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Paris Under Attack

RIP all the victims of the attacks in Paris.Condolences to friends and family of the victims. Great job by the Law enforcement.
Immigration is quite relevant...most of the terrorists in Europe are abusing Europe's human right laws and criminal laws to their advantage. Most of immigrants never make an effort to join the main stream and live in their isolated and make believe world . 90% of Europe's problem stem from loose immigration laws. If US is safe and Europe is not, the difference is immigration policies.

100% agree. these are the types of immigrants that we should immediately deport, since they are threat to our values/way of life. However, there are also Muslim immigrants who were born here in the West who are as radical/extremist if not more, in their views like these middle eastern extremists. We should adopt a policy whereby any western citizen who travels abroad to wage Jihad, should immediately have its citizenship revoked and banned for life from entering our country ever again. That will be a good start
Chickens should have headed to KSA or USA instead of going to France which has been on the break seat when it comes to instigating any Middle eastern turmoil specially the KSA/USA expedition on Syria

these attacks will continue to happen as long as these proxies are allowed / used to destroy "disliked" countries in the Middle east on sectarian and racist bases the west continues to look the other way while some of its Arab "allies" continue to fund and teach these monsters.

now I cant hold back and keep my reservations against the Arab monarchies who have been time and again exposed through open and leaked diplomatic cables and intelligence briefs that they are involved in global terror financing and feeding the same crooked form of najadi/ takfiri ideology which these regimes practice themselves as their official religion.
these regimes and their genocidal ideology is not more sacred than Muhammad PBUH and Islam itself.. so I will choose to speak up against them because pick up any international terror and you will find these so called Muslims belonging to only and ONLY one demented genocidal sect which stems from Wahabism...the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and Quran stand blamed and majority Sunnis are left with defending themselves and explaining that they dont have anything to do with this demented and mutated form which is unjustly attributed as Islam #banislam is trending more insults will be thrown at Islam and Muhammad PBUH while these Arab monarchs who are behind this madness will escape untouched all smug...

my prayers and heart felt condolences to all people in the east and west from Lebanon to Paris who continue to suffer at the hands of these proxies.

going by this definition , many Arab monarchies should have been bombed first
Good post sir but am not getting whose loss it is ?Its french who allowed refugees while many intelligence agency warned regarding this yet they allowed.So blaming Arab is again farce.
PS:Am not a supporter of Arabs
Nobody is taking responsibility. Muslims need to admit that we have a problem with extremism and the West needs learn from its mistake from the war on terror and stop supporting these groups when it fits their geopolitical agenda. Syria is a great example.
who on earth bring the Fcuking passport when comes on a suicide mission ?
People that don't mind, even want, that they are identified after their death (i.e. to confirm who did this, as part of the 'message' )

Immigration is quite relevant...most of the terrorists in Europe are abusing Europe's human right laws and criminal laws to their advantage. Most of immigrants never make an effort to join the main stream and live in their isolated and make believe world . 90% of Europe's problem stem from loose immigration laws. If US is safe and Europe is not, the difference is immigration policies.
It is not, at this point, as there is no indication whatsoever right now that the attackers came in as refugees, with the recent influx. Pulling in immigration laws, which have been in place in EU for a long time unchanged, is speculative.
People that don't mind, even want, that they are identified after their death (i.e. to confirm who did this, as part of the 'message' )

the message was loud and clear , they have taken responsibility .. there is no reason to bring Passports ..
and ISIS does not even care for Passports .. why would they leave Passports just to let the LEA to find out things like that ?
an ISIS member is loyal to his Organization either he is from Egypt or Syria ..
Passport does not matter for them
People of subcontinent and wider Arab world don't understand one basic fact................ unless and until the general population learns how to deplore terrorism and extremism in it's entirety, we shall remain stuck in this rut forever.

Sir there are so many people who are talking non sense. We lost our kids and people worldwide had sympathy with us and now here people are saying "Reap what you sow". What message we Pakistanis are giving to World ?
People that don't mind, even want, that they are identified after their death (i.e. to confirm who did this, as part of the 'message' )

It is not, at this point, as there is no indication whatsoever right now that the attackers came in as refugees, with the recent influx. Pulling in immigration laws, which have been in place in EU for a long time unchanged, is speculative.

I don't remember saying that attackers of Paris are recent refugees. I am say on why in general Europe as become so unsafe.
People of subcontinent and wider Arab world don't understand one basic fact................ unless and until the general population learns how to deplore terrorism and extremism in it's entirety, we shall remain stuck in this rut forever.

They can't - when they won't even agree to start defining terrorism. Right now it is nebulous concept where one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter and the unequivocal message given is that is the way we like it.

Just what ISIS wants
like it or not, this is going to give the many right wing movements, political parties and far right "nazi" groups a big leg up.

the problem with Europe is that as a society generally you're all too nice, too politically correct, always assuming the best of/from people.. it's a weakness.

education and awareness is the need of the hour, it's not Islam or muslims or sunnis.. that would be a stupid simplistic racist generalization and deduction.

it's the Saudi Arabian nazi like violent fascist murderous genocidal "Wahhabi/sallafist" ideology that is to blame for literally all the "islamic" terror on earth, boko haram in africa to ISIS to qaeda to taliban, all driven by this poisonous Al Saud promoted way of thinking, wake up !

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