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PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

For people like @batmannow


All I can say bring more, wht ever you can!
In the end you will find your cure of your hate,against those who not accept, jamati,Lej,SSp, prapoganda?

JI,s dharna wasn't was more thn few hundereds , as recored by media? TuQ,s march was The biggest even in islamabad till date!
All your concerns already been adrresed long time ago,didn't want repeat it, better trun back to the frist of pages & seek your answers?
Bt let's see how tough you are?lol
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Govt bowing to him? Haha. I thought you were an intelligent man. In a bullet proof container while his supporters were freezing in the cold and rain.
He said President will be ex president. Lol.. ministers will be ex ministers.. govt is yazeedi.. yet he hugged those yazeedis.

Oh and read history. . Jamaat e islami has done bigger dharnas in islamabad in front of parliament and their leaders were with the public getting beaten up and arrested. . Not in bullet proof container. .

Btw you havent replied to any of my questions.. all his lies.. how can you trust a pathological lier and fraud.

A typical salafists...no wonder the world in general and Pakistan is suffering from your barbaric brand of Islam. At least TUQ is not called maulana diesel who has a price tag. This was the biggest recorded dharnas in the hostory of Islamabad...unlike the JI who came crawling to there knees in Raiwind. Learn the distinction between Yazeedi system and Yazeedi indivduals...huge difference. In Islam you still show curtesy to even enemies...maybe not salafism but we Sufi's are more civilized than your barbaric practices. If he was killed Islamabad would have been destroyed with rioting, hence the bullet proof container was used to protect the publics interests and his. Don't forget if you like IK he also believes in Sufism.
A typical salafists...no wonder the world in general and Pakistan is suffering from your barbaric brand of Islam. At least TUQ is not called maulana diesel who has a price tag. This was the biggest recorded dharnas in the hostory of Islamabad...unlike the JI who came crawling to there knees in Raiwind. Learn the distinction between Yazeedi system and Yazeedi indivduals...huge difference. In Islam you still show curtesy to even enemies...maybe not salafism but we Sufi's are more civilized than your barbaric practices. If he was killed Islamabad would have been destroyed with rioting, hence the bullet proof container was used to protect the publics interests and his. Don't forget if you like IK he also believes in Sufism.

No point in hurling accusations at each other my dear dear dear poster.

Not point at all.

Mullah Qadri or TuQ for short wanted to channel our frustration with the current system. Who can argue against it.

Thus the problem is not with Mullah TuQ TuQ to bring up the issues.

It is the very method he used to bring up the problems.

Corruption. An issue for us? you betcha. But we can take out 1000 such marches and corruption will remain the same if not increase with time.

Shortage of natural gas. An issue for us all? you betcha! But Mullah TuQ TuQ can take out 1000 such marches and gas shortage will remain the same if not increase with time.

Electricity load shedding. An issue for us all? you betcha! But Mullah TuQ TuQ can take out 1000 such marches and load shedding will remain the same if not increase with time.

So you or Mullah TuQ TuQ supporters may ask. OK if we don't march on Islu, then what else could we do?

What on earth could we do to address these issues?


Well. The answer is simple if we are all willing to sit down and understand.

Issues like the lack of gas or electricity is no too different from the our occasional lack of wheat or sugar.

When our wheat harvest or yield is low, what do we do?

--------------- We import the wheat right away from where ever we can, even from USA, but we do not march on Islu. Do we?

When our sugar harvest or yield is low, what do we do?

------------- We import sugar from where ever we can, even from India, but we do not march and occupy Islu. Do we?

Same thing with Electricity and natural gas.

We can march 1000 times and occupy Islu. These shortages will not go away.

--------------- Do you or Mullah TuQ TuQ realize that USA government and researchers helped Pakistan develop a new variety of wheat in the 60s and thus helped us overcome the chronic shortage of wheat? Do you.

