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Parrikar volte-face opens door for more Rafale fighters, Mountain Strike Corps wud be 70K

Make up your mind!:lol:

It would serve China right middle and left if India could be persuaded to spend 20% or more of its GDP on defence。:D

After all,you guys are forced to pay 3.1 billion USD for a few dozens of helicopters while with the same amount of money China can possibly produce a greater number of J-20s。:enjoy:

The dumbo low IQ strikes again
manohar pariker never said india wont be buying more than 36 rafales infact over zelous media mis interpretted him deu to his lack of expertise in handling the media he was never a media savvy chief minister of goa himself in the past but he is learning it the hard way as to how to tackle media its nothing but a communication gap but anty BJP / MODI media and wants to use every thing to settle scores with modi sarkar as modi has stopped there free lunch & foriegn money flow thru neumrous NGOs

nothing serous this to will pass off :cheers:
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