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Peace-loving India, the world's largest arms importer

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What happens when the internal groups take that stick and hit you in head - militarization of India , will only promote poorer groups in India to bear arms in foreseeable future and that treat that lies is far greater threat then anything

And it also does not helps that Iran is going to shut down Indian oil for no payment for 2-3 years again which negatively impact prices and health of local society

And ideal mean for india is to be at peace with its neighbors , and not become obsessive with the stick - because in end , the people and poverty and jobs and economy will determine things....

No oil from Iran = high inflation on food prices and greater chaos not to mention missed gas pipeline deal worth billions to Indian economy

In essence the stick is being used to deflate India and its people from benefits of trade with its neighbors and start a potential arms race

we will sort out problem with Iran.

you miss point. these terrorists are harvested by our 'friends' in order to pose danger to us. its proxy war

why dont they openly declare war on us when their janata thinks Indians are easily conquerable?

because if they do so, our mighty army, navy and air force will hit them so hard that they will bleed hard.

so they are forced to fight proxy war.

but they cant win every time.

7/11 happened nearly three years after 26/11.

in mean time there was no terrorist attack in India.

so our stance on defense spending is right.
What happens when the internal groups take that stick and hit you in head - militarization of India , will only promote poorer groups in India to bear arms in foreseeable future and that treat that lies is far greater threat then anything

And it also does not helps that Iran is going to shut down Indian oil for no payment for 2-3 years again which negatively impact prices and health of local society

And ideal mean for india is to be at peace with its neighbors , and not become obsessive with the stick - because in end , the people and poverty and jobs and economy will determine things....

No oil from Iran = high inflation on food prices and greater chaos not to mention missed gas pipeline deal worth billions to Indian economy

In essence the stick is being used to deflate India and its people from benefits of trade with its neighbors and start a potential arms race

If peace with Pakistan means giving Kashmir to Pakistan in a silver platter, forget it ...not gonna happen.

Also Iran is not the only country with oil and as far as there is no everlasting peace b/n India & Pakistan IPI pipeline will remain a pipedream. Energy security is of greater importance than the so called "billions to Indian economy ".

India is the leading economy in SA and its our neighbours problem that they fear trading with India.
As sooon as Tata comes out with their Air fueled car, this help alleviate India burden on foriegn oil greatly. India should give tx benefits and promote the purchase of such domestic vehicles. It will give us security and shield us from the market unpredictability.
As sooon as Tata comes out with their Air fueled car, this help alleviate India burden on foriegn oil greatly. India should give tx benefits and promote the purchase of such domestic vehicles. It will give us security and shield us from the market unpredictability.

People always make the mistake of equating oil with internal combustion engines. Apart from fuel for cars and trucks oil form the raw material for many chemicals and plastics & the manufacture of products like tyres. Even the waste product left after refining crude ,tar, is used for building roads.
Peace and Freedom are not for free.The only guarantee of Peace and Freedom is if you invest in your armed forces and India is doing the right thing by investing in her armed forces.
India is peace loving for sure but it doesn't mean that others believe in the peace too. We need more and more weapons to maintain peace and progress in the world.
There is never peace in the World. There is either War or Truce. During Truce you accumulate weapons, during war you use them!
What happens when the internal groups take that stick and hit you in head - militarization of India , will only promote poorer groups in India to bear arms in foreseeable future and that treat that lies is far greater threat then anything

And it also does not helps that Iran is going to shut down Indian oil for no payment for 2-3 years again which negatively impact prices and health of local society

And ideal mean for india is to be at peace with its neighbors , and not become obsessive with the stick - because in end , the people and poverty and jobs and economy will determine things....

No oil from Iran = high inflation on food prices and greater chaos not to mention missed gas pipeline deal worth billions to Indian economy

In essence the stick is being used to deflate India and its people from benefits of trade with its neighbors and start a potential arms race

oh i see u are from pak finance ministry,how did u manage to figure that out thats totally ingenious.My servant is on leave can u please help me buy groceries m very poor at math :rofl:
What happens when the internal groups take that stick and hit you in head - militarization of India , will only promote poorer groups in India to bear arms in foreseeable future and that treat that lies is far greater threat then anything

Talking about 'Pakistan' happening in India? Not possible. :disagree:

Than why do you have a military when Taliban and AQ weekly attacks on military? Do not you should disintegrate all the military? :lol: When poorest groups in Pakistan taking arms what will happen to you? Like there are many news of AQ and Taliban infiltration into the military?

