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Paris Under Attack

“It was carnage,” said Marc Coupris, 57, still shaking after being freed from the hostage-taking at the Bataclan concert venue. “It looked like a battlefield, there was blood everywhere, there were bodies everywhere. I was at the far side of the hall when shooting began. There seemed to be at least two gunmen. They shot from the balcony. Everyone scrabbled to the ground. I was on the ground with a man on top of me and another one beside me up against a wall. We just stayed still like that. At first we kept quiet. I don’t know how long we stayed like that, it seemed like an eternity. I saw my last final unfurl before me, I thought this was the end. I thought I’m finished, I’m finished. I was terrified. We must all have thought the same. Eventually, when a few gendarmes came in slowly we began to look up and there was blood absolutely everywhere. The police told us to run.”
Coupris, a legal worker. had come from Brittany with 15 friends to see the US band Eagles of Death Metal .
Paris attacks: France declares state of emergency after dozens killed – live | World news | The Guardian

Police storm the Bataclan - report

Agence France-Presse @AFP
#BREAKING Police storm Paris concert hall where hostages held: security source
12:33 AM - 14 Nov 2015
Brother I suggest you hold up your analysis until the situation is better....

There is a time for everything and ....Now isnt the time to lay out the past for them.....For now please just be a human and be silent!

I have my all sympathies with the the French people.

If criticising the reasons behind flawed policies of a government is not being human then i am better that way. Second its an open forum so go shove silence in the corner of your room.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">&quot;Curfew now instituted in <a href="#Paris op Twitter">#Paris</a>. The first curfew since World War 2.&quot;</p>&mdash; McBlondeLand (@McBlondeLand) <a href=" ">November 13, 2015</a></blockquote>
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Never seen an illegal gun in my life and apart from Hungerford, I cant think of any other time an ak/56 has been used here, I imagine 99% of people cant get an ak in London in 20 minutes, maybe a deactivated one, if the guys who killed Lee Rigby could only muster up a rusty antique revolver that didnt work properly then it cant be that easy, not like Europe anyway, go to places like Czech and you can stick an ak in your boot and most likely drive home without being checked. Probably plenty of assault rifles here, just kept by people who dont use them but I cant go down to Brixton and walk out with an ak 10 minutes later, if they were common people would use them.
Again, this is not the place for this conversation mate. Yes you are right that it most people don't have those kind of contacts but look at the gun crime figures in London- they are absolutely horrendous and so common that we, outside of those specific areas, don't really hear about them too much.

My friend's father used to be an inspector in SO19 (now CO19)- the armed police unit of the Met- and he visited our school once and he made no bones about it. Specific areas of London are like a third world country in this regard (his comment).

+ the Lee Rigby part is actually only half true, that attack and the methods used were deliberate. Think about this images- beheading a soldier on the streets of the UK was far more powerful than any gun attack would have been. Those attackers had before been planning a shooting attack on army bases or bombing them.
Attacks on 7 different locations , there has to be 12-15 militants
Last thing Terrorists will see


Thoughts and prays are with the French people, us Pakistanis are no strangers to such attacks. However, these attacks clearly show a lack of security which needs to be addressed immediately. Six shooting and three bombing require a great deal of coordination and planning which should have been breached by security services and anti-terrorist units. The biggest shock is a pair of suicide bombers infiltrating a soccer match where the President of France was. The uses of AKs and other heavy weaponry demonstrates an active black market thriving in France or weapons are being smuggled into France, which is a bigger danger. Its a shame to see another event similar to last years Paris terror being repeated again. Start up the Rafales and send these idiots to hell.
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