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Panama leak Case Proceedings - JIT Report, News, Updates And Discussion

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Hassan Nisar is most lethal critic of $harifs and he has ever since been Geo and in last year or so after TRP of Geo went down the drain from 1st to 9th strategy was revised and Hamid was best candidate in Geo to bring some validation/viewership back.

Nawaz's party is in shambles. Once out, it will be way worse than what PMLQ did with it. Just wait a few more weeks.

You'll see how many seats PMLK wins then :)

IK does even have candidates, he barely brings 50% candidates to any opening, e.g recent spot in karachi was contested between PPPP and MQM
who is PML K?

Sir, let me know if you got my reference of Jun 11th post (see bold above) now :)
"When they ask you what happened here, tell them that the Pindi remembers. Tell them justice came for the House of Sharif."
- Unknown

This is in reference to what? Please clarify
How do you account for his performance from back to the wall in 2008 with the Establishment hounding him. He won Punjab didnt he? You guys will be in for a rude shock in 2018.
No way.Establishment wanted him to come to power. Infact establishment was the one who brought him to power.He's won all elections with establishment on his back not based on popularity.But now after dawn leaks episode establishment will not even look at him.Gen. Kiyani was a prominent name in 2013 elections rigging conspirators.
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