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Paris Under Attack

CNN says - Syrian passport found on body of one of the attackers at Stadium in Paris.

CNN says - One Man arrested at Gatwick Airport.
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Chickens coming home to roost. Sad state of affairs but eve these geniuses probably never expected this cost of Anti Asad campaign. They bomb libya and it starts a chain reaction in middle east then refugees flood in to EU with God knows how many armed lunatics.
Chickens should have headed to KSA or USA instead of going to France which has been on the break seat when it comes to instigating any Middle eastern turmoil specially the KSA/USA expedition on Syria

these attacks will continue to happen as long as these proxies are allowed / used to destroy "disliked" countries in the Middle east on sectarian and racist bases the west continues to look the other way while some of its Arab "allies" continue to fund and teach these monsters.

now I cant hold back and keep my reservations against the Arab monarchies who have been time and again exposed through open and leaked diplomatic cables and intelligence briefs that they are involved in global terror financing and feeding the same crooked form of najadi/ takfiri ideology which these regimes practice themselves as their official religion.
these regimes and their genocidal ideology is not more sacred than Muhammad PBUH and Islam itself.. so I will choose to speak up against them because pick up any international terror and you will find these so called Muslims belonging to only and ONLY one demented genocidal sect which stems from Wahabism...the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and Quran stand blamed and majority Sunnis are left with defending themselves and explaining that they dont have anything to do with this demented and mutated form which is unjustly attributed as Islam #banislam is trending more insults will be thrown at Islam and Muhammad PBUH while these Arab monarchs who are behind this madness will escape untouched all smug...

my prayers and heart felt condolences to all people in the east and west from Lebanon to Paris who continue to suffer at the hands of these proxies.

I bet when they were bombing Libya and funding terrorists in Syria they never thought the terrorism would come to their streets.
going by this definition , many Arab monarchies should have been bombed first
My god ! I am speechless.
There is an hostage taking at this moment.

Sometimes i fail to understand why Europe is so crazy in allowing people of other culture or people who are not integrated with your culture to even provide residency man...Do not you guys think that this will be a problem in future??
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I live in france , in paris

the attack takes place next door to me

I can tell you 100% the government lies to us there is everything organized

Just wondering, do you ever realize the seriousness of just follow these propaganda video to blame the whole world and play the victim card always...
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How about yourself a Indian been in USA ?LOLZZ

We adpot to the culture of the land....We respect the religion of the land...because..it is these people who respected me and my religion..I do not start fighting or start waging the war and explode myself on the streets on the streets of USA or West when some silly cartoons of my religion comes up on any media outlet..That is the difference between me and others...
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The best muslim nations can do now is to announce , their military support against USIS in sirya with a united alliance with Russia & Asad govt .
& kick the dam USIS dogs to hell forever ?
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The best muslim nations can do now is to announce , their military support against USIS in sirya with a united alliance with Russia & Asad govt .
& kick the dam USIS dogs to hell forever ?
True...Because if the US starts defending ISIS, then you know for certain that the US created ISIS.

But should we really expect a united Muslim army to fight ISIS ?

I think I would have better odds winning the Powerball Lottery.
True...Because if the US starts defending ISIS, then you know for certain that the US created ISIS.

But should we really expect a united Muslim army to fight ISIS ?

I think I would have better odds winning the Powerball Lottery.
Yes we should form a military alliance to fight with these hell boys , to clear the worlds mind set that its the whole of Muslims who are with these so called SOBs USIS ?
it will make a lot of things clear & surly will bring the real forces behind USIS in the day light ?
Bringing in , 1000 special forces soilders per country from Pakistan ,turkey ,Iran ,Egypt , Algeria , or even Bangladesh will clear a. Lot of dam confusion out of the minds of normal peoples living in France or any where in the world ?
Lotteries can't save huminity but our will & our military formation for peace can ?
This incident was extremely tragic and the loss of innocent life through violence should be condemned. However the French Government and its pugnacious policies in the Middle East and Africa has led to this crisis of bloodshed, since they have indiscriminately bombed cities in Mali, Syria and Libya in the past. Toppling stable regimes has created a power vacuum in these third world countries and no alternative solution has been provided to secure the economic and security well-being of the population. Therefore, its only natural to assume that the terrorists will take the war to French soil. Nonetheless RIP to the innocent French victims
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