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Palestinian girl tries to goad soldiers into lashing out and failed

One Bullshit occur Always with humans to create the problem for them selves for their own and for others...
How do you reconcile this everybody-is-the-same statement with your assertion that "Islam like PEACE and its full scope in every matter of life and allow to every one to live with peace with their Culture, Religion"?
isnt it kosher to rape and kill a 10 year old and then pray near the west wall

i think it is

for over 100 years, since the begining of the Arab Israeli conflict there has yet to be a single recorded incident of a jewish soldier raping an arab women/girl.
how many other countries in conflict can make that claim?
I think we need to give him links to all videos of Israeli barbarianism
I think we need to give him links to all videos of Israeli barbarianism
But do the videos really portray "barbarism" by the Israelis or something else entirely, as they clearly do in this instance? Can you really make out a movie from just a few frames from the middle, especially if you are mistaken about the movie's plot?
Similar video from two years ago:

Note, once two provocateurs are taken away kids start playing football.

Ooh so the blaberring is about an israeli soldier not killing a 10 year old on the camera- Nice
Its about Palestinians using their children for propaganda.

Israel is the creation of the British colonist; right in in heart of the Middle East as a destabilizer, with the full military, economic, and political support of the Anglo-Americans. Israel-Anglo-American are the provokers and the aggressors of the Middle East. There will never, I repeat, NEVER be peace as long as this artificial terrorist state is occupying the Middle East.
No, its UAE is artificial creation of Britain, based on oil and slave labor.

if the camers were not there it would be another story
Whats the problem to confiscate cameras?
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What a cunt kid. If I ever behaved like that as a child, I wouldn't be worried about the Israeli soldiers beating me, it would be my parents I would be scared of...
I dislike the Zionazis but those kids were obviously some kind of actors. Notice the way she looks at the camera shortly before her tantrum. It would be nice if someone could translate that video. The soldiers seemed to be getting a kick out of it though, I bet this isn't the first time they have come across her seems like they knew her and the other kids or something. Especially considering that boy reached for the rifle and the soldier just laughed it off, he probably knew he wouldn't actually take it.
When a kid is yelling at you, and tries to say something he don't even know about, its kind of funny.
The soldier just laughed when the kid reached his rifle, because the kid was angry, they didn't take him seriously, he wasn't a threat.
I dont know why u dislike the "Zionazis", u seem like a logical guy, so why's that ?
When a kid is yelling at you, and tries to say something he don't even know about, its kind of funny.
The soldier just laughed when the kid reached his rifle, because the kid was angry, they didn't take him seriously, he wasn't a threat.
I dont know why u dislike the "Zionazis", u seem like a logical guy, so why's that ?

You clearly don't know him.

This event was not unusual, these are the creatures Israel is dealing with everyday. Those who shove little children against armed soldiers multiple times just to get a provocative picture for the media. Those who feed their children with vile hatred.

The logical people on this forum can see the video for what it is, plain and simple, but those who refuse to accept reality or simply disregard this as something to be ignored or even condoned will continue believing their twisted beliefs.
Or marry and rape a 9 year old? ...Oh...wait...

Aisha never got pregnant nor remarried, any reason you give for why she didn't, be only conjecture.
The reason he married her, having youth and being close to the Prophet would earn her the respect to be heard as the mother of the Ummah for more years then his first wife, and she did.
You clearly don't know him.

This event was not unusual, these are the creatures Israel is dealing with everyday. Those who shove little children against armed soldiers multiple times just to get a provocative picture for the media. Those who feed their children with vile hatred.

The logical people on this forum can see the video for what it is, plain and simple, but those who refuse to accept reality or simply disregard this as something to be ignored or even condoned will continue believing their twisted beliefs.

100% agree !
לא הייתי מנסח את זה טוב יותר.
Now that the anti-Israeli chatter here has calmed down to a silent simmer I want people to think about something: it isn't enough just to keep silent. To really work to cure the ills in your minds and in Pakistan and many Muslims countries you have to become Israel advocates. Otherwise your minds will remain as poisoned as darkinsky's: devoid of reason, blind to truth, and insensitive towards your fellow human beings.
And how can you come here trying to glorify Israeli soldiers for not killing a '10 year old'?
Which animal will even think of harming a 10 year old no mayer what 'verbal abuse' she is saying?
Although i am sure,this is a rare occasion when Israelis didnt reply verbal anuse with physical harm or death.

Heard about the 14 yr old Malala Yousufzai in Pakistan?
Heard about the 14 yr old Malala Yousufzai in Pakistan?

Yes animals harmed her and most on here agree, your point??

When a kid is yelling at you, and tries to say something he don't even know about, its kind of funny.
The soldier just laughed when the kid reached his rifle, because the kid was angry, they didn't take him seriously, he wasn't a threat.
I dont know why u dislike the "Zionazis", u seem like a logical guy, so why's that ?

The treatment of Palestinians under your current administration has vast similarities to both the Nazi regime and Apartheid South Africa, on a personal level I have no problem with your people.

Now that the anti-Israeli chatter here has calmed down to a silent simmer I want people to think about something: it isn't enough just to keep silent. To really work to cure the ills in your minds and in Pakistan and many Muslims countries you have to become Israel advocates. Otherwise your minds will remain as poisoned as darkinsky's: devoid of reason, blind to truth, and insensitive towards your fellow human beings.

Nice try Solomon, keep trying.
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