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Hamas firing hundreds of rockets at civilians and gunning down/abducting civilians from the streets as they again sink to their preferred form of “resistance”, terrorism.
The arabs can never simply keep it purely miltary…..

Prepare for Israel to retaliate with an iron fist….
lol, now firing at civilian is bad.
wonder which is worse attacking enemy with unguided rocket and some of them fall on civilian
attacking them with precision guided weapon and manage to kill 3-4 civilian for each militant you kill.

blame Israel for using civilian as human shield and hide its military beses inside civilian areas
lack of discipline . just think what a hostage is lost here . how many Palestinian could have freed if he was imprisoned
He was killed during the fighting. there is no civilian in the fake state of Israel, all of them have to serve in army. they are a true cult of fascists.
I agree kuffars like Satan wanted to tempt muslims into leaving islam for secularism bc the west welcomed some muslim refugees in the west after having destroyed many muslim countries with wars..
But muslims didnt leave islam and now kuffars r crying about it. I agree dis is wat happened one hundred per cent.
Islam is winning n kuffars r crying about it.
Muslims migrated to Europe in search of greener pastures and European communities welcomed Muslims with open arms. Those who live in Europe should respect this fact as a matter of principle. Now how many are good Muslims in Europe remains to be seen. It is easy to make claims in a forum.

I agree with you on the part that Muslims should not give up on Islam but should work to spread it. But this is possible with patience, good deeds, and understanding Holy Quran - not with arrogance and attitudes that I see on PDF.

OP also has a point - Muslims should not end up strengthening Far Right elements in Europe. This is bad news for Muslims in Europe.

Just to add that there's always been significant anti-immigration sentiment within the USA. And it's been directed at various groups over the years.
In some states perhaps. But Americans had been very accommodating to Jewish immigrants on a broader level and have benefited from Jewish works and innovations.
He was killed during the fighting. there is no civilian in the fake state of Israel, all of them have to serve in army.
well if he was killed while resisting then there is no problem with that but here they said he was executed . that suggest they first arrest him then killed him.
this operation has one problem . it seem its only Gaza and nobody from west bank participate it give Israel chance to gather its forces in one area and control the situation by the grace of numerical superiority
well if he was killed while resisting then there is no problem with that but here they said he was executed . that suggest they first arrest him then killed him.
He uses this word falsly and deliberately for every killing.

HAMAS needs to burn all the tanks and military vehicules in the besieged bases.
After removing few items to send to Iran for reverse engineering. 😁
Muslims migrated to Europe in search of greener pastures and European communities welcomed Muslims with open arms. Those who live in Europe should respect this fact as a matter of principle. Now how many are good Muslims in Europe remains to be seen. It is easy to make claims in a forum.

I agree with you on the part that Muslims should not give up on Islam but should work to spread it. But this is possible with patience, good deeds, and understanding Holy Quran - not with arrogance and attitudes that I see on PDF.

OP also has a point - Muslims should not end up strengthening Far Right elements in Europe. This is bad news for Muslims in Europe.

In some states perhaps. But Americans had been very accommodating to Jewish immigrants on a broader level and have benefited from Jewish works and innovations.
There is no arrogance we r advancing slowly and peacefuly. They r the ones getting mad about it and not wanting to play fair. The far right isnt going to do a thing its too late for them. Before they konw it islam will take over without a fight n dat goes along with the ahadit of the prophet. The far right is uncapable of procreating. The lefties are also not giving birth bc u know wat. The only ones remaing are muslims. So we will own the west its just a matter of time
Muslims migrated to Europe in search of greener pastures and European communities welcomed Muslims with open arms. Those who live in Europe should respect this fact as a matter of principle. Now how many are good Muslims in Europe remains to be seen. It is easy to make claims in a forum.

I agree with you on the part that Muslims should not give up on Islam but should work to spread it. But this is possible with patience, good deeds, and understanding Holy Quran - not with arrogance and attitudes that I see on PDF.

OP also has a point - Muslims should not end up strengthening Far Right elements in Europe. This is bad news for Muslims in Europe.

In some states perhaps. But Americans had been very accommodating to Jewish immigrants on a broader level and have benefited from Jewish works and innovations.
Over time yes, but at the time of immigration and for a period of time after there was often a lot of hostility. Not just towards Jewish immigrations but across the board.
this operation has one problem . it seem its only Gaza and nobody from west bank participate it give Israel chance to gather its forces in one area and control the situation by the grace of numerical superiority
1. They wont dare to enter Gaza, and they know better it's just the calm before the storm.
2. Step by step escalation is a motive for de-escalation at each step.
There is no arrogance we r advancing slowly and peacefuly. They r the ones getting mad about it and not wanting to play fair. The far right isnt going to do a thing its too late for them. Before they konw it islam will take over without a fight n dat goes along with the ahadit of the prophet. The far right is uncapable of procreating. The lefties are also not giving birth bc u know wat. The only ones remaing are muslims. So we will own the west its just a matter of time
Europe becoming Muslim? Good news, if true.

But Muslim Europe should be infinitely better than many supposedly Islamic countries where Islam exist only in name and jihadi tropes are used to misguide people. Muslim Europe should be the harbinger of Islamic renaissance and values.
in the fake state of Israel, all of them have to serve in army. they are a true cult of fascists.
No civilian? Because at a certain age they have to serve for 2-3 years and then remain in reserve status for a number of years?
So I guess...Iran with its Army,Pasdaran and millions of Basij and volunteers,men and women,is...also a non-civilian country huh? Because you guys too claim you can call up millions of volunteers to serve and fight and get "martyred" etc.

Come on,Mohsen. This is just the biggest excuse for extremists to kill people. They would go like "oh kid? no kids,they will become soldzers. Oh...woman? No woman,she is serve in army. What,old man? He is reservists. Old lady? She maybe kill Balastinian childranz. What,rabbi? He make soldzers attack. Hospital? They treating soldzers. Cat and dog? They are pet of enemies".

Come on,do you really want Muslims to act like bad guys? Where is the moral high ground when you storm and kill civilians? Palestinians have been complaining that Israelis kill civilians and yes,they've done that so many times. So,becoming like your enemy is good?

here is no arrogance we r advancing slowly and peacefuly. They r the ones getting mad about it and not wanting to play fair. The far right isnt going to do a thing its too late for them. Before they konw it islam will take over without a fight n dat goes along with the ahadit of the prophet. The far right is uncapable of procreating. The lefties are also not giving birth bc u know wat. The only ones remaing are muslims. So we will own the west its just a matter of time
How old are you?
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