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Palestinians took control of an Israeli base, video link

The second one
We dont hate wallahi i dont hate them. I just want them to leave. Palestine belongs to muslims the prophet saw said it.
Allah swt does not hate the jews . Allah swt defends the palestinian believers against the opression of the jews.
We dont hate the world. We just want the world to conveet to islam and realize true love.
Peace and love from islam.
Claims on this piece of land from Islamic standpoint are subjective. Why Allah Almighty changed qibla of Muslims? Ever thought about this?

British created Modern Palestine for Jews as per the Balfour Declaration in 1922. This piece of land had been a part of different kingdoms throughout history (ownership shifted due to war and conquest from time to time), but it has significant Jewish history and legacy.

Palestinian Muslims are local residents and have properties in modern Palestine. It is a matter of human rights to accept these people and make peace with them. The alternative is to uproot these people.

Calls for elimination of Israel are unrealistic because it is a UN recognized state like any other. It will be for the best for Jews and Muslim to co-exist peacefully in Modern Palestine in the form a single state like in 1922. Call it Palestine or whatever with consensus.

Times change - realities change - this is how the world works. This world is not promised to any camp for indefinite period. This world belongs to Allah Almighty only and he is the Lord of all mankind and creations.

If you bring religion into this then Jews will do the same. This is not the solution.
Why do you call them a cult?
Only in a cult, you interview and proudly tell stories of massacring Palestinian civilians. only in a cult, you think you are a superior race and have the right to attack others, kill them and occupy their lands and homes.
Times change - realities change - this is how the world works. This world is not promised to any camp for indefinite period. This world belongs to Allah Almighty only and he is the Lord of all mankind and creations.

If you bring religion into this then Jews will do the same. This is not the solution.
R u kidding me. The al 3ohda al omaria states clearly the jews r forbidden into Jerusalem. Do u challege sayiduna Omar RA? He was the second right hand man. The jews have no claim in palestine or israel call it whatever.
If we make it about the ideology of straight vs non straight its even worse for them.
Times indeed changed but they still live in the fantasy of the "second strongest army" ...
They dont see whats going on. They wont be able to survive much. They should pack up n leave n we should open up their eyes to the truth.
The land is promised by Allah in the Quran to those who believe. It was always going to end up like this. Whats before was just a process. No matter how strong they might look. The jews were always going to end up hunted and chased after.
Kindly avoid sharing graphic media. Use Spoiler where necessary and rather than sharing links, try uploading photos.

I saw it live on Al Jazeera when Israel targeted the Palestine Tower (the biggest residential complex in Gaza) with a warning strike and then 3-4 missiles destroying the entire building.

Already the response has been that Tel Aviv is gonna stand on a one leg after this strike. Things are only gonna escalate.
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