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Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was 'murdered with polonium'

You pathetic so called 'expert'(propagandist). They aren't just looking at P-210 levels but at the ratio with Pb-206 in which polonium decays.
Nope they talked about Polonium:

“The level of polonium in Yasser Arafat’s rib … is about 900 millibecquerels,” Barclay said. “That is either 18 or 36 times the average, depending on the literature.”

Now if u are trying to say that they concluded according to Pb-206 remains that he had 18 times more Polonium 8 years ago, thats complete joke. Because Pb can come for many reasons and 18 times is absolutely nothing. Not enough to kill a fly.

Finally they are saying that Paris hospital doctors are complete morons because they could not detect radiation poisoning.
What do you expect from Zionists, the same people who assassinated this Swedish diplomat who saved 31,000 Jews during because he disagreed with the Zionists on their terrorism and declaration of their own cities on Palestinian land. And one of the assassins later becomes the prime minister of Israel. Go figure.

Folke Bernadotte - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
First of all Bernadotte did not save any Jews. He was just clerk who negotiated release of 450 Dannish Jews in last days of WW2 when there was no danger anyway. And if he did not existed another clerk would be sent do do the same.

Secondly, those who killed him dont represent all Zionists.
First of all Bernadotte did not save any Jews. He was just clerk who negotiated release of 450 Dannish Jews in last days of WW2 when there was no danger anyway. And if he did not existed another clerk would be sent do do the same.

Secondly, those who killed him dont represent all Zionists.

Oh yeah sure they don't represent Zionists. The only wrong action you see was killing him yet whatever they did to the Palestinians shouldn't be of any concern. 
Nope they talked about Polonium:

“The level of polonium in Yasser Arafat’s rib … is about 900 millibecquerels,” Barclay said. “That is either 18 or 36 times the average, depending on the literature.”

Now if u are trying to say that they concluded according to Pb-206 remains that he had 18 times more Polonium 8 years ago, thats complete joke. Because Pb can come for many reasons and 18 times is absolutely nothing. Not enough to kill a fly.

Finally they are saying that Paris hospital doctors are complete morons because they could not detect radiation poisoning.

Read the rest of what I wrote and don't give us your observations or put words in my mouth.

Suha Arafat's lawyer says they'll ignore French, Russian reports

From Al Jazeera:

French investigators have concluded in a report that Yasser Arafat died of natural causes and ruled out the possibility that he was poisoned, a source told Al Jazeera.
"The analysis cannot lead us to affirm that Arafat died of polonium 210 poisoning," reads the report, according to the source, who has seen it. The report comes to the same conclusion the French reached in 2004 - that Arafat died of a brain hemorrhage and an intestinal infection.
A similar forensic test conducted by Russian scientists, who were invited to participate by Palestinian Authority officials, was inconclusive.
I had never seen the Russian report, but Al Jazeera put its conclusions online last month:

Considering that within the framework of mathematical, cross-disciplinary inter-disciplinary modelling the results were re-verified and included into the artificial modules structure and the working hypothesis was not confirmed, the working hypothesis regarding the subject's death being caused by penetration of 210Po into his body was recognized as unsubstantiated.

Here's the best quote:

Suha Arafat’s lawyer, Djabbar, alleged that the French investigators followed “a very conservative, narrow approach” to their analysis of Arafat’s remains. He added: “I tell you one thing, for us, the only show in town is that of the Swiss.”
The Swiss methodology, of course, was very suspect, as this article in Wired mentions.

Suha's lawyer, however, simply says that the flawed study is the "only game in town." Because to him, truth is meaningless; you are free to pick and choose the data that helps you and ignore the rest.