Mullah TuQ TuQ got into trouble personally, then what did he do? He immediately ran to the West and got a citizenship by hook or crook.

Now that we have issues with natural gas and electricity, What does Mullah TuQ TuQ do? ran on Islu.

What a $tupidity. Shear madness. Bay-Waqoofi of million degrees.

He should be using his connections in Canada and America to import gas (to generate electricity) and oil from Canada or America, or from wherever he can get.

He should be mobilizing his million man woman child followers to create peace and stability and pro-West sentiments, so that Americans and Canadian civilian businessmen and engineers and oil workers and gas workers can come to Pakistan without fear and help us either import or explore gas and oil and put electric plants in the country.

Canada has the technology to extract oil from tar sands.

America has the technology to extract gas from shale or use high sulfur coal from Thar.

Pakistan has sbustantial reserves of shale and high sulfur coal and even perhaps tar.

Thus Mullah TuQ TuQ should convince Americans and Canadians to come to Pakistan and extract gas from shale and oil from tar if there is any.

There is no fing shale in D chowk, and there is no fing coal in D-Chowk there certainly is no fing tar in D chowk.


Why on earth Mullah TuQ TuQ is harassing ordinary Pakistanis living around D-Chowk. Why?

He should take his million man woman followers to shale reserves, and to the Thar coal area, and to the oil fields and demand that they be safe and secure and corruption free so that American and Canadian engineers can come help us extract these and alleviate our shortage and free us from the misery.

I hope you all now understand.

thank you
A typical salafists...no wonder the world in general and Pakistan is suffering from your barbaric brand of Islam. At least TUQ is not called maulana diesel who has a price tag. This was the biggest recorded dharnas in the hostory of Islamabad...unlike the JI who came crawling to there knees in Raiwind. Learn the distinction between Yazeedi system and Yazeedi indivduals...huge difference. In Islam you still show curtesy to even enemies...maybe not salafism but we Sufi's are more civilized than your barbaric practices. If he was killed Islamabad would have been destroyed with rioting, hence the bullet proof container was used to protect the publics interests and his. Don't forget if you like IK he also believes in Sufism.

Its not salafist (which I am not) vs sufism. I merely was giving proof against fake sufi mullah padri or TuQ for which u guys hav no answer. Biggest dharna.. big lols.. Man. Please no more jokes. This is not the jokes thread. 30000 ppl only

Oh n watch this too what ur "sufi padri" supporters do to women.

The more you accuse truth seekers non qadri supporters the more you prove yourself to be the loser side of the debate. Learn to win debates by valid arguments instead of resorting yourself with rants.

And btw that picture is just sick, you should be banned for displaying such cruel pictures to support your baseless accusations.

He does not know how to argue. He is just here to give you a head ache by trolling. Even if you try to convince him with Quran and hadith then you are still branded with all sort of names which is a portray of his upbringing.

So after, that big sorry, you hitting the same nail?
That picture is the vry example how Quran & hadiths were used by bucthers to justify their version of religion?
& we hve enough of that?
There are many muslim countries in the world, where even shariah is in running as a basic form of justice bt still those countries nt follow these butchers butchry on the name of religion?
TuQ,s anti-terrorist fatwaa is the only document bassed on the verses & hadiths of quran & sunnah which deney all that killing & murders on the name of religion?
PLZ read his fatwaa against, terrorism hope fully you agree & clean your mind?lol
Now whts the problem TuQ doing politics in pakistan ,just because your dislikness of his personality?
Well its you, trying to teach me wht should I think or do as a muslim? Do you hve any right to impose it to me?
& this is offtopic,all low grade calling names or the other cheap stuff was used by u, nt me?
& you r wellcome to try it again?lol lol lol
Sure u will come up with a big sorry again, cause that's wht is ur destiny?lol lol lol
Start of 2 round, here we go!

