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Pathankot operations a national embarrassment, who will take the responsibility?


Apr 28, 2011
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New Delhi: The Pathankot terror attack is a huge national embarrassment. There can be no arguments over it. It has exposed the inefficiency and incompetence of our intelligence agencies, Punjab Police and the lack of coordination among the various agencies involved in taking on the terrorists and flushing them out.

In a shocking incident, a Superintendent of Police rank officer was easily abducted along with his official vehicle, his friend taken as a hostage, a driver found dead in his Innova vehicle, but the police and the central intelligence agencies failed to act swiftly. They lost precious 14 hours in trying to analyse and plan the search operations.

All this happened near one of the most heavily guarded international borders in the world. Not in a far away place not used to terror attacks.

Yet, the response was extremely poor and embarrassing.

The Pakistan backed Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorists easily gained access into a vital Indian Air Force Station at Pathankot. They managed to cause the intended damage and instill fear across India.

The inefficient handling of the operation cost us the lives of seven soldiers and also damaged the reputation of our elite security forces.

After Saturday's operations, the Centre even declared that the entire operation was over and all the terrorists have been killed. On Sunday, the firing once again began causing fear and embarrassment at the same time. Two terrorists actually stayed inside the IAF Station undetected the entire Saturday night.

What a dreaded news! What a national embarrassment!!

After the SP reported that his vehicle was hijacked by suspected terrorists, the police and other agencies should have heightened security across all vital installations near the border. If they had done that, they could have stopped the terrorists outside or at least at the gates of the Pathankot IAF Station. It clearly shows that despite tall claims of "high alert" nothing was actually done on the ground and authorities were actually groping in the dark.

Any well trained and professional military force and the police would definitely have stopped these terrorists at the gate.

Local media reports suggest that the Punjab Police and other security agencies initially refused to take the words of the abducted SP seriously. They wasted a lot of precious time. Even the murder of a taxi driver did not force them to launch a massive manhunt.

These incidents were treated like ordinary crimes and not like a possible terror attack.

Where were the terrorists hiding between the night of January 1 and January 2? What were they doing? We are yet to get the answer to these questions.

It exposes the lapse on part of Punjab Police too. Like most other states, Punjab Police is also highly politicised and morale is also not high.

Sukhbir Singh Badal, the Deputy Chief Minister of Punjab, is not ready to take the blame. He said "Punjab Police is the last line of defence. The primary responsibility is with the Border Security Force. Our police immediately informed the Centre. We are not at fault. This is not the time for blame game."

The Centre claims that even after it dispatched the elite National Security Guards to Pathankot, the Punjab Police failed to locate the terrorists.

Just six months before the incident, the Punjab had witnessed a similar incident at Gurdaspur. The state police were able to kill all the terrorists, though they lost some brave officers in the fight.

What has happenned in Pathankot clearly shows that no lessons have been learnt from the past.

Even the clearance operations on Sunday was not as per the standard operating procedures of the Army. An officer Lieutenant Colonel Niranjan of the elite NSG Bomb Disposal Squad died in an explosion when he searched the body of a slain terrorist. Worse, two more terrorists were holed up inside the vast campus even as he was clearing the area.

The security agencies must explain what went wrong to the nation. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar must take stock of the situation and order strict action against erring officers.

After watching the botched up Pathankot security operations, the masters of the terrorists in Pakistan must be smiling. This is exactly what they wanted.

Pathankot incident should be treated like a national embarrassment. There is nothing to claim that India successfully "averted" a major disaster, something like the 26/11 incident of Mumbai.

Will the National Security Advisor Ajit Doval care to explain? A good 24 hour lead was wasted and the terrorists had easy access to a top IAF base. According to media reports Modi and Parrikar, who are touring Karnataka have discussed the gravity of the situation and are likely to come out with an explanation.

Hope, it will be the last such embarrassment.

Pathankot operations a national embarrassment, who will take the responsibility?-INews - IBNLive Mobile
You can simply blame Pakistan, the ISI and Finally Hafiz Saeed and hide all your own failures, weaknesses and incompetence.

This is what happen always......

After that we will read about "success" stories of Indian Special forces and Intelligence agencies......and stuff like that.
Total BS...

