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PDF Color Scheme

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The 'Upload a File' feature is not working, as every test image i have tried to upload has failed.

Why am I the bully?

I'm pretty easy to get along with type guy. I just like to make jokes.
This is not the final look, it will be a lot better than before

Will the final one look closer to the old green and white one?Or is the current one be used as the basis of further development?

The 'Upload a File' feature is not working, as every test image i have tried to upload has failed.
{"error":["A server error occurred. Please try again later."]
,"templateHtml":"\n\n\n<divclass=/"errorOverlay\">\n\t<aclass=\"close OverlayCloser\"><\/a>\n\t\n\t\t<h2 class=\"heading\">Thefollowing error occurred:<\/h2>\n\t\t\n\t\t<div class=\"baseHtml\">\n\t\t\n\t\t\t<label for=\"ctrl_0\" class=\"OverlayCloser\">A server error occurred. Please try again later.<\/label>\n\t\t\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\n<
conversationsUnread":"0","_ visitor_alertsUnread":"0"}
This error appears
How about a teaser screenshot of new theme? :rolleyes:
I know what Xenforo is capable of, if everything turns out right, it will be better looking then before!

listen please...
The Jr.TT and TT looks quite good,but I have an idea too.
How about renaming jrTT into 'think Tank' and TT into senior think tank.
Because webmaster,we have excellent blog writers such as secur,havisultan,jaibi etc
calling them Jr.TT is not fair,where as it is also not fair to call old members as TT,they are old,they should be renamed as Senior think tank while jrTT must be called Think Tank only rather then Jr.TT
It will also give much more professional look.
Senior thin tank can be written as Sr.Think Tank or Sn.Think Tank.

hi , being on Fourm arina, i know for the fact that XenForo is new and Mutch better platform.
But i have a Issue, My Thanks Count and Points Count is Showing Zero, is this a temporary glitch or something else, please clear.

hi , being on Fourm arina, i know for the fact that XenForo is new and Mutch better platform.
But i have a Issue, My Thanks Count and Points Count is Showing Zero, is this a temporary glitch or something else, please clear.
That is temporary.It will be fixed soon.Inshallah.
@praveen007 yes webmaster has clarified earlier, likes will be renamed thanks and all the thanks will be back
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