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Palestinians - The Invented People

C'mon S-19, this is ridiculous. Whatever happened a few thousand odd years ago is done and dusted. The Israelis 'did not disperse' all over the world. Rather it was Jews who probably migrated to other parts in the Middle East, North Africa and due to proselytisation, gained more followers around the world.

Well, Bamxa was suggesting that Israeli people were also "invented". I had to refer to history to counter his argument.

The wikipedia article covers comprehensively about Jewish diaspora. The Jewish people faced numerous holocausts and persecution throughout their existence. They were the most hated race by the Christians and to a major extent, still are - only Muslims have taken over Christians in this regard.

The first Jewish diaspora occurred when Assyrians conquered Kingdom of Israe, after which Israelis were deported to Persia and Media

Second diaspora occurred after Roman destruction of Judea after which they were dispersed to the whole roman empire facing relentless persecution.

Third diaspora occurred in the middle ages by crusader kingdoms.

Fourth diaspora occurred in WWII by Nazi Germany.

Jewish diaspora - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thats why theres Arab, White, Black, Berber, Spanish Jews etc and please don't try to suggest that they're all magically related which is what Zionism is based on.

Zionism is a Jewish nationalism ideology. Just like Islamist nationalism and Hindu nationalism. Only difference is their demands are far lower and they are far, far, FAR peaceful compared to other "nationalist" movements.

There isn't even any evidence suggesting the existence of Solomon's Temple or David's Kingdom, let alone any evidence on the existence of these two figures. There is no evidence of the existence of Lot's town which was supposedly destroyed by God. Zionism is based on myths.

How would you have evidence after the Roman empire completely destroyed Jerusalem? The first temple was destroyed by Babylonian army. Reference to the Kingdom of Israel occurs in multiple holy scriptures and books. Anybody who follows any Abrahamic religion cannot deny them.

The rightful owners of the "Holy" land are the people who lived there before 1948, today know as Palestinians. Not European, North American, South American, African or Asian Jews. Zionism is blatant racism.

In light of my above argument, I think this statement is now countered.
Palestine is not even an Arabic word..Arabs who take soo much pride in rejecting forgien imperialism are fighting for a Roman identity for last 64 years..revived by nobody else than British imperialism! How funny!

So, since Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya, Morrocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Muritania are not Arab words, so they are invented nations and people, yet, Israel should take them over and displace their people. lool, How old are you Sombozo?
Palestinians are as invented a people as Pakistanis are ? We were, after all, created in '47 and by extension so is almost every other nation out there ! The Brits galvanized themselves into one-nation when the Romans left with Celtic, Norman, Saxon and whatever remained of Rome forming the bulk of their populations then...so where the heck did England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales pop up from...back then there wasn't anything remotely called as 'Scottish' ! The Punjabis and the Kashmiris - my ethnicities - have a history as far back as 6000 years...who the heck were they before that because these lands were still inhabited ? Ghani Khan - the Great Pukhtoon poet - says that he is a 5000 year old Pashtun, a 1400 year old Muslim and a 25 year old Pakistani - What the heck was he talking about ? What were 'His People' before the 5000 year mark ? And what changed them after the '1400 year mark' that barring their language everything else pagan about their culture was lost....so did they re-invent themselves ? And if one asserts that 'the number of years' equals a viable claim towards an 'identity' then I'd ask 'Why ?' for in the evolutionary course of things a few thousand years are not even peanuts !

Or could the answer be - they are Palestinians simply because they choose to call themselves that !Just like countless other countries all over the world do ! Most of Latin America is Spanish Speaking...why don't they unite and call themselves something with a Spanish connotation ? Brazil is Portuguese speaking why don't they name themselves after 'Cristiano Ronaldo for all I care' and be a part of 'Portugal' ? Isn't the answer quite self-explanatory - They made a choice to have a different Identity ! And countries do not have a right to exist or not....they just do exist ! Period ! The USA has no right to exist just as Pakistan doesn't - they just do and it doesn't get any more complicated then that !

Similarly the Palestinians made a choice to call themselves that and they do exist !

P.S the same can be applied to Israel ! However one might disagree with the manner in which Israel was created - Coming to Palestine with a bible in one hand and an Ak-47 in another and exclaiming that this was their land simply because it says so in the book ! What could be a greater departure from Secularism then to create a State based on whats written in the Bible ! And so however one might disagree with that...Israel does exist and it is just as invented as every other nation on Earth !
Palestine is not even an Arabic word..Arabs who take soo much pride in rejecting forgien imperialism are fighting for a Roman identity for last 64 years..revived by nobody else than British imperialism! How funny!

So what would you have them name it? The region has been known as Palestine for centuries. Names of cities in Pakistan like Lahore and Multan date back to their foundation by the Hindus. Does that mean we should change the name of these cities to prove we are not under Hindu control?
Lol the use of that word is funny. What's supposed to be the meaning of 'invented people'? Man's always been a social animal, and we always veer towards different groups, for religious, economic reasons etc. People come together, create a nation based on certain ideals, after those ideals become redundant, those nations fall apart. New ones form based on new ideals and those are actively campaigned. We can't call that artificial or invented and put that away now can we? Idea of the nation-state, forging of an identity over a new found nationalism, that's not really unique to just Palestine. Every country has the same thing! That Invented people would apply to the whole world, even the Americans.
Kazakhastan, Russia or any other country does not have any religious association. They are secular states which values civil liberties for every race and religion.

It is God's will that Israel will be created and prosper if they stay in the correct path, as stated in the Koran. That is why you see the little Israel today as one of the most powerful state in the world economically and militarily - starting from a barren patch of desert in 1948.
Israel is a Jewish state, no need to lie to hide your bias.
This is how they debate is shifted from the main focus. The issue is about people living there for thousands of years, not implanted. That goes for Muslims, Jews, Christians, or anyone belonging to a different religion.

This is actually not a new debate, its just in a new bottle.
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