Its not salafist (which I am not) vs sufism. I merely was giving proof against fake sufi mullah padri or TuQ for which u guys hav no answer. Biggest dharna.. big lols.. Man. Please no more jokes. This is not the jokes thread. 30000 ppl only

Oh n watch this too what ur "sufi padri" supporters do to women.


Peoples say bad things against quaid-azam too, if you r so sure plz go to the courts & media pundits & ask them to punish TuQ on the bassis of your given facts against him,
No you can't ?lol lol lol
So after, that big sorry, you hitting the same nail?
That picture is the vry example how Quran & hadiths were used by bucthers to justify their version of religion?
& we hve enough of that?
I felt sorry for you but indeed you are the same suborn nail
Your own post are enough to destroy your own argument.
Is it really hard for you to understand that not all Muslims who live by the book of allah (not padri) like 90% of the members in this thread belong to same barbaric group? We dont need a padri to expose criminal actions committed by barbarians because as Muslims we have figured out ourself.
There are many muslim countries in the world, where even shariah is in running as a basic form of justice bt still those countries nt follow these butchers butchry on the name of religion?
Like who? Saudi arabia? Iran? whose enemies are other Muslim countries? What a joke.
Shariah only existed during the time of Prophet Mohammed, and today what we see in the name of Shariah is just a mockery of religion. Only Imam Mehdi and return of Prophet Issa will ensure true implementation of Shariah and traitors like Qadri Padri and Taliban will burn in agony after they have been exposed.
TuQ,s anti-terrorist fatwaa is the only document bassed on the verses & hadiths of quran & sunnah which deney all that killing & murders on the name of religion?PLZ read his fatwaa against, terrorism hope fully you agree & clean your mind?lol
Like i said, it does not take a genius to figure out Islam's stance on such barbaric acts. If Qadri's disciples just figured this out by listening to his fatwa then they have weak imam. Even My African American History professor knows about Islam's stance on such barbarism.
Now whts the problem TuQ doing politics in pakistan ,just because your dislikness of his personality?

The reason why educated Muslims do not like him is because he has compromised with the very same people whom he called yazid, haramkoor. His agenda was to make sure current assembly is dissolved and president and PM are kicked out and instead he made a fool out of awam and ran away back to canada.
Well its you, trying to teach me wht should I think or do as a muslim? Do you hve any right to impose it to me?
Do you know the purpose of this forum? let me tell you, DISCUSSION!
& this is offtopic,all low grade calling names or the other cheap stuff was used by u, nt me? & you r wellcome to try it again?lol lol lol
Sure u will come up with a big sorry again, cause that's wht is ur destiny?lol lol lol
Start of 2 round, here we go!
The very stubborn remark of yours proves that you suffer from pathological narcissists syndrome
I felt sorry for you but indeed you are the same suborn nail
Your own post are enough to destroy your own argument.
Is it really hard for you to understand that not all Muslims who live by the book of allah (not padri) like 90% of the members in this thread belong to same barbaric group? We dont need a padri to expose criminal actions committed by barbarians because as Muslims we have figured out ourself.
Like who? Saudi arabia? Iran? whose enemies are other Muslim countries? What a joke.
Shariah only existed during the time of Prophet Mohammed, and today what we see in the name of Shariah is just a mockery of religion. Only Imam Mehdi and return of Prophet Issa will ensure true implementation of Shariah and traitors like Qadri Padri and Taliban will burn in agony after they have been exposed.

Like i said, it does not take a genius to figure out Islam's stance on such barbaric acts. If Qadri's disciples just figured this out by listening to his fatwa then they have weak imam. Even My African American History professor knows about Islam's stance on such barbarism.


The reason why educated Muslims do not like him is because he has compromised with the very same people whom he called yazid, haramkoor. His agenda was to make sure current assembly is dissolved and president and PM are kicked out and instead he made a fool out of awam and ran away back to canada.

Do you know the purpose of this forum? let me tell you, DISCUSSION!