Which is, in a nutshell, the entire historical Palestinian Arab experience.
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was 'murdered with polonium'

The first things our medias said after his death was something like this except they used " unknown secret poison "

so this is old news , very old news , at least for someone like me ....
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O Contraire
Judy Bachrach

Al Jazeera and the Poisoning of Arafat
9 December 2013

I really never meant to weigh in on the international controversy on how Yasir Arafat died, but of late there’s no getting away from it. Suha Arafat, his very rich widow (thanks to the piles of millions left by the man she tried to divorce “over a hundred times,” as she put it this year) claims he was poisoned by polonium. Divorce or no divorce, her grief over his death is apparently so vivid she called on the Palestinian Authority to halt peace talks with Israel, the country she felt was behind Arafat’s death. Al Jazeera, in a documentary called Killing Arafat, claims the same, taking Suha pretty much at her word, which is an interesting decision on the part of a news organization.

Swiss investigators, in a carefully worded statement, postulated that Arafat might have been poisoned by polonium. A Russian investigation didn’t turn up much. French investigators claim flatly that the Palestinian leader wasn’t poisoned at all, either by polonium or anything else. He died, says their independent report, of natural causes.

So what are we to make of all this? I ask because it is Al Jazeera—and consistently Al Jazeera, the supposedly objective Qatar-based worldwide network—that keeps fanning the flames on this subject. Al Jazeera makes much of its journalistic credentials, its ability to keep a salutary emotional and professional distance from any subject matter; so much so that on any number of occasions, American television networks have accepted the results of its so-called investigation. And yet here—this taken from the news organization’s own website—is what viewers received as backup for Al Jazeera’s stunning claims regarding the Palestinian leader’s death:

The documentary also features exclusive footage of the night of the exhumation and testimony from the only man allowed to touch Yasser Arafat’s body during the procedure.

Dr. Saber Al Aloul, a Palestinian pathologist, extracted 60 samples from the Palestinian’s leader’s remains. “It was a very difficult and heavy day for all of us,” he said.

“The moment I touched the body of Yasser Arafat, I remembered his forehead. I was at medical school when I met him for the first time. I kissed him on his forehead.”

The pathologist, whose training was funded in part by the Arafat’s Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), talks of his pride in being able “to deliver the truth to him, our leader, symbol and father, and also to the Palestinian people and to the world.”

Well, I don’t mean to appear overly suspicious, but I’m willing to bet there aren’t many pathologists whose examinations are accompanied by the recollection of a kiss. You could start with that as one reason not to include Dr. Aloul as an expert witness in any documentary on the subject of causation.

And then you could go on to Suha Arafat herself. In 2011, the widow gave Al Jazeera a gym bag containing the clothes the Palestinian leader wore prior to his death, for the purposes of testing. That was seven years after Yasser Arafat’s death. Now maybe there was important residue left on those clothes and maybe there wasn’t. But one thing is certain: the chain of evidence is very murky after seven years—and especially difficult to judge if we take into account the particularly controversial and flamboyant nature of Suha herself.

As Palestinian leader, Arafat gave his wife $200,000 a month out of the Palestinian Authority’s budget. On his death, French authorities began an investigation into transfers of almost $12 million to Paris bank accounts in Suha’s name. Suha has a lot to say about her wealth (overblown, she insists) and many, many other subjects concerning her late husband.

“We were married for 22 years and it felt like 50,” Suha told a Turkish newspaper just this year. She was always torn, she added. On the one hand, she just hated being his wife. On the other, she felt really bad about all the bad press her husband was getting, largely, she is certain, because “it is no secret that [the media] is controlled by Jews.”

The human resources division of Al Jazeera, possibly not controlled by Jews, promises potential recruits: “We tell stories that other networks do not.”

There’s absolutely no quarreling with that.
This has been known from day one. The West never cared at that time.

In another 5-10 years you will see Israel admit to it just like they did with another figure they killed in the 70's I believe a couple years ago they announced it publicly.

Where was she

Where were the body guards.

This stuff cannot fly in the air and get into Arafat's body.

Someone close by must have put this in his food or injected him. if this news is true.

After his death, what did Palestine get? A coward in Mahmoud Abbas
Actually Abbas stopped Arafat from signing the deal. It is in the papers.

Arafat died due to internal struggle among Palestinians.

Like Gandhi was assassinated by a Hindu
--- It was too obvious, otherwise Indians would still be blaming Brits.
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