Haven't you checked "indian special forces" thread...its over 400 pages now. Surely that counts for something...right!
Police in Pakistan or India doesn't have required skills, training and equipment to deal with such incidents. And intelligence failures are common even in developed countries. The only thing remains is who is going to take responsibility.
India will blame Pakistan regardless of Indias own incompetence. But Modi has no balls to do anything. So nothing will happen.
trap is meant for fools, India is charging for global aspirations and nothing could stop us from attaining it......slowing down india is in china's interest but still we won't fall for cheap tricks....a war will damage our economy.....
Nope Pathankot Ops is not a national shame
First thing for long India has not encountered urban warfare and tactics trained terrorists.
The slain terrorists earlier that we have got is far far "inferior" in terms of strategy, weapons and most importantly the skill sets.
Secondly, deploying assets for neutralizing the targets had been done in a justifiable manner
Thirdly, the doctrine we followed was to capture them alive..This i believe is the greatest contention of engagement here
Fourthly, waiting for either ammo use up or trying to corner for then using chilly grenades to either stun or make them surrender is a tested methodology
Fifthly, the media trial and shoddy reporting for exclusive news byte and TRP dont make the ops not upto mark.. Media ppl dont do anti terror ops.. they just do "exclusive" things for TRP.. they dont even have ballsey to do anything heroic for the country except criticise
Sixthly and most importantly till today 5 pm press conference, the GOI officially released very limited comments on the whole ops whereas media did everything including releasing conversation about terrorists talking to his mother, now will that also add to the failure of intelligence?
lastly, @Zarvan take note GOI named no country responsible and this article by CNN IBN names a country..

Now tell me do you believe this article to be CREDIBLE.

To me such articles are NATIONAL EMBRASSMENT not the pathankot ops
trap is meant for fools, India is charging for global aspirations and nothing could stop us from attaining it......slowing down india is in china's interest but still we won't fall for cheap tricks....a war will damage our economy.....

The only Indian aspiration is bragging. India should stop blaming Pakistan for all it problems. Especially it will come up with an excuse to do nothing.
a person who goes to US and leaves his or her country should not speak so much for truth....someday do visit pakistan, it will turnout to be your very best and you will come back in pieces.....i am from punjab and you have not seen the condition of youths, people aging 18-50+ are drug addicts, each family is suffering from drug trafficking from pakistan.....you people can only support propaganda videos and news that is being punched on your face......you won't understand until you lose something important or something very worthy.....lives of our people, lives of my soldier.....we fight for the country, and pakistanis fight for their religion....JAI HIND
Your country is not made for religion then why it is known as Hindustan(Land of Hindu).
Secondly your own people are denying about the involvement of JeM militant group in this attack. Then how you can blame someone else for your own mistakes.
yes we cannot face these attacks, that's why 100's of migs have been plundered by those terrorists right??, and i remember an air base named "mehran".....ahhh we learnt about potency and professionalism from pakistan
That is the point. These groups have same training procedure and JeM are allied to TTP. If same militant can storm airplanes at Mehran airbase then why they cannot do same thing in Pathankot? o_O
The answer is,"" this is a drama to sabotage peace talks with Pakistan".
Your country is not made for religion then why it is known as Hindustan(Land of Hindu).
Secondly your own people are denying about the involvement of JeM militant group in this attack. Then how you can blame someone else for your own mistakes.
our country has 80% hindu population, for this it's called hindustan, our country is also called "bharat", "india", "aryavarta", "nabhi varsha", "hodu"......you people can only see that "hindu" in our country's name because you people are obsessed with religion and nothing else....we call us bharatiya as a whole and indian from deep within our hearts

That is the point. These groups have same training procedure and JeM are allied to TTP. If same militant can storm airplanes at Mehran airbase then why they cannot do same thing in Pathankot? o_O
The answer is,"" this is a drama to sabotage peace talks with Pakistan".
haan???? really???do you people want peace???:o:
our country has 80% hindu population, for this it's called hindustan, our country is also called "bharat", "india", "aryavarta", "nabhi varsha", "hodu"......you people can only see that "hindu" in our country's name because you people are obsessed with religion and nothing else....we call us bharatiya as a whole and indian from deep within our hearts

haan???? really???do you people want peace???:o:
So basically you have more religious thinking because the name of your country is based on religion. For example the name of Pakistan is not related to the religion same as for your neighbouring countries China, Bangladesh etc.

haan???? really???do you people want peace???:o:

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