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PCB pays USD 1.6 million to BCCI after losing case in ICC's Dispute Resolution Committee

The current Prime Minister of Pakistan won the world cup in 1992.
Brother @DESERT FIGHTER it's cool, this dishonourable fellow @Neptune_ was the one who called out Kashmiris for their 'terrorism', but wholeheartedly praises the Indian armed forces who regularly shoot up Bengali civilians on the IB. You can't argue with such a mentality.
He should stay in the Bangladesh section for his own good, a place where I might add he isn't highly respected either.
I m not at all excited.

Just laughing at the stupidity of PCB my friend.

They filed a lawsuit against BCCI without doing their research properly, lost the case in a humiliating fashion and now paying the bills of the defendants.

They acted like a plain stupid. Instead of of taking the lesson from their past mistake they have again acted in a foolish manner and they r likely to get humiliated yet again. I m just laughing at their incompetency, nothing else.my friend.
the incompetency is of only one person and that is the person who traded his bargaining power with MoUs and then left after filing this case, knowing very well that he was incompetent and would not have to defend it as he would be replaced by the incoming government. Now he is back on air doing his daily business
Better ask ur moma about the number times she had been raped to push out a braindead whoreson like u .......hehe

I'll post wherever i please. Twat like u aren't going to decide that.

Says an inbreed slum dwelling bastard.

Yes ur people. USA bombed the shit out of ur people and like a subservient slave u peasants continued to suck the balls of ur master. 80 thousand of ur Pak civilians got slaughtered by USA/NATO forces. But ingrates like has obviously forgotten this truth. Not surprising at all. After all USA bought the @ss of ur peasant lot with their shinny dollars.

U closed down nothing. If it was any other country they would've kicked out those murderer foreign force immediately. But since u were a subservient slave to USA, u did nothing other than crying. Ur master ordered u to open the border and like a subservient slave u followed that order and spreaded ur leg wide open to get fked yet again, hehe....

Good see that an illiterate slave trying to portray Indian bengali as Bangladeshi bengalies. Not surprising at all. What else can i expect from someone who's from a country that has 50% literacy rate.

Look at what ur masters did to miserable beggers like u

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Too bad that idiot like u don't realize that u worthless beggars got whipped and fked by ur US masters. It's Not surprising though. After all u guys r a bunch of clingy pieces of crap that have zero self respect.

Ur bankrupt state is good at nothing other than begging money from others. After all that's the only way it can feed its people who r nothing but beggars living in a piss poor country

U worthless bunch r the laughing stock of this whole world. U got played like a football i the past and will continue to be played like that. U fools thoroughly deserve this humiliation. Ur current prime minister is regularly seen to run from door to door with a begging bowl and Ur immediate past prime minister was striped naked in a national Airport.

U guys r the ultimate slaves. The only purpose of ur lot is to serve others and get donation in return. I dont even spit on sh!t like u.

look at what ur new master is doing to u
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U peasants r destined to be under the feet of others. China forcefully captured the wives of ur Pakistani citizens, tortured them, put them in a cage like concentration camps just like animals. Even the children of ur Pak citizens got snatched away by ur chinese masters. What did u do in return? Absolutely nothing. Thats the worth of swain like u . Understood?


Not surprising to see that a fatherless whoreson like u who's a product of illegal coitus supports terrorist talibans. But illiterate ingrate like u just dont know that these talibans have fkd u from all side in the past and will continue to do soin the future. There's no good taliban or bad taliban. All r bastards and a curse to mankind just like u r.

Look at what talibans did to ur police forces.

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But here like a worthless piece of shit u r cheer-leading the same talibans. Dont worry they will continue to do what they have been doing to ur miserable lot. Thats what clowns like u deserve.

Now buzz of before i humiliate an ingrate bastard like u even more. I find no amusement in humiliating poor slum dwelling illiterate fools like u. U r just too dumb.

The forum should ban your naagin dance.
Well you can say that about any case to the losing party. In your infinite wisdom, what was the past mistake that PCB could have learned from and avoided this loss?
Well my friend,

Just few days back PCB complained to ICC about the incident where Indian players wore army cap during the Aus-Ind series.

