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PDF is being hacked, what the hell is going on ???

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: I just laughed at that infidel thingy under a hindu indian member.
New ranking system ?
Well, Alexa says that in last 3 months pdf's rank has gone down by 5000 points, main reason being that the site is slow.
But most interestingly it says that there 're more female members on this site than male members. :lol:
Well, Alexa says that in last 3 months pdf has gone down by 5000 ranks, main reason being that the site is slow.
But most interestingly it says that there 're more female members on this site than male members. :lol:
no need to be politically correct and sugar coat the words. i know what you meant there.
Well, Alexa says that in last 3 months pdf's rank has gone down by 5000 points, main reason being that the site is slow.
But most interestingly it says that there 're more female members on this site than male members. :lol:

Thanks for calling me sir today. So I am safe. :azn:
no need to be politically correct and sugar coat the words. i know what you meant there.
you're alive??? Glad!

Btw what do you think I meant?? hm?

Let me make it clear, I meant that since last few months the site has been facing certain issues (like ddos attacks and some other technical glitches) but the site is doing fine.
May be now pdf has a competitor and that might 've affected its viewership. I'm not sure!

Thanks for calling me sir today. So I am safe. :azn:
My calling you sir is not a certificate (and it doesn't prove anything :P )
Kidding!!! :lol:

Btw visit to alexa was enlightening :-)
defence.pk Site Overview
I have posted a thread and it's waiting mods approval....
system moderation!
There must be offensive words in it which got detected and ergo it is queued up for mod's approval.
Otherwise every newbie can post his or her threads here.
Yes its divine intervention. What have been you doing lately.
I tried to change my profile image, I delete previous but can't download new one:sad:
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