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Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

Only in a cult, you interview and proudly tell stories of massacring Palestinian civilians. only in a cult, you think you are a superior race and have the right to attack others, kill them and occupy their lands and homes.
Also only in a cult do people proudly rush to blow up themselves and others.

And also proudly sing of slaughtering others.

Right? Or did I get that wrong. Hamas songs,Iranian insistence on "martyrdom" etc.
Although all reservists are legitimate targets including women, it is difficult to distinguish pure civilians from those that are trained to fight against Palestinians.

It is regretful that old aged people, many uninvolved women got involved in this skirmish with some quite unfortunate vids/photos being shared online.

I hope that nobody condone uninvolved population to be targeted and victimized. We must observe religiously the rules of war as Muslims.

Hamas has really made a bold move. History has been made where Israel has registered a great humiliation.
I dont support killing civilians nor does HAMAS.
Hamas was doing suicide bombings on the public in Israel. it didn't even leave kindergarten from a suicide bombing. And you claim Hamas does not kill civilians.

And Hamas fired thousands of rockets at Israeli civilians. And you claim Hamas does not kill Israeli civilians.

The mujahedin are taking prisonners and not killing civilians altough i dont know what a jewish civilian looks like bc they r all military.
Yes, just like no one knows who is a Hamas Mujahid and who is a Palestinian citizen. Please don't cry if Israel then kills all of them due to your ill logic.
Once used to gather on the hill, drink and enjoy bombardment of Gaza, now Palestinians take a selfie with their corpses.

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Although all reservists are legitimate targets including women, it is difficult to distinguish pure civilians from those that are trained to fight against Palestinians.

It is regretful that old aged people, many uninvolved women got involved in this skirmish with some quite unfortunate vids/photos being shared online.

I hope that nobody condone uninvolved population to be targeted and victimized. We must observe religiously the rules of war as Muslims.

Hamas has really made a bold move. History has been made where Israel has registered a great humiliation.
I havent seen a violation of the rules of war under sharia done by hamas so far except one minor incident involving a young ticktocking nineteen yo female soldier whos been draged a lil bit violently by a fighter from hamas. Other than that no violation registred.
I ve seen hamas taking pics with older jewish woman and protecting jewish women with kids
R u kidding me. The al 3ohda al omaria states clearly the jews r forbidden into Jerusalem. Do u challege sayiduna Omar RA? He was the second right hand man. The jews have no claim in palestine or israel call it whatever.
If we make it about the ideology of straight vs non straight its even worse for them.
Times indeed changed but they still live in the fantasy of the "second strongest army" ...
They dont see whats going on. They wont be able to survive much. They should pack up n leave n we should open up their eyes to the truth.
The land is promised by Allah in the Quran to those who believe. It was always going to end up like this. Whats before was just a process. No matter how strong they might look. The jews were always going to end up hunted and chased after.
No, I am not kidding you, and you have conveniently evaded my question. Are you sure that Hazrat Umar made such a claim? Hazrat Umar believed in interfaith harmony as per numerous accounts.

Allah Almighty instructed Jews to occupy ancient Palestine (Canaan) - this was logical because these people could not go back to ancient Egypt due to obvious reasons (Egyptians would have killed Jews) and would have perished in the harsh desert environment (Sinai). Jews founded the kingdom of Israel in ancient Palestine but the ancient Roman Empire destroyed it in a war [centuries later]. Allah Almighty pointed out in Surah al-Isra that Jews suffered this fate due to their corruption of mischief including distorting scriptures. The fundamental message in Surah al-Isra is to not be corrupt and mischievous.

Fast forward to the time of Rashidun Caliphate, Muslims fought a war with Byzantine Romans and took control of their lands in the Middle East. Palestine was among these lands as well. But this is old development and times have changed.

I have a pragmatic take on this matter in view of international rules of engagement and recent history. Read and learn.

I am talking about PROTECTING Palestinian communities on humanitarian grounds but you do not seem to get it. You have unrealistic expectations from groups like Hamas.

If the UN based world order is not to be respected then which country has sovereignty in this world? Any country can claim any other country. Back to the law of jungle. If this is the case then the entire debate of morality goes out of the picture. Then Israel can also do as it please. Might is right in the end.

Ground realities continue to change with time. Allah Almighty have not asserted that Jews cannot return to this land, this is actually hinted in Surah al-Isra. Allah Almighty changed qibla of Muslims because he is all-knowing and wise.

Holy Prophet (PBUH) disclosed different futuristic events but this disclosure is very limited and open to interpretation. This is intentional. Allah Almighty have pointed out that only he has true knowledge of how events will materialize through time. WE do not even know when Qiyamah will come. It will be sudden and capture people by surprise.

Please understand that PDF does not encourage religious discussion for a variety of reasons. Members tend to forget this.
Hamas was doing suicide bombings on the public in Israel. it didn't even leave kindergarten from a suicide bombing. And you claim Hamas does not kill civilians.

And Hamas fired thousands of rockets at Israeli civilians. And you claim Hamas does not kill Israeli civilians.

Yes, just like no one knows who is a Hamas Mujahid and who is a Palestinian citizen. Please don't cry if Israel then kills all of them due to your ill logic.
1) Aren't you a supporter of Ukraine?
2) How is Hamas attacking civilians? They are attacking settlements deemed as illegal under international law - basically taking back territory from encroachers and occupiers.
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