Now u tell me, Indian players wearing army caps of Indian military in a bilateral match that was held in India. How did PCB manage to come into the picture? Most likely they will yet again get a shut up call from ICC.

That's why i suggested PCB to learn from their past mistakes. Thats not how a professional board should act. As a matter of fact i have talked with many Pakistanis who got pissed off due to constant unprofessional acts from PCB
The Pakistan Cricket Board has paid the BCCI approximately USD 1.6 million as compensation after losing the case in the ICC's Dispute Resolution Committee, PCB Chairman Ehsan Mani claimed on Monday.

"We incurred costs of around USD 2.2 million on the compensation case which we lost," Mani said.

He insisted that besides the amount paid to India to cover the costs of the case the other expenses were related to legal fees and travelling.

The PCB had filed a compensation case against the BCCI last year before the ICC's Dispute Resolution Committee for an amount of around USD 70 million.

PCB had sought a huge amount from BCCI for not honouring a MoU signed between the two boards. According to the MoU, India and Pakistan were supposed to play six bilateral series between 2015 and 2023, which the BCCI failed to honour.

The Indian cricket board said they were unable to play against Pakistan as the Indian government did not give them permission. India also dismissed the Pakistan board's claims as legally binding.

"The ICC committee did accept that Pakistan had a case and that is why the damages/cost we had to pay to the Indian board was around USD 1.6 million," Mani said.



Lol you have the worst lawyers.
parting shot by Najam Shethi for PTI
he knew case had no chance and money was not coming out of his pocket
Well my friend,

Just few days back PCB complained to ICC about the incident where Indian players wore army cap during the Aus-Ind series.

Now u tell me, Indian players wearing army caps of Indian military in a bilateral match that was held in India. How did PCB manage to come into the picture? Most likely they will yet again get a shut up call from ICC.

That's why i suggested PCB to learn from their past mistakes. Thats not how a professional board should act. As a matter of fact i have talked with many Pakistanis who got pissed off due to constant unprofessional acts from PCB
Well this case was filed last year; the caps incident is recent. The complain was for the potential series that Pakistan was supposed to get - which was worth fighting for. You said that PCB should learn from past (prior to 2018 when this case was filed) ... I simply asked what did PCB miss in the past that could have prevented this loss?
It looks like yoh had nothing in mind ... just a mindless rant.
@Neptune won’t be joining us for a while, how sad....
Hahahah guys got some real hate in his heart for Pakistanis.

I once went out with a group of Bangladeshis and was shocked at what they are taught growing up by their parents about Pakistanis.

On a funny note, The topic of Bangladeshis doesnt even surface in our upbringing apart from when on rare occasions 1971 is discussed. That is how unimportant the subject of Bangladesh/Bangladeshis is for us.

They are our muslims brothers though and its great to see them improving in terms of economy etc but I am addressing the disgusting attitute portrayed by neptune here in the above post.

Goodluck being an Indian side kick :nana:
Hahahah guys got some real hate in his heart for Pakistanis.

I once went out with a group of Bangladeshis and was shocked at what they are taught growing up by their parents about Pakistanis.

On a funny note, The topic of Bangladeshis doesnt even surface in our upbringing apart from when on rare occasions 1971 is discussed. That is how unimportant the subject of Bangladesh/Bangladeshis is for us.

They are our muslims brothers though and its great to see them improving in terms of economy etc but I am addressing the disgusting attitute portrayed by neptune here in the above post.

Goodluck being an Indian side kick :nana:

Most Bengalis are fine folk. These Awami extremists are just plain nuts, holding the nuts of the Sanghis.
Hahaha Pakistan wanted the ICC to sanction India for the Army, and not only did the ICC refuse its request, but the PCB actually ended up paying the BCCI after all:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha: If that is not humiliation, I don't know what is. This also isn't good for Pakistan considering Pakistan does not have a whole lot of money to spare given the state of its economy, especially after Pakistan lost billions after it was forced to close its airspace.
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