The very stubborn remark of yours proves that you suffer from pathological narcissists syndrome

We do not want lawbreakers to become lawmakers"
Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri, Januray 16, 2013.

A fearless anti-Taliban cleric has drawn more local and international media attention and focus in a few days than a Taliban-sympathizing cricket icon who has been active in Pakistani politics for more than a decade.

He has addressed a huge rally in Lahore on December 23, 2012, eclipsing an earlier large rally by PTI chief Imran Khan at Minar-e-Pakistan. He has brought the ruling coalition to its knees by forcing its members to publicly accept his demands for transparent, free and fair elections in front of tens of millions of Pakistanis who watched it live on almost all of Pakistan's many news channels.

Allama Tahir ul Qadri, a Pakistani Islamic scholar best known to the world for his fearless anti-terrorism fatwa, has proclaimed deep in the heart of Pakistani capital Islamabad that "law-breakers must not be allowed to act as law-makers".

Rather than talk about corruption and incompetence in the abstract, the Allama has clearly and succinctly articulated to tens of thousands of followers gathered in Islamabad and many tens of millions of Pakistanis through television the most egregious transgressions of Pakistani politicians. Here's some of what he said:

1. Most of the Pakistani lawmakers of all parties are in fact law-breakers.

2. Lawbreakers belong in jail, not in parliament. Such lawbreakers are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

3. Over 70% of Pakistani parliament members do not file any tax returns at all. Tax dodgers and lawbreakers can not be allowed to serve in Parliament under Article 62, clause F of the Constitution of Pakistan. Dr. Qadri demanded that there should be "no representation without taxation".

4. Most of the politicians of all stripes in the national parliament and provincial legislatures steal electricity and gas and do not pay their utility bills. The constitution (Article 63 clause R) says that any defaulter of electricity and gas bill of more than Rs. 10,000 over six months can not serve as a member of parliament. Hundreds of members of parliament, including government ministers, have had electricity cut off multiple times for defaulting.

5. Many members of parliament have fake college degrees.

6. Pakistani parliament has failed to enact any anti-terrorism legislation even after the killing of over 45,000 Pakistanis in terrorist attacks since 911.

7. The ruling parties in federal and provincial capitals have failed to make progress on providing basic necessities like electricity, water and gas to the people.

Dr. Qadri's detractors have tried to deflect his genuine criticisms of the political class by attacking him personally as a "foreign agent" and "pro-establishment", establishment being a code word for Pakistani military. His supporters, however, have remained peaceful, disciplined, passionate and committed to his cause for political reform. In spite of rain and bitter cold weather, ordinary men, women and children have refused to be intimidated by threats and warnings of violence. They have flocked to the nation's capital to press for political reforms in response to Dr. Qadri's call for Long March to Islamabad and prolonged sit-in in front of Pakistan's parliament.

Pakistan needs powerful pressure groups to reform national politics. Dr. Qadri's Minhaj-ul-Quran is the first such group. I hope there will be many more such passionate and eloquent activists and public interest groups to act as watch dogs over the nascent political process which must be reformed and allowed to continue and mature.
Now tell me what's wrong with this?
Ur argument is just bassed on hate , which comes from wrong self-righteousness , with no solution to the crisses faced by whole muslims in the world & specially in pakistan, wrongly framed by the west as terrorists?
What you hve done to reduce growing hate against islam?
Nothing jst using quran & hadiths , to prove TuQ wrong on this fourm? & too stop me supporting a islamic leader who emerge the only leader on the face of earth with a document which tells clearly & rightly ,that terrorism isn't allowed as a tool tobe used against those who may nt agree with them?
PLz read his anti-terrorism FATWAA to clear all the stanic mess messing your head! Or should convince the world & the UN that you hve better knowledge & better explination to the level as same as TuQ? Lol lol lol
Hope fully, you will start reading his fatwaa, after reading this very enlighting post?lol lol lol
Round 2 is jst begun!lol
So after, that big sorry, you hitting the same nail?
That picture is the vry example how Quran & hadiths were used by bucthers to justify their version of religion?
& we hve enough of that?
There are many muslim countries in the world, where even shariah is in running as a basic form of justice bt still those countries nt follow these butchers butchry on the name of religion?
TuQ,s anti-terrorist fatwaa is the only document bassed on the verses & hadiths of quran & sunnah which deney all that killing & murders on the name of religion?
PLZ read his fatwaa against, terrorism hope fully you agree & clean your mind?lol
Now whts the problem TuQ doing politics in pakistan ,just because your dislikness of his personality?
Well its you, trying to teach me wht should I think or do as a muslim? Do you hve any right to impose it to me?
& this is offtopic,all low grade calling names or the other cheap stuff was used by u, nt me?
& you r wellcome to try it again?lol lol lol
Sure u will come up with a big sorry again, cause that's wht is ur destiny?lol lol lol
Start of 2 round, here we go!