Just google for Pakistan nukes. lol

And it also does not helps that Iran is going to shut down Indian oil for no payment for 2-3 years again which negatively impact prices and health of local society

And ideal mean for india is to be at peace with its neighbors , and not become obsessive with the stick - because in end , the people and poverty and jobs and economy will determine things....

No oil from Iran = high inflation on food prices and greater chaos not to mention missed gas pipeline deal worth billions to Indian economy

In essence the stick is being used to deflate India and its people from benefits of trade with its neighbors and start a potential arms race

With such condition of your economy you spend so much money on defence and get many as aid from other countries so how you lecture India? India's economy is currently one of the strongest in the world. With inflation we still have huge growth. Though Iran will not stop oil if they do we have many other options.
What happens when the internal groups take that stick and hit you in head - militarization of India , will only promote poorer groups in India to bear arms in foreseeable future and that treat that lies is far greater threat then anything

And it also does not helps that Iran is going to shut down Indian oil for no payment for 2-3 years again which negatively impact prices and health of local society

And ideal mean for india is to be at peace with its neighbors , and not become obsessive with the stick - because in end , the people and poverty and jobs and economy will determine things....

No oil from Iran = high inflation on food prices and greater chaos not to mention missed gas pipeline deal worth billions to Indian economy

In essence the stick is being used to deflate India and its people from benefits of trade with its neighbors and start a potential arms race

What is militarisation of India?

Aren't all countries in the neighbourhood not equipping itself to protect itself? And is this equipping themselves militarily not affecting their own citizens' welfare and social needs? Therefore, is India the only one at this game?

Fortunately for India, it has the money buy weapons and still spare some for social and infrastructure improvement. However, the causes for what apparently looks that it is not quick enough are many. It, however, does not warrant the country to be in a military void so that the neighbours have an easy time to nibble away Indian territory at will.

As the saying goes - you win some, you lose some.

Iran may shut down gas to India, but then there is always Qatar and others. Every thing in life has a price. If you can pay it, you can have the goodies!

Iran's payment is not because of any cash not being there with India to pay, it is because of Iran fluctuating the price without reason and it is in dispute. India's FOREX is one of the healthiest in the world commensurate to its requirements!

Food inflation is solely not because of oil. There are other factors that are in play.
actually the payment problems with Iran are due to the sanctions against Iran, which prevents us from routing the money through normal means.
Check the Global Peace Index.

Global Peace Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China (#80), is ranked as being FAR more peaceful than India (#135).

Of course, our problems with our neighbours never descend to the level where cross-border miliants shoot up hotels and blow up financial centers.

China has reached a stage where it can answer back any nation it wants, we are not at the level till now but once we are, we will move up the food chain as well. Its wiser for China to walk with us rather than against us, we are the Asian Giants, and its only time before we rule the world. China continued stress on Pakistan will only delay that. From what I am seeing that trend is changing for sure, maybe Beijing is smarter than many war mongering folk here and knows that its future interest lie with India not Pakistan.

Our problems are because our western enemy uses terror as a state policy and attacks using terror, it cant man up and attack from the front because it knows that such a try will lead to its destruction so it uses terror to achieve it goals. Fortunately for India, today Pakistan itself is suffering from its own inbred terror, maybe thats what the Chinese the theory of Ying/Yang, Pakistan is paying the price of its deeds and I hope it continues to do so before it actually changes its ways. One bomb attack or a cowardly strike on India wont slow up down, will only give us more incentive to work harder.
But if your per capita income become highest in the world still you are slaves of communist masters. You cannot do what you want. Your decision is made by the party. This cannot be compared with any human being on earth forget rich or poor , you are living a inhuman life.

LOL, Hong Kong has a GDP per capita THIRTY times higher than India. One Hong Kong person produces more output than 30 Indians.

If you think I don't have dignity, living in one of the most developed cities in the world, then what about third-world India?
China has reached a stage where it can answer back any nation it wants, we are not at the level till now but once we are, we will move up the food chain as well. Its wiser for China to walk with us rather than against us, we are the Asian Giants, and its only time before we rule the world.

I used to think that way as well, but that was before I actually started talking to Indians.

They have too much hatred in their hearts against China and Pakistan. So I respond to them in the same way they respond to me.
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