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Parveez Mushraf Exclusive Interview in Zar-e-Bahas SamaNews


Nov 29, 2008
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It was an outstanding interview & he see's Pakistan like no other, an ideal person to run Pakistan today.

Haters can continue hating but the fact is he saved Pakistan & he will save Pakistan if he wins the election.
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Right! All the political leaders who can change Pakistan and are most capable of steering Pakistan out of crisis are sitting outside Pakistan - Altaf Hussain and Pervez Musharraf.

I dont know why they just dont come back? Leaders are those who are with their people in time of crisis, not sitting in London and issuing statements!!

Pervez Musharraf was not a leader. He might have good qualities. His leadership skills were severely tested in the aftermath of the sacking of the chief justice. His decisions after that crisis were arbitrary and confused. It was good that under his leadership, military did not have to fight a war because his decisions betrayed a lot of his weaknesses as a leader. He was self obsessed and he believed he is the solution to all Pakistan problems.

Giving NRO and running away to London were the biggest acts of disservice to the nation. Many Musharraf apologists claim NRO was an innocent mistake. What the hell!! Throwing the country to the dogs was a 'mistake'?
Right! All the political leaders who can change Pakistan and are most capable of steering Pakistan out of crisis are sitting outside Pakistan - Altaf Hussain and Pervez Musharraf.

I dont know why they just dont come back? Leaders are those who are with their people in time of crisis, not sitting in London and issuing statements!!

Pervez Musharraf was not a leader. He might have good qualities. His leadership skills were severely tested in the aftermath of the sacking of the chief justice. His decisions after that crisis were arbitrary and confused. It was good that under his leadership, military did not have to fight a war because his decisions betrayed a lot of his weaknesses as a leader. He was self obsessed and he believed he is the solution to all Pakistan problems.

Giving NRO and running away to London were the biggest acts of disservice to the nation. Many Musharraf apologists claim NRO was an innocent mistake. What the hell!! Throwing the country to the dogs was a 'mistake'?

Let me focus only on that bit of your post as Musharraf has already answered the rest of your post on numerous occasions and it's sad that you still hold grudges despite getting answers. Anyway, Musharraf gave you, me and all other Pakistanis the option to make informed choice in the general elections of 2008 by giving NRO to these politicians. We could have rejected all these corrupt, incompetent politicians when we were given the chance but what did we do? We voted all these scumbags back in to power.

Perhaps its time for a little soul searching. Musharraf gave us what we wanted and today we have what we chose! Blame Pakistanis and not Musharraf, we voted these people in!

It was an outstanding interview & he see's Pakistan like no other, an idol person to run Pakistan today.

Haters can continue hating but the fact is he saved Pakistan & he will save Pakistan if he wins the election.

musharraf didnt save pakistan, inflation grew all time high and involvement in american war, he just dragged the same pakistan, hhe brought some changes but not the very crucial ones we need to address them now
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oh really i dont care a lot about alot of things but this is pure wrong in his time what was the value of rupees and after he was gone ?????? dont give me crap its wrong . Bring in the facts and figures and perhaps then we shall talk
Let me focus only on that bit of your post as Musharraf has already answered the rest of your post on numerous occasions and it's sad that you still hold grudges despite getting answers. Anyway, Musharraf gave you, me and all other Pakistanis the option to make informed choice in the general elections of 2008 by giving NRO to these politicians. We could have rejected all these corrupt, incompetent politicians when we were given the chance but what did we do? We voted all these scumbags back in to power.

Perhaps its time for a little soul searching. Musharraf gave us what we wanted and today we have what we chose! Blame Pakistanis and not Musharraf, we voted these people in!

So any leader can be a law unto himself? He can individually by pass all courts and the constitution to do what he believes is right? Musharraf could have given us a better option by not giving NRO. Thats not an explanation. And there is no excuse. And its not personal. This has been a mess for this country.

And you call that a 'choice' where more that 50% vote was fake? Typical elitist thinking of Pakistan.
So any leader can be a law unto himself? He can individually by pass all courts and the constitution to do what he believes is right? Musharraf could have given us a better option by not giving NRO. Thats not an explanation. And there is no excuse. And its not personal. This has been a mess for this country.

And you call that a 'choice' where more that 50% vote was fake? Typical elitist thinking of Pakistan.

My friend, on the one hand you want to ask me how Musharraf could be a law unto himself and next thing you want to know why he implemented NRO instead of continuing. Just for an example, consider the presidential indemnity clause, can that be justified in any quarter of serious civilization? Our president is immune to any criminal charges while he holds the office. You speak of the constitution and let me tell you, constitution is just a piece of paper if there is no country. Constitution is for the country and so is everything else.......to save the country, constitution and any other institution can be broken, changed, suspended, removed and so on.

Furthermore, you are right about the bogus votes and so on, also the case of forced votes or votes that are purchased, but things will only improv post numerous iterations. You think any of the western countries found the right system overnight? We have to learn to vote and to use our votes righteously and sacredly as they determine the next 5 years of our country's fate. And we need to spread the message around. The easiest thing would be to bring in the Army again but that would not be the 'right' thing, neither would it be a permanent solution.

[:::~Spartacus~:::];3338816 said:
musharraf didnt save pakistan, inflation grew all time high and involvement in american war, he just dragged the same pakistan, hhe brought some changes but not the very crucial ones we need to address them now

Brother, inflation during Musharraf was under annual gdp growth and not only that, involvement in the American war was not by choice. His heart and mind were in the right place and then we forced too many decision on him, decision such as to take off the uniform, to hold general elections post NRO and so on. We took to the streets when he followed the course of law and deposed the SC as per the constitution. We forced him to leave and now we blame him for leaving.

Let's start correcting ourselves individually before we expect Pakistan to get better, agree?
This guy is so scared of entering Pakistan, a country he served his whole life.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3338816 said:
musharraf didnt save pakistan, inflation grew all time high and involvement in american war, he just dragged the same pakistan, hhe brought some changes but not the very crucial ones we need to address them now

You cannot expect just the actions of Musharraf to fix all and everything in Pakistan. He put the country on the right footing. Inflation is a cyclical thing. It comes and goes and fiscal policies are adjusted to deal with it. Since he is not around, he cannot fix the inflation and issues. However had we had the continuity, this inflation issue would have been handled.

Secondly, this power issue needs to be understood properly by the Pakistani nation. The issue is not shortage of power which is what the politicians of the day tell us. It is because someone is not being paid and thus they are not supplying power.
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