Peoples say bad things against quaid-azam too, if you r so sure plz go to the courts & media pundits & ask them to punish TuQ on the bassis of your given facts against him,
No you can't ?lol lol lol

If that is the criteria go to courts against zardari abd nawaz.. they r the best ppl in thr world. . No proof them against then in courts :p :D no you can't? Lol lol lol
If that is the criteria go to courts against zardari abd nawaz.. they r the best ppl in thr world. . No proof them against then in courts :p :D no you can't? Lol lol lol

Both of them are convicts!
& you don't know, while QADRI shb been hounred by UN & other influential world govt, for presenting true, non voilent,anti-terrorism islam ?
Jst a news for you! EC has just called the team of fedrl minsters who went to dialoge with TuQ, to meet EC 2mmarow, so to discuss the implementation of the agreed points of TuQ!
Looks like TuQ is winning again?lol lol lol
How you feel, hope fully you will be delighted with reforms of TuQ,s implemented soon?lol lol lol
No point in hurling accusations at each other my dear dear dear poster.

Not point at all.

Mullah Qadri or TuQ for short wanted to channel our frustration with the current system. Who can argue against it.

Thus the problem is not with Mullah TuQ TuQ to bring up the issues.

It is the very method he used to bring up the problems.

Corruption. An issue for us? you betcha. But we can take out 1000 such marches and corruption will remain the same if not increase with time.

Shortage of natural gas. An issue for us all? you betcha! But Mullah TuQ TuQ can take out 1000 such marches and gas shortage will remain the same if not increase with time.

Electricity load shedding. An issue for us all? you betcha! But Mullah TuQ TuQ can take out 1000 such marches and load shedding will remain the same if not increase with time.

So you or Mullah TuQ TuQ supporters may ask. OK if we don't march on Islu, then what else could we do?

What on earth could we do to address these issues?


Well. The answer is simple if we are all willing to sit down and understand.

Issues like the lack of gas or electricity is no too different from the our occasional lack of wheat or sugar.

When our wheat harvest or yield is low, what do we do?

--------------- We import the wheat right away from where ever we can, even from USA, but we do not march on Islu. Do we?

When our sugar harvest or yield is low, what do we do?

------------- We import sugar from where ever we can, even from India, but we do not march and occupy Islu. Do we?

Same thing with Electricity and natural gas.

We can march 1000 times and occupy Islu. These shortages will not go away.

--------------- Do you or Mullah TuQ TuQ realize that USA government and researchers helped Pakistan develop a new variety of wheat in the 60s and thus helped us overcome the chronic shortage of wheat? Do you.

Mullah TuQ TuQ got into trouble personally, then what did he do? He immediately ran to the West and got a citizenship by hook or crook.

Now that we have issues with natural gas and electricity, What does Mullah TuQ TuQ do? ran on Islu.

What a $tupidity. Shear madness. Bay-Waqoofi of million degrees.

