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Palestinian girl tries to goad soldiers into lashing out and failed

Wasted childhood.

Actually this is stupid on the part of the Israeli soldiers - @0:31, 1:59 etc in the video the boy physically pushes the soldier and @ 2:29 even even grans the rifle and any soldier worth his salt would not let anybody touch him or his rifle..afaik its a part of their training..maintaining distance from the unknown..what if the boy went for the sidearm or something like that. He should have atleast separated the boy from him. And @ 2:38 look at the woman pushing the boy on the soldier..Reminds me of the 2010 Kashmir agitations where the protestors threw stones from behind the children and women..Same tactics...use the child as a shield and then if something happens to the child then wail as if the forces entered the house, snatched the baby from the cradle and then harmed him. Sick. This is nothing but a sick camera shoot wherein its clearly visible the photographers goading the children to have a go against the soldier.

All I can say is the mother who was proudly recording this is worthless to be called a mother, sending her children to the harm's way..an armed soldier's way....but what for them..they give birth to dozen kids and one 'martyr' would bring in fame and money along with the ritualistic castigation of Israel, would not matter much.
Nice to see the soldiers are just laughing it off. This is called professionalism. If these same girls go up to hamas militants and talk verbally abuse them as such, everyone knows what's going to happen.
When the children are taught to behave in this manner, no wonder there is no hope for peace. The comment by the uploader is true: If Palestine lay down arms, there will be no war, but if Israel lay down the arms, there will be no Israel.
Atleast all sects of muslims have the same conclusion when it comes to Israeli-palestinian conflict...
Thank god or whatever for that....:drag:
Nice to see the soldiers are just laughing it off. This is called professionalism. If these same girls go up to hamas militants and talk verbally abuse them as such, everyone knows what's going to happen.

Actually no. I find the Israeli soldiers going against their training because the cameras were focussing on them. I'm sure a well trained army like the IDF would definitely teach their soldiers not to let strangers, even if they are children, touch their vests, assault rifles etc.
idiots, provokes huh ? she was asking him where did they took her brother !
She was saying " I know u speak arabic, answer me"

when u commit a crime and smile at the camera, it doesn't make you innocent !
idiots, provokes huh ? she was asking him where did they took her brother !
You saw the cameras. You saw how she checked they were focused on her BEFORE she started her rant. Clearly this was a set-up, whether or not the claim about her brother was real.

She was saying " I know u speak arabic, answer me"
Even if soldiers knew Arabic, what purpose would be served by answering her? If her brother was really nabbed by the Israelis for something or other there are long-standing avenues of inquiry and appeal that do not involve accosting soldiers; these people even appeal on occasion to Israel's courts: link. If the girl didn't know that, her mother or aunt filming her surely did.
isnt it kosher to rape and kill a 10 year old and then pray near the west wall

i think it is
Just discovered this at the Elder of Ziyon blog, which I'll reproduce in its entirety:

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Shirley Temper - the movie
Fellow blogger and friend Israellycool made a very nice video piecing together video clips of the photogenic blonde Arab girl who likes to provoke Israeli soldiers, showing that she has been pushed to participate in these protests for months.

I thought that his name for her, "Shirley Temper," was brilliant, so I worked with him to create a shorter, more musical version of the video based on his original:

By the way, this same girl - A'hd Tamimi, the daughter of of the leader of the Nabi Saleh protests - has been given an award by Mahmoud Abbas for her stagecraft, and CAMERA noticed already last September how she was being used as a propaganda tool. It is a must-read article to understand the background of how children are indoctrinated in Pallywood.

The IDF also has a video about how this girl and others are cynically used.

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How can we say it wasn't made up for anti-Palestinian propaganda?

How can we say that most of the news you post from bengali newspaper and too in bengali is not anti-India propaganda ? How can we say that most of the videos posted by Palestinians on you tube are not Anti-Israel propaganda ?
isnt it kosher to rape and kill a 10 year old and then pray near the west wall i think it is
We can see what criticism of Jews and Israel is reduced to: vague, inflammatory, and uninformed assertions with little or no basis in fact. Yet not only do these demean the target, they also poison the mind of the accuser, robbing him of reason and blinding him to the truthful and greater misdeeds those even closer to home, even outside his own door.

Do you think you can find your way out of that, darkinsky? Or are you stuck at demonization?
How can we say it wasn't made up for anti-Palestinian propaganda?
The point has been reached where "anti-Palestinian propaganda" is indistinguishable from "pro-Palestinian propaganda". The implication is that pro-Palestinianism is false and baseless. When Soviet Russia reached this stage, described by poet/humorist Yevgeny Yevtushenko, the Communist regime had about fifteen years before it suffered total ideological collapse.
This video is should go into epic fail website as "Parenting Fail"
Wasted childhood.

Actually this is stupid on the part of the Israeli soldiers - @0:31, 1:59 etc in the video the boy physically pushes the soldier and @ 2:29 even even grans the rifle and any soldier worth his salt would not let anybody touch him or his rifle..afaik its a part of their training..maintaining distance from the unknown..what if the boy went for the sidearm or something like that. He should have atleast separated the boy from him. And @ 2:38 look at the woman pushing the boy on the soldier..Reminds me of the 2010 Kashmir agitations where the protestors threw stones from behind the children and women..Same tactics...use the child as a shield and then if something happens to the child then wail as if the forces entered the house, snatched the baby from the cradle and then harmed him. Sick. This is nothing but a sick camera shoot wherein its clearly visible the photographers goading the children to have a go against the soldier.

All I can say is the mother who was proudly recording this is worthless to be called a mother, sending her children to the harm's way..an armed soldier's way....but what for them..they give birth to dozen kids and one 'martyr' would bring in fame and money along with the ritualistic castigation of Israel, would not matter much.

One Bullshit occur Always with humans to create the problem for them selves for their own and for others...
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