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Commander of Israeli special forces captured
View attachment 958966

Hahah lmao
This is big humiliation. Country has no sizeable depth and it can be run over by some small army. But problem is west will jump in as they will not lose Jerusalem where they lost in hands of Omar bin katab or sala o din.it took them centuries to get it back
How old are you?
Listen greec guy i respect ur country n history. The jews are bad for u as well as they r bad for us and for all humanity. Step aside and let the mujaheden handel dis ok. I promise u the world will be a better place without them.
The situation is Israel goes killing spree to Gaza, other fronts will be opened. Iran is rasing their voice also, clearly positionating and standing for Palestinians, without any conditions.
Listen greec guy i respect ur country n history. The jews are bad for u as well as they r bad for us and for all humanity. Step aside and let the mujaheden handel dis ok. I promise u the world will be a better place without them.

Is it just Jews that you hate? You racist twat.
Is it just Jews that you hate? You racist twat.
We dont hate wallahi i dont hate them. I just want them to leave. Palestine belongs to muslims the prophet saw said it.
Allah swt does not hate the jews . Allah swt defends the palestinian believers against the opression of the jews.
We dont hate the world. We just want the world to conveet to islam and realize true love.
Peace and love from islam.
No civilian? Because at a certain age they have to serve for 2-3 years and then remain in reserve status for a number of years?
You know, your words is the same as one saying ISIS families are civilians, they just serve in the operations and occupation/slaughters/genocides for few years and then remain on reserve afterwards!

They are a cult, at the very start of their childhood they are being taught to be a superior race and have the right to kill and suppress anyone who disagrees with them. that's how their society backs their radical regimes.

So no. you can not hide behind this "civilian" word.
Listen greec guy i respect ur country n history. The jews are bad for u as well as they r bad for us and for all humanity. Step aside and let the mujaheden handel dis ok. I promise u the world will be a better place without them.
Kam sanaa enta? It's just a simple question. W t3ref el Maghreb yakoon sadiq el Israil,n3am?

You know, your words is the same as one saying ISIS families are civilians, they just serve in the operations and occupation/slaughters/genocides for few years and then remain on reserve afterwards!

They are a cult, at the very start of their childhood they are being taught to be a superior race and have the right to kill and suppress anyone who disagrees with them. that's how their society backs their radical regimes.

So no. you can not hide behind this "civilian" word.
Sorry,I disagree. I don't think that it's the same.
This is an extreme take on Jews. My father met some Jews in the US and found them to be down-to-earth and minding-their-own-business type. Many Jews are smart and innovative people - Jews established the Banking system - the bedrock of modern economic activity. But some powerful ruling elements in Europe and Russia saw in progressive Jews a threat and worked to undermine and oppress them. This is apparent in both World Wars.

There are so many extremists in Europe and Russia - it shows on PDF as well. I am honestly surprised.

US welcomed Jewish immigrants in stark contrast to how Europeans and Russians treated Jews.
US benefited from Jewish works to become a superpower while Europe and Russia are locked in fighting.

The Palestinian issue is a sensitive one. I discussed this theme at length in here. The world is large but human minds are small.

I'm talking about the jewish doctrine, many orthodox jews openly say it. Do you even know what goyim means?
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