He should be using his connections in Canada and America to import gas (to generate electricity) and oil from Canada or America, or from wherever he can get.

He should be mobilizing his million man woman child followers to create peace and stability and pro-West sentiments, so that Americans and Canadian civilian businessmen and engineers and oil workers and gas workers can come to Pakistan without fear and help us either import or explore gas and oil and put electric plants in the country.

Canada has the technology to extract oil from tar sands.

America has the technology to extract gas from shale or use high sulfur coal from Thar.

Pakistan has sbustantial reserves of shale and high sulfur coal and even perhaps tar.

Thus Mullah TuQ TuQ should convince Americans and Canadians to come to Pakistan and extract gas from shale and oil from tar if there is any.

There is no fing shale in D chowk, and there is no fing coal in D-Chowk there certainly is no fing tar in D chowk.


Why on earth Mullah TuQ TuQ is harassing ordinary Pakistanis living around D-Chowk. Why?

He should take his million man woman followers to shale reserves, and to the Thar coal area, and to the oil fields and demand that they be safe and secure and corruption free so that American and Canadian engineers can come help us extract these and alleviate our shortage and free us from the misery.

I hope you all now understand.

thank you

no 1 problem in the world is terrorism, & with pakistan seen as its HQ, no one wants to invest a single penny, & to finish terrorism in pakistan needs, anti-terror laws, & to make & implement those laws you need a honnest govt, & to get a honnest govt , you need a fair clean election, & too hve fair clean ELECTIONS, you need a strong ELECTION COMMISION which can implement the forgotten sections of constitution of pakistan, & for all this to happen you need, dr, allamaa TAHIR-UL-QADRI in D-CHOWK?

I didnt hope you all now understand.

thank you
no 1 problem in the world is terrorism, & with pakistan seen as its HQ, no one wants to invest a single penny, & to finish terrorism in pakistan needs, anti-terror laws, & to make & implement those laws you need a honnest govt, & to get a honnest govt , you need a fair clean election, & too hve fair clean ELECTIONS, you need a strong ELECTION COMMISION which can implement the forgotten sections of constitution of pakistan, & for all this to happen you need, dr, allamaa TAHIR-UL-QADRI in D-CHOWK?

I didnt hope you all now understand.

thank you

Common Dear poster.

This is like "Na 9 mun tail ho ga, Na Mullah TuQ TuQ naachay ga"

Oil and gas sector exploration is being done in the regions that are much worse off than Pakistan.

You sound like good ole Prez Bush when you say "No. 1 problem in the world is terrorism".

Oh Bhai loag,

No. 1 problem in the world is bad economic policies. And Pakistan needs to fix the house.

Corruption and elections etc. is just a show shaw.

Chinese government is 1000 more corrupt than Pakistani
Indian government is at least as corrupt as that of Pakistan.

South Korea had 1000 times bigger scandals of corruption when it was developing from the ashes of war

And yet all these countries are doing well because their top priorities were "work" and "cooperation with the West". Corruption and political system overhaul happened much much later in some cases and in other cases, the political system is still the same old corrupt one. Just check out the politics of Bihar and UP and Gujarat and you will understand why India is progressing even though their political system is messed up too.

But you won't understand.

Because like Mullah TuQ TuQ, your priorities are wrong too.

Common Dear poster.

This is like "Na 9 mun tail ho ga, Na Mullah TuQ TuQ naachay ga"

Oil and gas sector exploration is being done in the regions that are much worse off than Pakistan.

You sound like good ole Prez Bush when you say "No. 1 problem in the world is terrorism".

Oh Bhai loag,

No. 1 problem in the world is bad economic policies. And Pakistan needs to fix the house.

Corruption and elections etc. is just a show shaw.

Chinese government is 1000 more corrupt than Pakistani
Indian government is at least as corrupt as that of Pakistan.

