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Pashtuns and Kashmiris: Similarities between brothers

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Harrapans were not Dravidian that is just one theory not accepted by any scholar outside of South India lol nor were Vedics. You are right that the subcontinent has seen many migrations but the locals were never uprooted in any of them the outsiders only settled and then married amongst them. There is no record of a mass slaughter of locals or locals all running down South. What you mean by genetics, genetics has already shown that while many groups in South Asia do have foreign descent there is not one group that can say they have no local ancestors in their genealogy. Pakistan's culture is a hybrid of South Asian, Central Asian, and Middle eastern culture which gives it one of the most culturally diffused cultures in the world but its heritage is as local as it gets and you Indians need to just get over it.

Nonsensical bakwas like Pakistanis do not follow Hindu customs therefore they lose their history to India is as absurd as saying Greeks cannot claim ancient Greek heritage since they are no longer pagan or Italians cannot claim Roman heritage or Egyptians the Nile River civilization or the Iraqis their Sumerian heritage anybody outside of India would laugh at such a notion.
Read the article: It's accepted by the vast majority of scholars, both inside and outside of India. It's sad that you're so disappointed in your ancestors that you're willing to claim ancestors that have nothing to do with you. The funny thing is, like I said, I'm North Indian, not Dravidian. However, Dravidian talent and civilization is both incredibly admirable and undeniable. While your ancestors were roaming Central Asia before being civilized by Arabs, they were building the walls of Harappa, similar to how they're building India's tech industry now.
More nomadic gujjars











True but they don't have a good social standing.

They are not like punjabi gujjars.
This thread .
Is it correct or not?
All I can see here 'Bihari' racial attack and trolling.

This is inevitable in these sort of threads. That is why I generally avoid these threads. Serves no purpose and pure wastage of time and energy,that's all.
Read the article: It's accepted by the vast majority of scholars, both inside and outside of India. It's sad that you're so disappointed in your ancestors that you're willing to claim ancestors that have nothing to do with you. The funny thing is, like I said, I'm North Indian, not Dravidian. However, Dravidian talent and civilization is both incredibly admirable and undeniable. While your ancestors were roaming Central Asia before being civilized by Arabs, they were building the walls of Harappa, similar to how they're building India's tech industry now.

You are psudo punjabi saraswat brahmin with no connection to actual punjab. You are basically bhaiya claiming to be vedic.
Read the article: It's accepted by the vast majority of scholars, both inside and outside of India. It's sad that you're so disappointed in your ancestors that you're willing to claim ancestors that have nothing to do with you. The funny thing is, like I said, I'm North Indian, not Dravidian. However, Dravidian talent and civilization is both incredibly admirable and undeniable. While your ancestors were roaming Central Asia before being civilized by Arabs, they were building the walls of Harappa, similar to how they're building India's tech industry now.

Wrong the dravidian theory is just one theory of many which is not accepted by "vast majority of scholars".
Wishful revisionist thinking and secondly you have not been on this forum long enough to know what I think about my ancestors. :rolleyes:
Tell me which ethinic group you belong to? :unsure: You are the guy who shit on every thread and say pakistanis have identity crisis. While here you are having hard time disclosing your ethnic group. :wacko:

@DESERT FIGHTER seem like Indians identity crisis have no comparison.

Are you trying to take revenge. Anyway, you didn't answer are you a Punjabi then how you even don't know basic Punjabi. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Are you trying to take revenge. Anyway, you didn't answer are you a Punjabi then how you even don't know basic Punjabi. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

That druggie sardar run away when i wrote actual punjabi. For how long will you deny your heritage? Who are you? :wacko:

Kashmir and Pashtun lol, just go to the valley and Pashtuns are still remembered as scum rapsists and looters.

Lets say what are you are saying is true. Even then harami Indian army have done 10000 times worse, pashtuns went there and back. While Hindu army is torturing Kashmiris since decades.
In what sense? I wouldn't trust Pakistan to ever maintain rikshaws, let alone pharmaceuticals, a space agency, nuclear subs, IT industry, and so on.

Also, "more smarter" is grammatically incorrect.

Don't start this "smart" nonsense here "Devdas". It's trolling to the extreme. You do know Pakistanis top IQ scores in South Asia right? Yes it's from the work the "wealth of nations", which has its critics, but that doesn't effect the raw test data.
But shouldn't you hate Chanakaya? He helped a North Indian bhaiya like Chandragupta instead of helping a fellow native Punjabi?

He helped fellow punjabi no matter how many times you try to prove it otherwise. logic bhi ka istemal karo khabhi khabhi.
Indian army can never repeat the feat of mard-e-mujahid Pak army raping and murdering its own citizens, from bangladesh to pashtuns, pak army has become an expert of murder/rape

Troll moderators please act.
Kashmris aren't related to any people from the West of Indus.
LOL:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: and so says a hindu whose own back ground is not known.

The only point I find common between Pashtuns and Kashmiris is they both want freedom from Pakistan. :lol:
no none of them want freedom from pakistan at any cost. But the people of the valley want to annex with pakistan and thats a clear reality.
Indo-Aryan language was spread long before those times. But with your logic, why did they start their conquest in Bihar? If they were spreading language then they would have started at Punjab instead of going all the way to Bihar lol

See there is no point, its not like hindutvas will accept history which make sense.
There is difference in looks of Kashmiris and Gujjars and also between Gilgit people and Gujjars/bakkarwals but their present distribution, language and culture indicates a closer affinity to jammu over kashmir/ other dardic areas. The only explanation is strict endogamy.

Jammu is totally unimportant area, it is just one city that does not even find any mention in historical documents before this gulab singh fiasco. I don't know how it can be even brought in comparison while discussing historically important regions like Kashmir, Punjab , Sindh , Gandhara or Afghanistan. Even Mirpur and Muzaffarabad in AJK are more well known worldwide than Jammu city on indian side.

Look at the Kashmir and Sindh regions on the map even in hephathalite times in 5th century

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