"Pashtun were never conquerors they were with conquerors" can you actually prove that? Your confidence for such a flat out lie amuses me. The Afghan dynasty is comprised of Pashtun (ethinic Afghans) conquerors of India.
The Durrani tribe of Durrani dynasty, Lodi tribe(it's not lodhi btw) of Lodi dynasty of Multan, Lagah, Sadozai and Babai tribes of Lagah Sadozai and Babai dynasty belonged to Southern areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan. The tribes are still there and speak Pashto.
Khshegi tribe of Khshegi dynasty, Orakzai of Kurwai dynasty, Barakzai of Barakzai dynasty, Suri rulers, Shinwari of Durrani and Rohilla nawabs belong to the Nothern tribes of Kpk and Afghanistan. And still live there. All of them were Pashtun and still are.
Sher shah suri is known for his poetry in pashto language. Pashtuns love his poetry in which he speaks of Pashtun (afghan) ancestors and the tribes of the entire Pashtun nation their conquests and rule. And to speak of the second part of your statement; Sassanids, Greeks and Macedonians, Arabs, Mongols, British, Russians and Americans would beg to differ. But let's humour you and let us say that we would love to know about the conquerors who'd actually conquered the Pashtuns, from you.
Like many other Pakistanis and Indians who lack the basic knowlege of Pashtun history, you think that "Pashtana or Pukhtana" belong only to kpk. Let me clearify it to you that the Pashtuns originally belong to the west of Afghanistan and south Pakistan and east of Iran and have originated from Pahlavi tribe of ancient Iran. Some of the tribes of Nothern areas are actually subtribes of Sothern Pashtun tribes. For e.g Shinwarai is subtribe of Durranai.
As for you and other Pakistanis and Indians being decendant of those conquerors is highly debateable. What are the odds that it can be accepted without genetical proof? None to none. I've seen alot of urdu speaking people who call themselves baig and pasha and claim themselves to be Turks. Without any genetical proof nobody would believe that.
I beleive you are one confused person who doesn't know anything about Afghan dynasty. First you stated that those conquerors were not Pashtuns and then you said Pashtun origin Indians are their direct decendants. Like seriosly? Make up your mind pal.