South Korea had 1000 times bigger scandals of corruption when it was developing from the ashes of war

And yet all these countries are doing well because their top priorities were "work" and "cooperation with the West". Corruption and political system overhaul happened much much later in some cases and in other cases, the political system is still the same old corrupt one. Just check out the politics of Bihar and UP and Gujarat and you will understand why India is progressing even though their political system is messed up too.

But you won't understand.

Because like Mullah TuQ TuQ, your priorities are wrong too.


with terrorism in full swing even a cricket team not wanted to come to pakistan?
rest aside any major Oil and gas sector exploration company thinking to come pakistan this time, with pakistan topping in crouption & terrorism!
see algererian episode what happens there, even that govt, did best of anti-terrorists opreations?

Chinese government is 1000 more corrupt than Pakistani
Indian government is at least as corrupt as that of Pakistan.

South Korea had 1000 times bigger scandals of corruption when it was developing from the ashes of war

with statments like these are you trying to be funny?:rofl::rofl::rofl:

so just leave it & dont understand it , its out of your reach!

be on topic!
with terrorism in full swing even a cricket team not wanted to come to pakistan?
rest aside any major Oil and gas sector exploration company thinking to come pakistan this time, with pakistan topping in crouption & terrorism!
see algererian episode what happens there, even that govt, did best of anti-terrorists opreations?

Chinese government is 1000 more corrupt than Pakistani
Indian government is at least as corrupt as that of Pakistan.

South Korea had 1000 times bigger scandals of corruption when it was developing from the ashes of war

with statments like these are you trying to be funny?:rofl::rofl::rofl:

so just leave it & dont understand it , its out of your reach!

be on topic!

Dear poster,

Instead of LAO, read. my dear poster read. and study. Here is just one example. But there have been many more scandals where Chinese wealth has been hoarded by few.

Updated: Nov. 25, 2012

Wen Jiabao was appointed prime minister of China in 2003. He stepped down in November 2012 at the 18th Communist Party Congress held in Beijing. His successor, Li Keqiang, will take over in 2013.

Mr. Wen is well known for his populist approach and near constant presence in Chinese headlines. He often races to the scene of natural disasters to comfort survivors. On state-run television, he has been seen eating with the poor and disadvantaged in rural villages. Though often stage-managed by Chinese news media, his common touch has earned him the nickname “Grandpa Wen.”

Wen’s Family Gained Extraordinary Wealth

However, during Mr. Wen’s leadership, many of his relatives, including his son, daughter, younger brother and brother-in-law, have become extraordinarily wealthy, an investigation by The New York Times in October 2012 showed. A review of corporate and regulatory records indicated that the prime minister’s relatives, some of whom have a knack for aggressive deal-making, including his wife, have controlled assets worth at least $2.7 billion.

Untangling their financial holdings provided an unusually detailed look at how politically connected people have profited from being at the intersection of government and business as state influence and private wealth converge in China’s fast-growing economy.

Unlike most new businesses in China, the family’s ventures sometimes received financial backing from state-owned companies, including China Mobile, one of the country’s biggest phone operators, the documents show. At other times, the ventures won support from some of Asia’s richest tycoons. The Times found that Mr. Wen’s relatives accumulated shares in banks, jewelers, tourist resorts, telecommunications companies and infrastructure projects, sometimes by using offshore entities.

But soon after the article appeared in The Times, two lawyers who said they represented the family of of Mr. Wen issued a statement disputing aspects of the story, a rare instance of a powerful Chinese political family responding directly to a foreign media report.

The statement, published in The South China Morning Post on Oct. 28, said, “The so-called ‘hidden riches’ of Wen Jiabao’s family members in The New York Times’s report” did not exist.

Greatest Source of Riches Comes From Insurance

In November 2012, The Times reported that the greatest source of the family’s wealth, by far, came from shares in Ping An Insurance, a $50 billion powerhouse now worth more than A.I.G., MetLife or Prudential.

