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Palestinians fire dozens of rockets into Israel in retaliation

Typical...Elhassani syndrome!

Call the modo to give you a leg up...
Hazzy is the most prolific snitch on this forum.

Anyone who counters him is reported for "propaganda and trolling"

Many times he reports in private communications so no one can see him. He reported me about a dozen times on trumped up bullshit reasons before the mods got fed up and just banned me.

Odious little boy.
If the following is true as reported by a pro-islamist Algerian arabic newpaper, be prepared to witness your "hamas" minced to shred..If you think Israelis are bad, they haven't met the Kahina's descendants..wrath
كوموندوس من "حماس" دخل جبال الشعانبي لتسريب أسلحة للجزائر!

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Nearly 40 injured in clashes across the West Bank | Maan News Agency

JERUSALEM (Ma'an) -- Nearly 40 protesters were injured after Israeli forces opened fire on demonstrations across the central West Bank on Friday afternoon, activists said.

The injured included 35 Palestinians in the Abu Dis and Eizariya neighborhoods of East Jerusalem as well as two Palestinians in Beitin.

Additionally, a Norwegian activists was struck in the back by a tear gas canister fired by Israeli forces in Bilin.

The demonstrations come after a week of intense violence in the region, as airstrikes and rocket fire was exchanged in the last two days across the Gaza border after seven Palestinians were reported killed by Israeli forces in separate incidents in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip earlier in the week.

An Israeli military spokeswoman did not return calls seeking comment on the incidents.




East Jerusalem
Dozens of Palestinian were injured in clashes with Israeli forces in the Abu Dis and Eizariya villages in East Jerusalem on Friday.

Spokesman for the local popular resistance committee Hani Halabiya told Ma'an that 35 young men were struck by rubber-coated steel bullets, while dozens of others suffered from excessive tear gas inhalation.

Palestinians threw rocks at Israeli forces and closed the roads with trash bins during the clashes.

Israeli forces fired tear gas randomly at houses and at the Eizariya cemetery, Halabiya said.

Israeli forces also fired at al-Quds news photographer Rami Alariya.

"Israeli forces shot four tear gas canisters, a metal bullet, and three stun grenades at me in different locations while I was covering the clashes," Alariya said.

"An officer threatened to shoot me and then gave orders to soldiers to shoot me near al-Jabal junction in Abu Dis," he added, "in addition to the curses and insults I received."

Two Palestinians were injured in clashes that broke out in Beitin village east of Ramallah on Friday.

One protester was struck by a live bullet in the leg and another was hit by a rubber-coated steel bullet after Israeli forces opened fire at protesters, who were throwing rocks at them.

Protestors said they marched to condemn the killing of Saji Darwish, 18, last week, a student at Birzeit University from Beitin who was shot dead by Israeli soldiers while he was throwing rocks at the vehicles of Israeli settlers.

A Norwegian activist was injured and dozens of others suffered from excessive tear gas inhalation in clashes in Bilin in the central West Bank.

Israeli forces fired tear gas, stun grenades, and rubber-coated steel bullets at protesters as they neared their lands close to the wall, injuring a 36-year-old woman from Norway named "Katia" who was struck by a tear gas canister in the back.

Organizers said the protest was held "in loyalty to the martyrs," and protesters raised Palestinian flags and posters of Saji Darwish. They marched through the village and chanted songs for unity and resistance.

Since 2005, Bilin villagers have protested on a weekly basis against the Israeli separation wall that runs through their village on land confiscated from local farmers.

Previous protests by Bilin activists have forced the Israeli authorities to re-route the wall, but large chunks of the village lands remain inaccessible to residents because of the route.

Israel began building the separation wall in 2002, and the route has been the target of regular demonstrations by border towns whose land is cut off by its path.
Nabi Saleh
Dozens of activists suffered from excessive tear gas inhalation as Israeli forces dispersed a protest in Nabi Saleh northwest of Ramallah.

