Bro if you check my previous post you will find straight forward critics on government of saudia and iran ... both of them in order to increase there influence has used sectorial differences within muslims ... violence in any firm needs not only condemnation but also to be stopped by force
I agree 100% wirh you that as human being we should avcept the reality of israel ... but you israelies need to understand that a true muslim has no issue with jew even the practicing one ...
If somehow we could implement the proposal suggested by you i.e. peaceful co.existence of all three religions in jerusalem ... but my brother i cant ignore righting on the wall ... people in power do not think like you do ... equally on both sides ...
Let me be very straight forward that i 100% agree with the solution post by you ... but my brother i am also 100% sure thag rulling elite .. establishment and people in power dont agree with you ...
Regarding mess in middle east ... sadly it is due to stubborn criminal attitude of govt of saudia and iran ... unfortunately leaders of muslim countries are selfish stupid arrogant and have lust for power and thanks to our western nations they have utilized these stupid leaders in best kf thier interest ...
Initially they armed iraq and iraq was us best friend and when iraq tried to sale its oil other than usd ... us destroyed iraq ...
Us is fighting with al.qaida in afghanistan and runied a whole country just to catch few al.qaida operatives and now supplying weapons to same al.qaida in syria ...
Why daesh operatives are given treatment in israel ???
All these questions needs answere ... where we muslims done alot to destroyed ouself but the real brain and planning behind all these fights are done by west ...
Bottomline ... we feel that west has created all this mess in middle east using their pawn muslim rulers just to fulfill dream of greater israel ...
First, I am not Israeli. Been to Israel once, for a week, but then I have been to Egypt for a week as well.
The main problem with the Middle East is the lack of willingness to compromise.
Give and Take.
You have to look for deals which makes everyone reasonably satisfied.
That is not happening.
An no, I doubt anyone contacts the US, tells them - we are Al Qaeda , please send us weapons - and gets it.
As was shown some here weeks ago, most of the equipment (Toyotas) were supplied by KSA and GCC.
The US has given half hearted support, to a few entities. i think a recruiting/training campaign
resulted in like a dozen trained soldiers.
Only reasonable result is arming kurds (not pleasing Erdogan) and support for the Iraqi Army.
Israel claims they treat basically anyone that enters Israel with wounds as a good will gesture.
Even if they wanted to, they would have problem figuring out which fraction the wounded belong to.
Noone in West believes there is a plan for "Greater Israel".
That is an Israel with territories east of Jordan River.
Israel for sure wants to keep the Golan Heights and many (not all) Israelis would not mind
having the whole West Bank (but without Palestinians) but thats about it.
Saddam messed with core US interests when Quwait was attacked, still Iraq was not invaded.
Killing 3-4000 Americans as Al-Qaeda did 9/11 was the reason for attacking Afghanistan,
not really related to Israel.
Iraq was attacked due to rising pressure from left wing politicians to abandon the Iraqi blockade
without any requirements from Saddam. Simply not acceptable.
The US certainly considers a Syria in civil war to be little treat to Israel,
but really does very little to influence the situation there, focus is on Iraq.
Israel certainly prefers a failed state in Syria, tying up Hezbollah over an aggressive strong Syria
with Hezbollah planning and executing mischief.