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Panel to decide if Faiz poem is anti-Hindu!!!

I said Indian origin (indic) belief system. People created a fuss because of the failure of police and govt to stop these illegal slaughter houses and smugglers and then people started taking law into their own hands. See how many illegal slaughter houses went bust after BJP came into power. Why? Quite right, when govt started enforcing laws, some people started to cry. Cow matha or whoever that be, law of the land should be respected.
So BJP failed to stop smuggling and illegal slaughterhouses, hence people took law into their own hands? Is that why there was an increase in Cow related lynchings since 2014?

I'm not the one acting dumb. Learn to make a point and stick to it. When caught lying don't accuse others of acting dumb coz you have no clue what you're talking about.
Well, you are acting like one and I am gonna prove that below...

First you claimed you can't say Vande matharam as it's idolatory or whatever, which has nothing of such, but started questioning the authenticity of translation. Then you said we are imposing Bharat mata ki jai on you, then you have no problem doing it. Dude what's your problem?
I claimed that "Muslims consider that singing Vande mataram invoked idolatry" and posted credible sources to support my claims whereas you posted a "translation" of Vande mataram without providing any source for your translation. So why should I trust your posted translation without any reference? Are you a certified Bengali translator?

You seriously have comprehension problems. I said we, muslims have no problem in saying Bharat mata ki jai. But we are not going to say it when your lot commands it... And below is the reason where the problem starts
Youth must be told to say 'Bharat Mata Ki Jai': RSS
If no law, would have beheaded lakhs who don't say Bharat Mata Ki Jai: Ramdev
I don't live to impress you. Instead of making a point, doing whataboutery won't get you anywhere. I'm neither of them, never voted for em but sometimes it's better to be them to deal with their alter ego of it.
And I don't live to engage with foolish trolls with no reasoning skills. And I hope you aren't one of them. Please don't dash my hope.

Do you even know the meaning of "Whataboutery"? Or are you just throwing these words around to sound intelligent?

Owaisi wearing a saffron headgear, playing shameless political joomla proves my point.
And what has that got do to with our discussion over here?

Please use full stops ... It's difficult to read.
This Act is not anti Muslim refugee, because this bill is a special provision inside Citizenship law that gives fast track citizenship to minorities from three theocracies.

This Act do not stop Muslim refugees from getting citizenship. That's bullshit spewed every now and then and dumbos believe it. Nobody asked Muslims to prove their citizenship. No such laws exist.
This Act is not anti Muslim refugee?? Is that so?? But your BJP minister says the following...

"Asserting that the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) was implemented in Jammu and Kashmir the day it was passed by the parliament, Union minister Jitendra Singh on Friday said the government's next move would be regarding the deportation of Rohingya refugees as they will not be able to secure citizenship under the new law."

Source: https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/aft...-jitendra-singh-2158599?pfrom=home-topstories

As I said previously, stop acting dumb if you aren't one... The choice is yours to make.
Complaint was about anti national meeting but found untrue.

Complaint was about raisin of communal and Hinduphobic (Anti Hindu) slogans which was part of Faiz poem which is Illegal as per Law.

There is zero doubt that Hinduphobic poem was read as the video of the same exists.
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