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PDF 2014 - New Changes

@WebMaster: This new "look" is really distracting, and giving me an eyesore. Readability and useability have gone for a toss. I agree with a comment earlier, that you shouldn't cram so many features on the page. I'm reading an article, and my eyes can't help seeing the content on the right, in 'latest posts'. I really think the thread content and messgaes should be all there is on the screen. It doesn't help to be distracted by so many unconnected titles on the right side on every page. The human brain's focus and attention is easily diverted. Why go for a 'magazine look', when this is not a magazine, but a forum? Mostly we are here to read the content in the OP and responses to it, right? Besides, time stamp of each message should be shown without needing to hover the mouse over it - timestamp is important to know to follow the flow of a conversation.

Bottom line, the new look really doesn't help readability.

what about if the threads are page-less, like a stream of posts as in twitter or timeline of FB?
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if the "time stamp, report link, bookmark link" at the left bottom are put in different color, or at different location, or under the thank area, then these would be easily distinguished as not the part of the main post/

and visibility of who thanked without an extra click, may be........

and "member since" is missing

and the different color shade in the background of two posts look great now.
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@WebMaster One suggestion -

There is a lot more on top before actual post starts. Just open a thread and you wont see first post but the banner, ads and additional info.

I understand ads cant be taken off or truncated but you can relocate other things like viewers list(may be to the bottom), and social site icons(may be into sidebar).

How am i supposed to read quoted parts ? :undecided:

I concur with my many other fellow PDF netizens. The old PDF format was so much better. Everything looks kind of jumbled up now.
Hi, I see the old format is somewhat back with the side right hand margin removed, and irritating ads etc eliminated, giving more reading space in posts! I hope it's permanent!:yahoo:

Thanks a million, Webby! May the force be with you! :tup:

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