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Panama leak Case Proceedings - JIT Report, News, Updates And Discussion

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Now Nawaz $harif has only one solution left; disown Maryam, Hassan and Hussain and declare no connection with them or their properties.
Now Nawaz $harif has only one solution left; disown Maryam, Hassan and Hussain and declare no connection with them or their properties.


Do u know anything abt reputation of those 4 members, which are included in FIA probe team to investigate SECP record tampering case? FIA Director Maqsoodul Hassan, and deputy directors...Hazrat Ali, Tahir Tanveer and Ayaz Khan...?

Also... Any more updates..or info? Ch Ghulam Hussain gave news..this week........ tht probably JIT will not call baji...now...because PML N might exploit it...

Hwever i dont think tht its possible.. Because baji's name is in panama papers.. Its claimed tht she is the beneficial owner of this property..which is being investigated.. She is a respondent in this case.. Mostly case's proceedings revolved around her.. Then theres issue of gift money.. Esp..if we read Justice Ijazul Ahsan's judgment..there are many issues to be resolved...which revolve around baji... So..i am unable to understand how its possible tht JIT might not call baji? Do u think Ch Ghulam Hussain's info is correct..or not? Any info regd this?
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72 years up today .. Happy Independence Day :pakistan:

Pakistan's fate is turning, for sure.

Do u know anything abt reputation of those 4 members, which are included in FIA probe team to investigate SECP record tampering case? FIA Director Maqsoodul Hassan, and deputy directors...Hazrat Ali, Tahir Tanveer and Ayaz Khan...?

Also... Any more updates..or info? Ch Ghulam Hussain gave news..this week........ tht probably JIT will not call baji...now...because PML N might exploit it...

Hwever i dont think tht its possible.. Because baji's name is in panama papers.. Its claimed tht she is the beneficial owner of this property..which is being investigated.. She is a respondent in this case.. Mostly case's proceedings revolved around her.. Then theres issue of gift money.. Esp..if we read Justice Ijazul Ahsan's judgment..there are many issues to be resolved...which revolve around baji... So..i am unable to understand how its possible tht JIT might not call baji? Do u think Ch Ghulam Hussain's info is correct..or not? Any info regd this?

Unfortunately have no info re those officers. Come what may, FIA will not investigate allegations judiciously-it will only do so; if and when Ch Nisar is certain that N$ is gone for sure as then he can have high hopes of realizing his dream for decades.

Baji is not instrumental in any transactions (main accounts, characters, transactions doesn't involve her), when money was already transferred to U.K.she was mere signatory for being beneficial owner.

I still believe; decision to defer Baji's appearance in JIT has shielded JIT members from worst offence that PMLN would have unleashed - e.g., had she come out crying she would have used it to become full time mazlooma and would have used that opportunity way better than Babloo's pic.

And just imagine Javed Ch, Shahzeb, Ansar, Najam, Talat et all jumping on Maryam's bandwagon and harping as if some qoumi saniha has happened as this war has been successfully brought out in public domain by PMLN - it's not a war of right or wrong only; now it has added multiple dimensions, and to win this war; one has to win it in all domains (media, system, law, public etc.,) - so $harif's political clan can be put to rest-forever!
I still believe; decision to defer Baji's appearance in JIT has shielded JIT members from worst offence that PMLN would have unleashed - e.g., had she come out crying she would have used it to become full time mazlooma and would have used that opportunity way better than Babloo's pic.


How can she do tht? Video recording is being done..so i dont think..she can play tht card...

I dont know..why ..i am the only one or among very few..here who thinks...tht she will still be summoned...in the end.. Ab chahy yeh knwahish hai..ya khwab.. But something tells me..inside..tht she will be summoned..in the end.....i think u also agree tht decision to summon her...has only been delayed till ending days.... ab dekhtay hain..kia hota hai?

Also ..if baji is not summoned..then the same media..javed ch , ansar abbasi..and other darbari journalists will paint tht as clean chit for baji..as they did afte panama verdict..in the media...and there will be strong chances tht she will be our next PM.. I want her political future to be over.. Nawaz sharif is gone for sure.. And this is already his last 3rd term as PM.. Its now baji..who is being groomed as next PM.. I dont want tht to happen ever...

Unfortunately have no info re those officers. Come what may, FIA will not investigate allegations judiciously-it will only do so; if and when Ch Nisar is certain that N$ is gone for sure as then he can have high hopes of realizing his dream for decades.

Wajid Zia is also from the same FIA... And he and his JIT members are doing a wonderful job till now..

