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PDM backed care taker gov and institutions blocked whole Lahore to stop entry in imran khan jalsa

Need to turn this huge power of people into a Tehreek, a Dharna now, otherwise after the Jalsa and people retrieving, the PDM mafia can start a new crackdown with people tired from the show.

Need to get some demands met, turn it into a bargaining power, warning the govt.

Dharnas never achieved anything, PTI hold records of longest dharna achieving nothing. PTI Should start door to door awareness campaign to reverse the brainwashing of 7+ decades. Whenever elections are conducted, PTI must form 2/3 majority govt. in all provinces and center. And must do all required legislations and structural changes within first 3 months to cut the roots of mafias. He will not have chance to do so after honeymoon period.
What a salty boomer you are sir. The torture in your comments shows in how much pain you really are in even if you are in denial. keep it up and may Allah bless you and give you hidayat. That’s all I can say. This is my first and last message to you.

Do not be sad for him; he is just a symptom of the problems in Pakistan. He's educated within the same structure as the military, so look at him and study what not to be. Then understand why Pakistan is an empty canister that makes noise. In a country where the Army Chief has to go out and beg for funds, people wonder why Pakistan isn't respected and always tossed aside after being used. The only thing this country (or institution) has offered its people is useless Tarana's every year and the 1965 Defense Day Parade every year, that too after it fails in Operation Grand Slam and Gibraltar and whereas at the end of the war, your back at the same status quo, celebrating a war you started and couldn't win.

Pakistan is no different than India (Abhinandan) in celebrating failures.
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the break up.. it is hard.

The Zaman Park incident was a failed strategy for IK since Police eventually came after public and PTI members, secondly if GOP had killed IK in captivity or tortured him, then they would
Victime blaming?
As for PDF members joining hands for sake of PTI or Pakistan, its all bark and no bite.
The same goes for islo/pindi statements for Kashmir. Just a verbal fight.
عمران خان کے جلسے میں موجود لوگ پی ٹی آئی کے کارکن ہیں جب کہ نانی کے ٤٠ چوروں سے بھرا شادی ہال خلق خدا

اور ہماری اسٹیبلشمنٹ بھی یہی سمجھتی ہے

ذہنی استعداد کا اندازہ لگائیں ذرا، جبھی تو بت پرستوں سے ہمیشہ مار کھائی ہے
Neither IK nor public have the brains to do this, only emotional hearts which can't strategize or tactically advance towards election. The Zaman Park incident was a failed strategy for IK since Police eventually came after public and PTI members, secondly if GOP had killed IK in captivity or tortured him, then they would have shot themselves in the foot by losing IMF loan completely, losing expected aid from friendly countries and facing country wide riots. Another reason why IK travelled to Isb after that like a free man and warrant suspended by LHC before Police became lethal in its actions causing human rights concerns for IMF conditions. Bear in mind that the newspapers started giving numbers of wounded policemen in media instantly.

As for PDF members joining hands for sake of PTI or Pakistan, its all bark and no bite.

Coming from a 12th grader whose only life achievement is saying yes sir.
عمران خان کے جلسے میں موجود لوگ پی ٹی آئی کے کارکن ہیں جب کہ نانی کے ٤٠ چوروں سے بھرا شادی ہال خلق خدا

اور ہماری اسٹیبلشمنٹ بھی یہی سمجھتی ہے

ذہنی استعداد کا اندازہ لگائیں ذرا، جبھی تو بت پرستوں سے ہمیشہ مار کھائی ہے
پاکستانی گئے بھاڑ میں یہ لوگ سپر برین ہیں یہ فیصلہ کریں گے


اسٹیبلشمنٹ کے ٹی ٹیز (ٹاوٹس) کی حالت دیکھنے والی ہے- ان بیچاروں کی زندگی بہت خراب ہوتی ہے، آخر میں اسٹیبلشمنٹ پاکستان کا ہی سوچے گی، سوچنا پڑیگا، کیونکہ ملک ہے تو ڈی ایچ اے ہے، بیغیرتوں کا کیا ہوگا؟

پاکستانی گئے بھاڑ میں یہ لوگ سپر برین ہیں یہ فیصلہ کریں گے


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