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Peace-loving India, the world's largest arms importer

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see until and unless china doesnt get hit by a shocker similar to u.s. They won't understand that how big a threat terrorism has become .i hope that day never come, but when u r near fire u r bound to catch it

Leave alone China, no country will understand terrorism until and unless they feel the sting when planes crash onto their skyscrapers or bombs go off in their markets or their citizens are targeted and killed just because they are the citizens of the country. China is a relatively peaceful country and after the Korean War PLA never fought a major war or took part in COIN operations. So best of luck China and I wish they never feel the pain of terrorism that India feels.
Title is pretty interesting, i can guess credential of author from it.

Indian weapons have kept peace in our part of the world and has let us live with our way of life so far.Otherwise there are number of arrogant rag tag land encroachers and quixotic nuisances; waiting for tactical and strategic pinpricks due to their sheer inferiority complexes and hatred.

Si vis pacem, para bellum; If you wish for peace, prepare for war. I hope the so called ''darbari'' elite defence website blogger do understand this military saying very well; who are pretending to be confused about Indian procurements.
The obvious answer for your question will be: never compare the second biggest economy with the tenth one, most of all we have more than 3 trillion in our pocket while you have only less than 300 billion. :azn:
Let's wait till your overheated economy takes a toss and your economic bubble bursts! :azn:
Let's wait till your overheated economy takes a toss and your economic bubble bursts! :azn:

Funny, Indian economy is slowing faster. Below 7% growth in one year according to some non-Indian economic predictions.
Funny, Indian economy is slowing faster. Below 7% growth in one year according to some non-Indian economic predictions.

Lol IMF reported we have had better advancement in economy than the much argued fastest growing economy, IMF was the source. What do you have to say to that gentleman?
Classic geostrategy. Make your rivals spend more money on imported weapons, to weaken their indigenous defence industry, and to prevent them from investing that money in economic competitiveness.
St rategy I think then you should be ashamed of your strategy makers I mean if even after doing so much they hav'nt been able to force us to increase our defence budget to even 3% of our GDP then it is simply a waste to spend money on them ....and as far as our defence industry is concern then I think you are neglecting a lot things ...like we are not only importing equipment we are also forcing those companies to invest in our defence sector I hope the limit rings the bell and not to forget about providing TOT and all...
China & Pakistan should not act as if they are saints and hold India responsible for SA's arm race. India became the 4th largest armed force due to 1962. In 1965, when Pakistan had conventional arms superiority over India for the only time in Indo-Pak relations, they launched Operation Gibraltor & Operation Grandslam. So thanks for reminding us of Ghandisim and non-violence but we prefer "Peace through strength".


peace means carrying bigger stick than your neighbor

peace means carrying bigger stick than your neighbor

What happens when the internal groups take that stick and hit you in head - militarization of India , will only promote poorer groups in India to bear arms in foreseeable future and that treat that lies is far greater threat then anything

And it also does not helps that Iran is going to shut down Indian oil for no payment for 2-3 years again which negatively impact prices and health of local society

And ideal mean for india is to be at peace with its neighbors , and not become obsessive with the stick - because in end , the people and poverty and jobs and economy will determine things....

No oil from Iran = high inflation on food prices and greater chaos not to mention missed gas pipeline deal worth billions to Indian economy

In essence the stick is being used to deflate India and its people from benefits of trade with its neighbors and start a potential arms race
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