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Panjshair Based Indian Puppets Itching for Trouble

We have so far and will be damned to let this BS continue. I am all for shedding the charade and openly accepting Taliban as the legitimate rules of Afghanistan offering them open support interms of military as well as other equipment including deploying PAF if any other country decides to become a spoiler.
Do remember Pakistan has the most at stake and we will bare the brunt of our decision or the lack of it if we did not back the taliban now.
let the games begin. Lets see how well they fair this time around. vedicks will be supporting this mofo salleh. I hope they do because anything that can trigger the talib against vedick-ville works very well for us.
Where ANA fell like a deck of cards, what hope for any small time militia force.
With the booty left by Americans, there's no shortage of Cash and modern weapons for the Talibans.
And i think i did see something like Manpads in the find.

they have American weapons but I doubt they know how to use them. Those scan eagles and blackhawks sure can make a big difference if used properly.
French Jewish Pro-Israel Philosopher Beranard Henry Levy promoting Ahmed Massoud


that itch for trouble? one word for amrulah saley... ANAL GONORRHEA! :lol:
Current map of Afghanistan held by the Taliban, only the Panjshair province is in opposition control.
USA will support this group - heard ex-Pentagon adviser on TV calling this resistance the only 'good news'!

I am just wondering when USA will slap arms sanctions on Taliban. IEA will need an airforce to finish this group.
Or at least the ability to deny the other side from fielding an effective Air Force; manpads and radar systems; systems like the Pantsir would probably be ideal in their case.
Current map of Afghanistan held by the Taliban, only the Panjshair province is in opposition control.
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Talibs better reinforce their garrisons (especially in places like Badakshan) if they want to hold onto the north (including with manpads), because the panjshiri will be itching to break out and rebuild (air and ground) logistical supply lines.

Also it would be smart if blocked anyone trying to travel into the panjshir so they don’t end up soldiers the Talibs will have to deal with down the line. Those scan Eagle drones they capture may come in handy to keep an eye on the Panjshiris. And all those Humvees will probably make good platforms to hold 120 mm mortars in stabilized rigs as mobile artillery and mobile Manpad platforms.

hope they can all negotiate out a settlement, but people like Saleh seem to be praying for a fight.

The Talibs should take a deal so all Afghans can finally live in peace. Maps can change quickly because they are based on influence and perceptions of the momentum of influence.
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India will make sure that Afghanistan stays nice and warm for Pakistan.

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