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Patrick Chan Feels More Chinese, Canadian Figure Skating Champ Feels Unappr

I have a simpler way to ask him the question-why beat around the bush?

if China says spy on US would you ephone?


As I have posted above, China doesn't have to say spy on US, Indians will eagerly spy on US for China. So your needless worry can be dismissed. :lol:
China is the only country I've know to claim its people have high Iq's but it's own govt treats them like they have the lowest, fragile IQ's and needs to be shielded from " news that might make them go crazy"

I used be doubtful about the theory that the Chinese have high IQ and Indians low IQ.

But your posts have managed to prove that theory to us, more and more, day by day.

To correct your low IQ assertion, the IQ theory is not invented by the Chinese but your admired "white".
I used be doubtful about the theory that the Chinese have high IQ and Indians low IQ.

But your posts have managed to prove that theory to us, more and more, day by day.

To correct your low IQ assertion, the IQ theory is not invented by the Chinese but your admired "white".
Numbers and data are provide by China and not white people

my admired white? You guys have gone beyond the slave mentality- Chinese have white man "Stockholm syndrome"

1. this from a guy who falls into the category of mostly likely to get his eye lid reconstruted , nose reconstruction to look white? Link : http://news.at0086.com/Others/A-poll...Caucasian.html

2. Or like getting pregant in china and rushing to have the baby in america... Link: http://www.time.com/time/world/artic...077693,00.html

3. Or making money and packing the family and themselves to the america... Link:

4. OR MAYBE this --- White People For Rent In China To Boost Business Credibility

5. They even discriminate against you seditious Chinese immigrants:D Chinese-Americans Not American enough to Teach English in China

just because is says caucASIAN does not mean Chinese have a right to look white..
Your above post again proves how low your IQ is:

Figure out who are Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen , the most influential modern day IQ researchers.


the test data is given to them by Chinese ... your need to steal technology, your next to zero innovative spirit is the real world IQ test result. BUT again your own GOVT is the best example as proof of low IQ, that even they are afraid of hurting the Chinese fragile psyche - hence all the censorship.

Stockholm syndrome- when Chinese go beyond loving the white man to trying to reconstruct themselves through surgery to look like the white man or woman.
As I have posted above, China doesn't have to say spy on US, Indians will eagerly spy on US for China. So your needless worry can be dismissed. :lol:

Their businessmen and women will lose a brief case or two on their business trips to Beijing? :lol:
Most of your quotes have nothing to do with so-called Stockholm syndrome. Most of them are related to Chinese who want to emigrate to a wealthy country to have better chances for themselves or for their babies.

If you do not understand what is "Stockholm syndrome", you need learn to understand it first.

Those emigration or having babies in U.S. have nothing to do U.S. is a white country but U.S. is a rich country. A country can be 100% white. However, if it is quite poor, no Chinese is interested in moving there since there are no better opportunities for them or for their next generation as well.

Numbers and data are provide by China and not white people

my admired white? You guys have gone beyond the slave mentality- Chinese have white man "Stockholm syndrome"

1. this from a guy who falls into the category of mostly likely to get his eye lid reconstruted , nose reconstruction to look white? Link : http://news.at0086.com/Others/A-poll...Caucasian.html

2. Or like getting pregant in china and rushing to have the baby in america... Link: http://www.time.com/time/world/artic...077693,00.html

3. Or making money and packing the family and themselves to the america... Link:

4. OR MAYBE this --- White People For Rent In China To Boost Business Credibility

5. They even discriminate against you seditious Chinese immigrants:D Chinese-Americans Not American enough to Teach English in China
Chinese-Americans Not American enough to Teach English in China | Current Events | 8Asians.com

just because is says caucASIAN does not mean Chinese have a right to look white..
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