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PDF vs CORONAVIRUS - Call to Arms!

Chartered Accountant

I think we should consider pooling funds for buying Wheat Rice Sugar soap salt spices lentils etc for daily wagers in case of a potential lockdown.
Individually We cannot afford to do this. But collectively even if we donate a weekly 1,000 to 2,000 Rs we can feed our economically challanged brothers and sisters for basic supplies.
Without revealing too much about myself, I'm currently volunteering at a hospital in a neighboring city, as I'm currently out of work (temporarily) due to the virus, and my local hospital has too many volunteers.

In fact, I'm writing this message from the break room of said hospital.

Appreciate your effort. Hope you have taken good measures.
Im just waiting for my $1200 check to come :partay:

Thought it was $1k lol??

And is it even "guaranteed"??

Feel like it's just another thing Trump says...

7. Antibacterial soaps and sanitizers are for bacterias and won't do anything to covid 19 as its a virus.

What is the status of the availability of soap and clean water to the average Pakistani person?

Don't know about that but any type of soap....normal and anti-bacterial works for removing the virus.


Follow the 20 second rule for handwashing with soap!!! (won't work with just water)

Also use a hand sanitizer with a higher alcohol (60% and above) content. If you don't have access to water.


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Thought it was $1k lol??

And is it even "guaranteed"??

Feel like it's just another thing Trump says...

Don't know about that but any type of soap....normal and anti-bacterial works for removing the virus.


Follow the 20 second rule for handwashing with soap!!! (won't work with just water)

Also use a hand sanitizer with a higher alcohol (60% and above) content.


in the end bablu was right for washing more than 1 minute
Appreciate your effort. Hope you have taken good measures.
The hospital I volunteer at has strict screening, and there are a number if areas under lockdown, where only small number of specific staff are allowed to go.

Plus, I take a lot of precautions, so I'm not too worried.
Seeing as the world has been held up by the first pandemic we've seen. I think instead of sitting on our behinds, let's do something instead of fighting each other. Let's fight the virus. The panic is also very real and right now you can make the world of a difference. So, I'm calling for a ceasement of all hostilities, for now, and calling to arms all members who are passionate and worried for their families and communities.

Please, below just write where you are and what can you do (i.e. anything you can provide or do such as programming, are you a doctor, psychologist, writer, etc.,). Please, let me know how many of you are interested but I want to strike back and arm our people against this menace.

ME: Psychologist, PK.
Much ado about nothing. It is just an exaggerated reporting by corrupt media which has it’s own agenda. Covid mortality rate is not even 4%. In South Asia it is even less – less than 2%. Ebola had a mortality rate of 40%.

I don’t take any precautions. My mother forces me to wear mask. I take it off after catching the bus. And I freely mix with people.

People with access to our PM and govt decision makers should try to make the thickheaded pm of ours understand that this is an emergency and his responses are nothing short of blunders. impose a lockdown now.
Good thread.
The virus is new,,,so not much is known,,,,what we do know is that it is very contagious and causes lower respiratory tract infection,severe pneumonia in some cases. Old ppl r at the highest risk but it can infect all.

Anecdotal evidence shows various anti viral drugs alongwith chloroquine n symptomatic treatment help,,,although definitive treatment is not present.so till that comes,,,all we can do is manage it.n keep an eye out for new info as it comes out.
Right now thr is no timeline to predict whn it subsides,,might take months.
Also no guarantee tht its not going to come again nxt yr.

In this situation,,,it is prudent tht we maintain social distancing n personal hygiene to atleast decrease the speed at which it is spreading,,,so tht hospitals dont end up overburdened.

So everyone,,takecare :tup:
It is because Pakistan's PM Imran Khan has access to ISI's classified information. And ISI has told them that media is making mountain of a molehill.

reported for trolling
Five things I list here, in shaa Allah people will not have to go to hospital even if they get infected.

1 - Black seed oil (1 teaspoon every second day)
2 - Olive leaf powder (1 teaspoon every day, only if someone is not using BP medicine)
3 - Vitamin C (at least 500 mg everyday)
4 - Vitamin D3 (at least 250 percent of the minimum daily allowance)
5 - Zinc supplement

Other than the above, raw honey, raw garlic, ginger and curcumin will also help greatly..

Bro does olive leaf powder help with high BP?

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