You really do think that the whole forum is revolving around targeting you!!

One man against the whole evil system. Its empowering and inspirational really but it is delusional as well man. I never thought you to be the delusional kind though so it surprises me more and forces me to comment.

So again, NO, you are not the focal point nor have a bulls eye painted on your back man. Everyone here comes here for himself/herself. That is it. The whole management, the MODs, the members, they have much more to do in their personal life as well as here on forum than to target one specific person knowing that it wont do any good to anyone. I dont want to say it sir, it sounds like disrespectful but i hope you will pick up the meaning more than the words, you are a nobody on the forum. No one cares about targeting you or anyone else in particular. We find it difficult to delete the problematic and reported posts/trolls and that is already more than enough, no one will go out to delete "THOUSANDS" of your posts taking out time from his personal life or even his online time.
Please try and understand this reality sir jee.