It is right of Pakistani man to speak about stuff he saw in his community and it is up to government and offcials to understand what happened after the IDP incident and how these communities were effected
He is Pakistani man , we need to listen all his views as these are political awareness march
His story is that of a displaced person and how patriotic he has been and his family has been to Pakistan, his family members were people who freed Kashmir
His major problem starts from
when WOT pushed Afghan Terrorist into Pakistan
ground reality view !!!! His community got caught between cross fire between Taiban and Pakistan's response to Kick out Talibans from Pakistan
His Main view is difficulty for his community after the
Internally dispalaced people i.e problem re-establishing lives , jobs , farming , and housin. How various families lost their abilities to earn a honest living (their communities were not even connected to any Talibans)
- He spent 7 years as an IDP, his frustration is with excessive checkposts inside Pakistan or lost of his property and personal family belongingins and change of life. How his community's life changed after the IDP incident. If enemy is from Afganistan why is their community inside Pakistan treated with checkposts and change of life ?
- His real argument really is why his community was treated differently one moment they are told to gather their belongings and leave a zone, leave their homes and business and pack up and leave and live in Tents . When they come back now they are excessively searched and checked as if they are from Afghanistan ? And this EXTRA security is something which has bothered him
- His other argument is missing people ? No one know what happened to these people may be they moved to Afghanistan or were picked up by Talibans no one knows but there are Rumors at ground Level that these people are missing becasue they were picked up by Secret Agencies ????? Speculation
Ground realities view point (His views in Urdu). We need to understand the financial , economic loss and farming area lost by their community due to Afghan Terrorist war in their community
1 hour 1 vs 1 Smartphone video movie by the person explaining his point of view
Merely a person whose community who was effected by the Taliban incursion into Pakistan and retaliation effort by Pakistan army , becasue their nighbourhoods were effected by war
When Pakistan Launched a counter offensive , communities (in Pakistan) got effected on Pakistan's side and this his story !!
His story is about a Pakistani Community , effected by Taliaban war and how they were effected
His views are in simple Urdu so people can understand his problem from his community
We need
an effort to understand the effected community problem and resolve this by dialog
What is needed in this time is as follow
Launch an investigation to check the problems faced by this community in Pakistan , Immediate effect on emergency basis , Both Civilian / Military investigation
#2 Find out
how the citizens in this region were doing after they tried to reestablish their lives after they returned to their homes (not being IDP)
#3 Give people of Pakistan 100% facts about what kind of Money and Support was given to the people of FATA community
Setup secuity checks at Border with Afghanistan
#5 We need a response from Military to go into their community and tell them we are not kidnapping anyone. Setup a
HOTLINE to help families whose family member becomes missing to find if the person went to Afghanistan or they are merely run away from home to find job