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Panshir Jirga Has Decided Not to Fight!

Or at the very least move into a position to be able to do so, and negotiate from a position of strength. Scaling the mountains with scout snipers to call in mortar and artillery fire and pick up troop movements could work. Also, if they can get an Air Force up and running, quick and fast raids may also work.

This is the time to strike. This is the fog of war. What happened today at the Kabul Airport was/is the greatest opportunity to nip in the bud. Otherwise, a Pappu who barely knows Afghanistan, a Pappu who, despite his terrain advantages, a Pappu who has openly asked for the outsiders to help him... will keep a festering wound of less than 5% land area as a potential alternate govt. And, as you had said, like in the Iran of 1979, there should be a total control of the land to make it a fait accompli.

Mind you, until a few hours ago, I don't think I had said that Pakistan should get overtly involved. But IF the Taliban can't take the Panjshir Valley on their own then Pakistan should help and put the final nail in the coffin of these people who only do the lip-service to Afghanistan's women, democracy blah blah while what they really want is control of several Afghanistan provinces despite their puny homebase landmass.
Looks like negotiations failed. Time to bring the hammer.
Indians are playing a dangerous game, World community needs to look into their rouge elements and state sponsor Terrorism.
This is the time to strike. This is the fog of war. What happened today at the Kabul Airport was/is the greatest opportunity to nip in the bud. Otherwise, a Pappu who barely knows Afghanistan, a Pappu who, despite his terrain advantages, a Pappu who has openly asked for the outsiders to help him... will keep a festering wound of less than 5% land area as a potential alternate govt. And, as you had said, like in the Iran of 1979, there should be a total control of the land to make it a fait accompli.

Mind you, until a few hours ago, I don't think I had said that Pakistan should get overtly involved. But IF the Taliban can't take the Panjshir Valley on their own then Pakistan should help and put the final nail in the coffin of these people who only do the lip-service to Afghanistan's women, democracy blah blah while what they really want is control of several Afghanistan provinces despite their puny homebase landmass.

I agree up to a point. Pakistan shouldn’t get involved...it undermines potential future political positions, but the Talibs should take it because talks don’t seem to be going anywhere. In the end it can’t be allowed to hold out an attract opportunists.

At best, Pakistan can help repair their attack and transport helicopters, A-29s, and other equipment, so they can fight on their own. Because this same equipment will be needed to outflank and take out ISIS and potentially in the future, any commanders that go rogue. Pakistan’s Erieye has GMTI and the ability to track low flying aircraft like helicopters. Pakistan could send high altitude unarmed drone (for now) to keep an eye on ISIS; they could be anywhere in Afghanistan. ISR Overwatch ... to help the negotiations ;)

But your right, this is the time to strike. Fog of war as well as while people are being evacuated and both the US and the Talibs don’t want to antagonize each other, especially after what happened in Kabul yesterday:angry:
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Taliban will may use Jinnah's formula to unite a multi-ethnic country: Islam.

If done correctly it can succeed.
When that formula hasn't worked with Pakistan, how would it work in the case of a fractured country like Afghanistan?
I hope the Taliban finish those Indian remnants off for good, though feel sorry for the ordinary foot soldier being wasted for no reason.

They're very strange/weird people. One minute they are claiming that the Taliban are their fellow Afghan brothers and that they will work with them for a better Afghanistan, the next minute they are claiming that they will fight the Taliban until hell freezes............ :disagree:...........they definitely need to ge obliterated as they are indian minions.
They're very strange/weird people. One minute they are claiming that the Taliban are their fellow Afghan brothers and that they will work with them for a better Afghanistan
Old tactics to increase their bidding rates from the Indians, they are not true to their people or Afghanistan. Their Jirga wants peace and harmony, Ahmad Massoud is confused and Amrullah Salah is doing the Indian bidding.

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