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Passengers on Tejas Express smash LCD screens, soil toilets: We clearly don't understand civic duty


Jul 3, 2012
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While it is one of the duties of the government to provide people with the best services and facilities, it is also our basic civic duty to treat those public services and facilities with respect.

And it is very easy to blame the government for lack of development in the country and conveniently forget about our civic duty.


Do we really deserve trains like Tejas Express? Twitter @sureshpprabhu

This is pretty much what happened when the Mumbai-Goa Tejas Express — India's first high-speed semi-luxurious train — returned to Mumbai after completing its maiden trip.

The train — that covers 630 kilometres in less than nine hours and has modern amenities on board like LCD TVs, WiFi, CCTV, tea and coffee vending machines, bio-vacuum toilets and touch-less water taps — arrived in Mumbai on Tuesday in a complete mess.

Some passengers on the train had thrashed the LCD screens, stolen the headphones provided to them and had soiled the toilets, reported The Asian Age.

There was also so much litter on the train that the shocked railway authorities had to appeal to the passengers to treat the Tejas Express worse than they would their own property.

A passenger said that some people tried to remove the LCD screen by pulling on its hinges while others did not flush the toilet after using it, because of which the toilet began to stink an hour after the journey had begun.

As far as the stolen headphones are concerned, Mumbai Mirror quoted another official as saying, "The headphones were distributed just after the journey commenced. There wasn't an announcement to return the headphones because we expected passengers to not carry them away, just like they don't take away pillows and blankets."

This raises a question about whether we really deserve high-quality facilities like those given on the Tejas Express. After all, if the facilities are anyway going to be vandalised and stolen, the government should rather provide low-quality services to us and then spend the money saved on food, education or employment.

We often keep complaining about how the railway stations and trains in India are dirty but forget that the infamous paan stains on platforms and trains are the result of people spitting paan wherever they feel like.

As far as littering is concerned, it will probably take a long time before most of us realise that government programmes like Swachch Bharat Abhiyan can never succeed and the Ganga will never be clean until we make a conscious effort to respect our surroundings.

These kind of news depresses me. I know this thread will draw trolls from our neighbours with sarcastic comments, but ignoring those, we must ponder as to how to change this kind of behavior? Nothing to do with political parties.

@Levina @SarthakGanguly @SorryNotSorry @Water Car Engineer @Ryuzaki @Nilgiri @ito

Don't be depressed. This is nothing new.

We are a filthy people. With zero civic sense. Which is compounded by defiance and acting out fueled by a marked lack of proper upbringing, education and basic low self esteem, frustration and inferiority complex.

You see it all around you. Not just in fancy trains.
Don't be depressed. This is nothing new.

We are a filthy people. With zero civic sense. Which is compounded by defiance and acting out fueled by a marked lack of proper upbringing, education and basic low self esteem, frustration and inferiority complex.

You see it all around you. Not just in fancy trains.
Well, I can't agree with all your points, but some.
Have you guys ever wondered whether it is rocket science to learn how to keep a toilet clean for the next user?

When you enter a toilet at home do you LIKE to step on a wet floor. Worse still a puddle of water of suspect origin?

Do you LIKE to see water on the seat on which you are going to place your a.ss?

Do you LIKE to see brown floaters in the WC bowl, undulating gently in the eddy currents?

Do you LIKE to see brown/yellow/black sticky trails on the sides of the WC? That too on the friggin rim (how do people get it there man ...)?

Do you LIKE to see soggy lumps of yellow stained toilet paper on the floor near the WC?

Do people actually live like this at home?

Then why do we have to experience this in public loos all over man?
Thank god for our PM, Mr. Modi. The civic sense is on national priority. I have on a few occasions pointed out people throwing garbage on road etc., and the people took it in good sense.
Our next generations will be better than our generation with awareness. Our current generation is beyond correction it appears.
Mind no poor travelled in that train and no illiterate traveled in that train.
Forgot one more extremely disgusting habit.

I enter public loos without using my hands. I use my elbows, and maneuver in, making sure not to touch anything.

But you have to lock the door.

And the friggin thing is dripping wet. Now you know exactly what the source of the water on a wet door stopper on the inside is going to have come from.

I tell you man. We have a serious problem.
Its the attitude of immature & illiterate Indians unlike those residents in Europe.

Educated people would not behave this way and destroy their own.
I guess put cameras in the toilet and leaked those disgusting behaviour to the public, only by shame they can learn.

Its the attitude of immature & illiterate Indians unlike those residents in Europe.

Educated people would not behave this way and destroy their own.
Nah I've seen people from big cars peeing out in open to the wall, I wish I had a Molotov back then.
Best way for those right wingers to learn fast, that the Mumbai can not be turned into Shanghai. Disciplined Chinese don't do such shik. This is the best example they learn on Mumbai vs Shanghai topic.
These kind of news depresses me. I know this thread will draw trolls from our neighbours with sarcastic comments, but ignoring those, we must ponder as to how to change this kind of behavior? Nothing to do with political parties.

@Levina @SarthakGanguly @SorryNotSorry @Water Car Engineer @Ryuzaki @Nilgiri @ito

Very saddening indeed. Civic sense and common courtesy is something we lack.
However I do feel like we are moving in the right direction though- bad habits like littering, or pan spitting have almost disappeared in New Delhi (can't say about other cities).
Future generations with higher standards of living, higher literacy and higher incomes will definitely be leaps and bounds ahead in this respect.
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Don't be depressed. This is nothing new.

We are a filthy people. With zero civic sense. Which is compounded by defiance and acting out fueled by a marked lack of proper upbringing, education and basic low self esteem, frustration and inferiority complex.

You see it all around you. Not just in fancy trains.

Speak for Bihar only. My people aren't anywhere close to this level.
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