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Pan-Islamic rally urges Pakistan to liberate Jerusalem

Secret Service

Feb 11, 2011
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May 28th
Thousands of Hizb ut-Tahrir activists protest outside al-Aqsa mosque in appeal to redeem holy city from Jewish ‘filth’

A recent rally organized by a far-reaching pan-Islamic organization outside the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem called for Pakistani military intervention to defeat the “hostile” Jews and liberate the city from Jewish “filth.”

“This is the call of Hizb ut-Tahrir: Advance with your mighty army to Jerusalem. You are worthy of the honor of liberating it,” a speaker cried at the demonstration, which took place last Thursday.

The movement maintains that “thousands” were present at the rally.

“O the army of Pakistan! Come for the sake of the rule of the Koran! O nation of millions! Awaken to support your religion! O our imprisoned Al-Aqsa Mosque! We bear the glad tidings of liberation!” another speaker chanted, and was echoed by the protesters in attendance, according to a translation by MEMRI.

“Where is the Caliph Omar? Where is Saladin? Where is the Caliph of the Muslims?” he cried. “Don’t you care that the Jews are defiling the place of the Prophet’s nocturnal journey with their filth? The Jews are the most hostile people towards the believers. They conquered Jerusalem.”

The Hizb ut-Tahrir demonstration also appealed to Moroccan and Algerian Muslims, as well as to the Islamic world in general, to defeat Israel.

A representative addressing the crowd also issued a cry against America. “O Pakistani army! America is using you to kill your brothers. America wants to destroy you. America is your enemy. Free yourselves from subordination to it,” he said.

Hizb ut-Tahrir is an international organization, active in 40 countries and banned in many of them, that promotes the establishment of a unitary global Islamic state, or caliphate. The group, founded in 1953, has an estimated one million followers worldwide, according to The New Statesman. The organization has condoned the use of jihad to reach its pan-Arabic aim.

Pan-Islamic rally urges Pakistan to liberate Jerusalem | The Times of Israel

Hizb ut-Tahrir (Islamic Liberation Party) supporters at a rally in the PA capital of Ramallah, 2012.

Incitement that heats up the atmosphere among Muslim worshipers at the Temple Mount is a regular offering at the Al Aqsa Mosque — but the Israeli government has yet to do anything concrete to stop it.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) has translated video footage of a rally held just last week at the mosque by a radical Islamist group, the Hizb ut-Tahrir Islamic Liberation Party.

The group, which operates under the auspices and encouragement of the Palestinian Authority, is dedicated to uniting the world under a caliphate ruled by Islamic law (Shari’a) and has branches in Judea, Samaria and in Gaza.

The rally was held at the Al Aqsa mosque in the Temple Mount Plaza, located in the heart of the Old City of Jerusalem, right next to the Western Wall. Among the crowd were many supporters waving black flags inscribed in white Arabic writing with the words, “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is His Prophet.”

According to MEMRI, members of the group issued a call to the ‘Islamic nation’ and the army of Pakistan to liberate ‘al Quds’ (Jerusalem) from ‘Jewish filth.’

“Where is the Caliph of the Muslims? Don’t you care that the Jews are defiling the place of the Prophet’s nocturnal journey with their filth? The Jews are the most hostile people towards the believers. . . They conquered Jerusalem,” called the rally activists.

“O people of Pakistan! O people of Islam! The place of the Prophet’s ascent to Heaven is calling for your help! What are you doing? The Al Aqsa Mosque calls for your support! Will you heed the call?

“O Pakistani Army! America wants to destroy you. America is your enemy. Free yourselves from subordination to it. This is the call of Hizb Al-Tahrir:

“Advance with your mighty army to Jerusalem. You are worthy of the honor of liberating it.” A video clip of the rally was posted on the Internet by MEMRI with translated subtitles.

It is precisely incitement such as this that whips the mosque’s Muslim worshipers into a frenzy of hatred against Jews and Israel week after week and results in the violent riots that prompt police to close the site to anyone except Muslims prior to Jewish holidays.

Once cannot fathom why Israel does not close the site to Muslims when violence occurs, rather than the peaceful Jews and tourists who come to tour the area.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that Israel’s Labor-led government in 1967 immediately handed authority over the site to the Waqf Islamic Authority, which is linked to the Jordanian government, hoping to maintain peace in future years.

Sadly, this ‘solution’ has instead simply led to endless incitement and a ravenous hunger for war.

Last year MEMRI translated another Hizb ut-Tahrir video showing PA Arab children in the Al Aqsa mosque having been programmed to call for the “liberation of Palestine.”

In somber robes of white (for purity) and black (for purpose and death) boys who appeared to be as young as six and as old as 15 stood tall in the mosque, bands inscribed with religious slogans wound about their foreheads listened closely — and yelled into microphones when called upon to do so.

This is a perfect example of how the Palestinian Authority actively continues to pass on terrorism against Israel to the next generation. It is a clear message the PA is no ‘partner for peace.’

A ‘two state solution’ under these circumstances would be a signed death certificate with the coroner ready and waiting to deliver the document next door.

The Jewish Press»» Islamist Temple Mount Rally to Rid Site of ‘Jewish Filth’
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there are large number of people.. i am wondering why they are calling Pakistan ? why not any other Muslim country...

Pakistan does have one of the most powerful militaries in the world and if I am not mistaken, the most powerful military in the Muslim world ?:undecided:
Pakistan does have one of the most powerful militaries in the world and if I am not mistaken, the most powerful military in the Muslim world ?:undecided:

Its turkey... and what can pakistan do??? given the thousands of mile dividing each country and diplomacy can't work...
these are large number of people, i am wondering why they are calling Pakistan ? why not any other Muslim country...
Because we have got the "bum"!

And because Hizb-Tahrir is a banned pakistani outfit.


there is a VERY good reason Palestine doesn't like us.

Hint, Pak Army, led by then Brigadier Zia attacked PLO on behalf of Jordan:

Wikipedia: Black September in Jordan

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