In 1999, when Ping An was in financial trouble, the head of the company was pushing Chinese officials to relax rules that required breaking up the company in the aftermath of the Asian financial crisis. Direct appeals were made to the vice premier at the time, Mr. Wen, as well as the then-head of China’s central bank — two powerful officials with oversight of the industry.

Ping An was not broken up.

The successful outcome of the lobbying effort would prove monumental. Ping An went on to become one of China’s largest financial services companies. And behind the scenes, shares in Ping An that would be worth billions of dollars once the company rebounded were acquired by relatives of Mr. Wen.

Long before most investors could buy Ping An stock, Taihong, a company that would soon be controlled by Mr. Wen’s relatives, acquired a large stake in Ping An from state-owned entities that held shares in the insurer, regulatory and corporate records show. And by all appearances, Taihong got a sweet deal. The shares were bought in December 2002 for one-quarter of the price that another big investor — the British bank HSBC Holdings — paid for its shares just two months earlier, according to interviews and public filings.

By June 2004, the shares held by the Wen relatives had already quadrupled in value, even before the company was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. And by 2007, the initial $65 million investment made by Taihong would be worth $3.7 billion.

Corporate records show that the relatives’ stake of that investment most likely peaked at $2.2 billion in late 2007, the last year in which Taihong’s shareholder records were publicly available. Because the company is no longer listed in Ping An’s public filings, it is unclear if the relatives continue to hold shares.

It is also not known whether Mr. Wen or the central bank chief at the time, Dai Xianglong, personally intervened on behalf of Ping An’s request for a waiver, or if Mr. Wen was even aware of the stakes held by his relatives.

But internal Ping An documents, government filings and interviews with bankers and former senior executives at Ping An indicate that both the vice premier’s office and the central bank were among the regulators involved in the Ping An waiver meetings and who had the authority to sign off on the waiver.


Before becoming prime minister, Mr. Wen was a number-crunching chief of staff who self-effacingly served China’s top leaders for two decades.

Like his superior, Hu Jintao, Mr. Wen scaled the one-party political hierarchy leaving few footprints and making no known enemies. People who worked with him early in his tenure described him as being conspicuous mainly for being fastidious. He lets policy documents sit on his desk for at least three days before signing off, they say, so he can slow-cook the contents in his mind and triple-check the grammar.

But after a series of high-profile visits to victims of the Sichuan earthquake of 2008, he began to be known for a populist touch rare among the Communist Party’s leadership.

In 2011, Mr. Wen appeared to press for political reform, though analysts are uncertain about whether he was pushing on his own or with the support of a broader segment of the nation’s leadership.

In January 2011, the 68-year-old prime minister appeared at the nation’s top petition bureau in Beijing, where ordinary people go to file grievances, and encouraged citizens to criticize the government and press their cases for justice.

“We are the people’s government and our power is vested upon us by the people,” the prime minister said during the visit, according to state-run news media. “We should use the power in our hands to serve the interest of the people, helping them to tackle difficulties in a responsible way.”

The key factor was the setting. The national petition bureau is known as a lightning rod for anger about official corruption, illegal land seizures, labor disputes and complaints of all sort, the kind of problems that reveal China’s continuing weakness on the rule of law. In a nation that fiercely snuffs out any sign of dissent or challenges to the ruling Communist Party, the government sometimes deems it appropriate to detain petitioners here or to forcibly send them back home.

But the state-run news media showed images of the prime minister meeting two days earlier with a small group of petitioners at the bureau, officially known as the State Bureau for Letters and Calls. The state-controlled media reports said he encouraged government workers to handle the petitioner cases properly.

Mr. Wen also instructed officials to make it easier for citizens to criticize and monitor the government. The reports said it was the first time a prime minister had appeared at the bureau to meet ordinary petitioners since the founding of the Communist state in 1949.
Wen Jiabao News - The New York Times
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