Protesters marched towards their confiscated lands which have been taken over by the nearby illegal Jewish settlement of Hallamish after the noon prayers and condemned recent "Israeli crimes" against Palestinians, the ongoing siege on Gaza and continued settlement activity in the West Bank.

Israeli forces dispersed protesters using rubber-coated steel bullets, stun grenades, and tear gas.

In 2004, the International Court of Justice called on Israel to stop construction of the separation wall within the occupied West Bank.

When completed, 85 percent of the wall will run inside the West Bank.

The internationally recognized Palestinian territories of which the West Bank and East Jerusalem form a part have been occupied by the Israeli military since 1967.

Hazzy is the most prolific snitch on this forum.

Anyone who counters him is reported for "propaganda and trolling"

Many times he reports in private communications so no one can see him. He reported me about a dozen times on trumped up bullshit reasons before the mods got fed up and just banned me.

Odious little boy.
What irritating is the speed that moderators execute the simple request without checking the validity of the ban..Hazzy was a lot more aggressive in his choice of vocabulary that than the banned participant..El Hassani too, seems to have a lot of clout in the forum..Go figure!
What irritating is the speed that moderators execute the simple request without checking the validity of the ban..Hazzy was a lot more aggressive in his choice of vocabulary that than the banned participant..El Hassani too, seems to have a lot of clout in the forum..Go figure!
Hazzy was telling people to "f*ck off" called them "scum" and telling them to "shut their mouths" in a very aggressive manner throughout this thread.

Yet nothing is done about this kid. I guess people don't care as much as he does to report him - but he cares enough to report everyone else.
If the following is true as reported by a pro-islamist Algerian arabic newpaper, be prepared to witness your "hamas" minced to shred..If you think Israelis are bad, they haven't met the Kahina's descendants..wrath
كوموندوس من "حماس" دخل جبال الشعانبي لتسريب أسلحة للجزائر!


Your link doesn't even work, you're getting riled up over nothing, if Israel can't defeat Hamas what makes you think any Arabic nation could do so? :lol:

Only in your dreams would Algeria attack Palestinians, Algerians unlike you who's a minority are very supportive of Palestinians. :lol:

Read the comments, every Algerian called BS on it and it's the latest propaganda against all Palestinians by Israeli collaborators(Egypt, Saudi Arabia). They make it sound like Hamas has the power of an empire when they are under a siege and act only within their border, it's strictly a Palestinian movement. I can't believe you'd even consider that worthy of reading, if you understand Arabic you'd realize no one buys such accusations against the Palestinian Resistance.


Almost all the comments are of smart honest Algerian people's who blame Egyptian/saudi/emirate intelligence for these rumors. Algerians realize the gross nature of gulf foreign policy and won't fall for it.
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Cursed Jewish liar, just several decades ago you Ashkenazis had some fear of God in you and now you come back and emulate nazi methods of propaganda. Shame on you.

The EU just released a report on Gaza stating Israel is largely responsible for the economic woes and humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

People have access to Internet these days, you think spreading BS Jewish lies will give the Jewish state a better future in the long term? It will only increase resentment against the Jewish state.

Even in Europe soccer fans showed solidarity with Gaza and the BDS movement is growing faster than ever.

And now you're denying there is even an occupation, what do you expect from Ashkenazis like you, you think propaganda, arrogance and misinformation will give you a better future, it's only going to turn the world against you, people are slowly realizing they've been fed government propaganda about the 'plight' of the Ashkenazi people.

Behave yourself man.. this is not normal where are the mods?

You're getting your own self banned by starting flame wars with Pakistanis. :lol:

Not to mention being a double user with a record breaking 27 accounts. :D

Glad you feel victimized you little innocent poodle. :)

Whats the difference between a nazi and a racist.. you are a racist

Do you even know what a race is? Cursed people are any persons whom deliberately lie, there's nothing wrong with speaking the truth.

Decent people= honest
Cursed people= liars

As to which 'race' lies more that could make a good discussion in the members club go take it elsewhere.
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