Also, FIA is the only civilian instituition, abt which JIT hasnt complained yet.. So i am still bit hopeful...tht...if these officers are ppl of integrity like JIT members...maybe they will do a fair job in probing SECP record tampering allegations
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How can she do tht? Video recording is being done..so i dont think..she can play tht card...

I dont know..why ..i am still the only one..here who thinks...tht she will still be summoned...in the end.. Ab chahy yeh knwahish hai..ya khwab.. But something tells me..inside..tht she will be summoned..in the end..... ab dekhtay hain..kia hota hai?

Wajid Zia is also from the same FIA... And he and his JIT members are doing a wonderful job till now..

Also, FIA is the only civilian instituition, abt which JIT hasnt complained yet.. So i am still bit hopeful...tht...if these officers are ppl of integrity like JIT members...maybe they will do a fair job in probing SECP record tampering allegations

She was to be summoned before Nawaz & Shahbaz but after the pic leak JIT deferred. Might be called - who knows?

It's investigation upon investigation - and it will make things complex. They can't unearth entire history of wrongdoings. Same record (attested copies) is lying in LHC.

Once docs received from FBR and SECP are received, cross checking with already submitted docs will prove JIT's point of tampering.

Wajid Zia is an exception not a norm in highly politicized and corrupt bureaucracy.

As a side note; has the name of institution who helped leak Babloo's pic been released or not as yet :happy:
Wajid Zia is an exception not a norm in highly politicized and corrupt bureaucracy.

As a side note; has the name of institution who helped leak Babloo's pic been released or not as yet :happy:

You are right.. Have gained immense respect for Wajid Zia and ither JIT members.. One thing which also matters.. How much is Wajid Zia respected by his colleagues? Or in other words ...what sort of relationship..do they share with Wajid Zia? I hope they dont have professional rivalry with Wajid Zia...,., I think if those FIA ppl who have to submit record in Sc in few days..if those ppl have good relationship with Wajid Zia...and they are people with an ounce of integrity...i think they will not want to prove him a liar in court.. And they know tht SC has been supporting JIt all along and also the remarks..which SC has been giving regd other instituitions like SECP..and FBR.. ..if they have little bit of honor...they wouldnt want such remarks for themselves.. So thts why..i was asking..if anyone here knows abt their reputation?

SC has asked JIT to tell name of tht person ..who leaked pic...to AG..and then asked AG to submit govt's reply...if it wants to be made public.. If its someone from military instituition..govt will allow it..and try to play victim card.. If govt doesnt allow..means its someone from civilian instituition..
As our tempo is that if JIT made the decision against the PMLN then that decision would be on merit if not then we can say it was not a decision on merit. Some segment of people want to see the decision against the NS at any cost and if the decision came in favor of NS would not be accepted. Some such sort of mind set have taken place in our political scenario.

I am not seeing this issue be settled anywhere. As the decision would come none has to accept it. If none has to accept then why the entire nation has been kept engaged on the issue and why such wealth over the case is being spent...

After 10 July when the JIT will submit its report to SC, a new era of war between the politicians would start and that war i dont know where would lead the nation.
You should have read his column against Justice Khosa.. soon after panama verdict..to know his thought process.. Sohail warraich shamelessly defends corruption.. His column "Main hi sacha, main hi imaandar" against Justice Khosa was absolutely derogatory and insulting...
Sohail Waraich Sahab! It seems that the word shame has departed from contemporary journalists who should rather be called devious opportunists.

Surely you are not one of those, are you?

To call these judicial proceedings a script is not only derogatory but it exposes the thought behind the allegation as something as grotesque as someone in their birthday suit.

Surely Sohail Waraich Sahab cannot stoop so low. To make allegations of script only fulfills a higher aim, like an investment that can be referred to some other time, perhaps a biography op or favours in better times.

How devious favours in return for reward lingers in our politics thanks mainly to opportunistic journalists who are hanging on to the shards of corruption and hoping for this cycle of turn after turn of corruption to repeat... like the foul smell of rotting carcasses, it lingers on.
This is the hallmark of Mafias to make an offer which cannot be refused. All journalist have a price. Those talking for and those talking against. both are getting something from somewhere.
It is good indication that corruption will be eliminated from Pakistan after the final verdict of the Supreme Court.
SC rejects Nehal Hashmi's reply in provocative speech case


