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Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

It's well within Palestinians right to detain Israeli soldiers while they detain Palestinian female civilians all the time :

Hamas special forces are very well trained. They're laying waste on Israeli forces in combat situations. The 'elite' level of IDF is Hollywood propaganda. They just drop unlimited supply of bombs from the sky. Until American citizens unite to protest this support of Israel which is causing inflation and destabilizing the world and our country.

If this is the Road to Liberation,I wonder how the road to destruction will look like...maybe a tactical nuke or something?
This jealous guy is receiving shock as big as shock for Israeli's of what Hamas has done. He's an Israeli in my eyes. Not even happy for what Hamas did, just bitter and jealous Hezbollah and other factions wouldn't dare do such a thing. And gonna watch on the side.
What Hamas and the other Palestinian resistance groups in Gaza achieved today is remarkable. They have undoubtedly pierced the Zionist regime's myth of invincibility.

Truly impressive. These images will go down in history and these heroes will be immortalised. Now the question that remains is how many settlers have been arrested and who are they. These are their best leverage.

250-300+ settlers neutralised in one day (with 2000+ injured), more than double the total from the 2006 Lebanon war. Very impressive. I hope the Palestinians in the occupied West Bank join this war ASAP.

Whilst I understand the sentiment behind wanting Hezbollah to join this war, we should be honest and acknowledge Hamas didn't join the war when its Gazan bothers in PIJ were at war with Israel. Hezbollah will want to engage with Israel on its own terms, and this may not be the best moment. Hezbollah is also less popular/powerful in Lebanon (a state) than Hamas/PIJ/etc are in Gaza, so there are totally different considerations at play. That said, this is indeed primarily a Palestinian achievement and others should not be quick to take credit for it (although credit must be given to Iran for its funding and arming of the Gaza factions).

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