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Bad memory..8-)....were you not the one who suggested webmaster to make IPs visible (for i guess the senior members).

And FYI IPs can reveal a lot more than numerals.:-) ( as if you didnt know :))

1. I was talking about admins not senior members.
2. and I know what IP can reveal but I don't need to spy
Levina ji, Jana ji is a senior member here. And a good friend of the admins. She can trace you if she wants.

Levina ji, Jana ji is a senior member here. And a good friend of the admins. She can trace you if she wants.


it will be good if you guys focus on the purpose of the thread.

I don't need to trace anyone as it does not benefit or even harm me whoever is using whatever IP :)
it will be good if you guys focus on the purpose of the thread.

I don't need to trace anyone as it does not benefit or even harm me whoever is using whatever IP :)

Jana ji you know I am a big fan of yours. I want to continue the love jihad bahas with you. You did not tell me how to multi quote but. :(
Jana ji you know I am a big fan of yours. I want to continue the love jihad bahas with you. You did not tell me how to multi quote but. :(

check your profile may be there is an option for multi quote. or just quote a post and quickly reply to another quote :P in no time 

The REPORT Button has gone.
1. I was talking about admins not senior members.
2. and I know what IP can reveal but I don't need to spy

By Admin you meant mods right???
I am sure they can already see it....ahem ahem.

And i was kidding about you spying.
Now drop that spade.:-) 
Levina ji, Jana ji is a senior member here. And a good friend of the admins. She can trace you if she wants.
I dont have any issues with a senior member/mod tracking me.

doppleganger said:

Don't know about IPs but there definitely should be some indicator of a member's status like there used to be earlier.
And they are visible now.So thats good going Admin.
@WebMaster I am getting fatal error when trying to see my posts (your content).

Also, how can I choose 2-3 posts of a thread and quote all of them in a single reply?

Jana ji's workaround is good (typical desi ingenuity) though a tad inelegant. 



Search shows fatal error. Seems developments are in progress
@WebMaster, after posting in the below mentioned thread, when I clicked on then New Post Tab, I couldn't see this thread. Moreover, I can't see it at the moment too. (to see it, I checked my browsing history). :undecided:

Breaking New :: IAF Plane crashes near jamnagar in Gujarat | Pakistan Defence

Edit: I've posted in this thread too. However, it dose not show this thread too. If you want, I can upload a screenshot.

Long time no see. :)

Provide a screenshot.

Can you access the thread via link though?
Long time no see. :)

Provide a screenshot.

Can you access the thread via link though?

Was Traveling for almost 2 Months.I can access the Thread via Link. Here are the Screenshots:


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