اسلام آباد:جس نے توہین عدالت کی وہ موجود نہیں،ملزم کو یہاں ہوناچاہیےتھا،سپریم کورٹ
عدالت جواب گزار کے رویے سے مطمئن نہیں، سپریم کورٹ
عدالت سینیٹر نہال ہاشمی کے جواب سے مطمئن نہیں، سپریم کورٹ
نہال ہاشمی ذاتی طور پر پیش نہیں ہوسکتےتو درخواست دےکربتاناچاہیے تھا،سپریم کورٹ
جواب گزار کا رویہ مناسب نہیں ہے،سپریم کورٹ
انصاف کے تقاضوں کو مدنظر رکھتے ہوئے آج کی حاضری کا استثنا منظورکرتے ہیں،عدالت
آیندہ سماعت پر نہال ہاشمی پر توہین عدالت کی فرد جرم عائد کردی جائیگی

مرکز صوبے میں مداخلت کررہاہے، وکیل نہال ہاشمی حشمت حبیب
نہال ہاشمی کے خلاف انتقامی کارروائیاں کی جارہی ہیں، وکیل نہال ہاشمی
نہال ہاشمی کے گھر سے گارڈز ہٹالیے گئے ہیں، حشمت حبیب
نہال ہاشمی کے بیٹے کو نامعلوم افراد نے اغوا کرنے کی کوشش کی ، حشمت حبیب
سال30 سے وکالت سے وابستہ شخص کو انتقامی کارروائیوں کا نشانہ بنایا جارہاہے، حشمت حبیب
پھانسی لگادی جائے لیکن انتقامی کارروائیوں کو روکا جائے ،حشمت حبیب
اس کیس میں پھانسی کی سزا ہے ہی نہیں، جسٹس اعجاز افضل
کراچی میں نہال ہاشمی کے خلاف مقدمے کا اس کیس سے تعلق نہیں، جسٹس اعجاز الاحسن
نہال ہاشمی کو آج استثنا اس لیے دے رہے ہیں کہ وہ آیندہ محتاط رہیں، جسٹس اعجاز افضل
SC rejects Nehal Hashmi's reply in provocative speech case


اسلام آباد:جس نے توہین عدالت کی وہ موجود نہیں،ملزم کو یہاں ہوناچاہیےتھا،سپریم کورٹ
عدالت جواب گزار کے رویے سے مطمئن نہیں، سپریم کورٹ
عدالت سینیٹر نہال ہاشمی کے جواب سے مطمئن نہیں، سپریم کورٹ
نہال ہاشمی ذاتی طور پر پیش نہیں ہوسکتےتو درخواست دےکربتاناچاہیے تھا،سپریم کورٹ
جواب گزار کا رویہ مناسب نہیں ہے،سپریم کورٹ
انصاف کے تقاضوں کو مدنظر رکھتے ہوئے آج کی حاضری کا استثنا منظورکرتے ہیں،عدالت
آیندہ سماعت پر نہال ہاشمی پر توہین عدالت کی فرد جرم عائد کردی جائیگی

مرکز صوبے میں مداخلت کررہاہے، وکیل نہال ہاشمی حشمت حبیب
نہال ہاشمی کے خلاف انتقامی کارروائیاں کی جارہی ہیں، وکیل نہال ہاشمی
نہال ہاشمی کے گھر سے گارڈز ہٹالیے گئے ہیں، حشمت حبیب
نہال ہاشمی کے بیٹے کو نامعلوم افراد نے اغوا کرنے کی کوشش کی ، حشمت حبیب
سال30 سے وکالت سے وابستہ شخص کو انتقامی کارروائیوں کا نشانہ بنایا جارہاہے، حشمت حبیب
پھانسی لگادی جائے لیکن انتقامی کارروائیوں کو روکا جائے ،حشمت حبیب
اس کیس میں پھانسی کی سزا ہے ہی نہیں، جسٹس اعجاز افضل
کراچی میں نہال ہاشمی کے خلاف مقدمے کا اس کیس سے تعلق نہیں، جسٹس اعجاز الاحسن
نہال ہاشمی کو آج استثنا اس لیے دے رہے ہیں کہ وہ آیندہ محتاط رہیں، جسٹس اعجاز افضل

Yeh bhi 10 july ko? 10th july will be quite an eventful day
Nihal Hashmi walay case ki..jis din pehli hearing hui thee...us din tu judges ne ye remarks diye thay ke hum kaisy maan lein ke Nihal hashmi ne kisi ke kehnay par ye speech nahi ki? Us din hi sicillian mafia walay remarks bhi diye thay.. At tht time..SC was very sure ke Nihal Hashmi ne top leasership ke kehnay par ye kia.. Lekin us din ke baad...se.jitni bhi hearings hui..us main SC ..Nihal Hashmi ko sirf ek individual ki tarah le rahi hai..aur woh angle nikaal hi diya..SC..ne..ke ye kis ke kehnay par kia? Iski kia..wajah hosakti hai? @PakSword @Guvera @QatariPrince
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