close to secular zionist west, ardently supported and protected by secular zionist west. It's best if you leave this subject to the big boys who have actually studied and are better equipped in knowledge on this subject matter. So run along mr. secularist, this isn't my first rodeo dealing with yout kind.
If you had any peace and love in your heart you would understand humans deserve dignity and not be name called or killed for something as trivial as what gender he/she prefers.
One can tell that you're an ignorant, illiterate secularist westerner when you talk about killing of homosexuals to a Pakistani. Even a jackass knows that there is a community of transvestites in Pakistan, who are treated with kindness due to their condition (physical or mental). None are "killed" or oppressed. They move about freely in the cities across Pakistan and have been given dignified humane treatment throughout the 70 year history of Pakistan.
Killing and that sort of thing started in the western hemisphere. Death penalty is awarded to those miscreants who politicize homosexuality and use it as a weapon. Not everyone in the world is like you educated yet illiterate, knowledgeable yet ignorant secularists. Because in the East we don't throw our hubris around like a dead carcass, since in Islam hubris is prohibited. No run along and go cry about your delusional fantasies to someone else.