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Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

So, why are you supporting illegal occupation of palestine and condemn liberation fighters?
The secular West already tried to solve the problem.
But unfortunately, Muslims misused the Secular Forces and their support.

The secular forces allowed Muslims to enter their European countries, to preach their religion, to marry their women. But they only ask to support the Secular Values over any religious values. But Muslims missed it, and they are killing Secular Values in Europe and want to impose Sharia rules in Europe. They don't allow their daughters to marry non-Muslims (although the spirit of Secularism prohibits discrimination on the basis of Religion, Race and Colour). Muslims don't integrate in the local culture while their religion prohibits it. They don't even let their children celebrate local festivals.

Muslims don't allow any criticism of Islam in their own Muslim-majority countries. They don't let others preach in Muslim countries. They kill all those non-Muslims who dare to criticize Islam by blaming all criticism to be blasphemy.

By showing all these Double Standards, Muslims have only weakened the European Secular Forces and strengthened the far-right radical European forces.

At the moment, Europe fears the suicide bombings on civilians by Hamas. Islamic Jihad means Jihadists are running buses over civilian non-Muslims.

At the moment, Muslims are celebrating the firing of thousands of rockets by Hamas on the civilian Israeli population.

If there had been no Hamas and suicide bombings on Israeli citizens, the matter could have already been solved between al-Fateh and Israel. At least, the Secular Western forces would be much more against Israel.

More Jihad means more weakening of Secular Forces in the West, and strengthening of far-right forces.

Secular forces welcomed Muslim refugees and immigrants, but they put a dragger in the back of Secular forces by not integrating with the local cultures.
Hamas firing hundreds of rockets at civilians and gunning down/abducting civilians from the streets as they again sink to their preferred form of “resistance”, terrorism.
The arabs can never simply keep it purely miltary…..

Prepare for Israel to retaliate with an iron fist….
Israel is weak. Soon HAMAS will have the AD capacity and then the jews will no more have air superiority.
The secular West already tried to solve the problem.
But unfortunately, Muslims misused the Secular Forces and their support.

The secular forces allowed Muslims to enter their European countries, to preach their religion, to marry their women. But they only ask to support the Secular Values over any religious values. But Muslims missed it, and they are killing Secular Values in Europe and want to impose Sharia rules in Europe. They don't allow their daughters to marry non-Muslims (although the spirit of Secularism prohibits discrimination on the basis of Religion, Race and Colour). Muslims don't integrate in the local culture while their religion prohibits it. They don't even let their children celebrate local festivals.

Muslims don't allow any criticism of Islam in their own Muslim-majority countries. They don't let others preach in Muslim countries. They kill all those non-Muslims who dare to criticize Islam by blaming all criticism to be blasphemy.

By showing all these Double Standards, Muslims have only weakened the European Secular Forces and strengthened the far-right radical European forces.

At the moment, Europe fears the suicide bombings on civilians by Hamas. Islamic Jihad means Jihadists are running buses over civilian non-Muslims.

At the moment, Muslims are celebrating the firing of thousands of rockets by Hamas on the civilian Israeli population.

If there had been no Hamas and suicide bombings on Israeli citizens, the matter could have already been solved between al-Fateh and Israel. At least, the Secular Western forces would be much more against Israel.

More Jihad means more weakening of Secular Forces in the West, and strengthening of far-right forces.

Secular forces welcomed Muslim refugees and immigrants, but they put a dragger in the back of Secular forces by not integrating with the local cultures.
I agree kuffars like Satan wanted to tempt muslims into leaving islam for secularism bc the west welcomed some muslim refugees in the west after having destroyed many muslim countries with wars..
But muslims didnt leave islam and now kuffars r crying about it. I agree dis is wat happened one hundred per cent.
Islam is winning n kuffars r crying about it.
The secular West already tried to solve the problem.
But unfortunately, Muslims misused the Secular Forces and their support.

The secular forces allowed Muslims to enter their European countries, to preach their religion, to marry their women. But they only ask to support the Secular Values over any religious values. But Muslims missed it, and they are killing Secular Values in Europe and want to impose Sharia rules in Europe. They don't allow their daughters to marry non-Muslims (although the spirit of Secularism prohibits discrimination on the basis of Religion, Race and Colour). Muslims don't integrate in the local culture while their religion prohibits it. They don't even let their children celebrate local festivals.

Muslims don't allow any criticism of Islam in their own Muslim-majority countries. They don't let others preach in Muslim countries. They kill all those non-Muslims who dare to criticize Islam by blaming all criticism to be blasphemy.

By showing all these Double Standards, Muslims have only weakened the European Secular Forces and strengthened the far-right radical European forces.

At the moment, Europe fears the suicide bombings on civilians by Hamas. Islamic Jihad means Jihadists are running buses over civilian non-Muslims.

At the moment, Muslims are celebrating the firing of thousands of rockets by Hamas on the civilian Israeli population.

If there had been no Hamas and suicide bombings on Israeli citizens, the matter could have already been solved between al-Fateh and Israel. At least, the Secular Western forces would be much more against Israel.

More Jihad means more weakening of Secular Forces in the West, and strengthening of far-right forces.

Secular forces welcomed Muslim refugees and immigrants, but they put a dragger in the back of Secular forces by not integrating with the local cultures.
The secular west created problem after you acknowledge that i can comment on rest.
Sorry to disappoint you but Taliban has widespread support in Afghanistan.
Ask it from the Afghan population, which is suffering badly under the Taliban.
How can you claim that the majority of Afghans support the Taliban, when there are no elections under the Taliban?

I personally don't know who are you or where you come from, but I can inform you that only Turks and Azeris took back the territories back from Non Muslims ( Cyprus and Karabakh).
Not only Britain was a colonial power, but Iran was also a colonial power which made the Armenian land people of Nagorno-Karabakh a part of Azerbaijan. Later the colonial USSR also kept the status co and gave the Armenian land and population to the Azeri government.
And the UN then also accepted this illegal occupation (just like the UN accepted the illegal occupation of Palestinian lands by Israel).

Then Azerbaijan started changing the demography by settling Azeri people in Nagorno-Karabakh, just like Israel is trying to change the demography by settling the Jews in illegal settlements.

If Turkey and Azerbaijan are right to take the Armenian land, then Israel is also right to occupy and take the Palestinian land.

fact, there winner of the war is a party who is left standing on the ground and it was Taliban. So usa 🇺🇸 was defeated in the practical sense.
The only one who has been defeated is the Afghan population. Do you think they love the Taliban when it does not even let their girls go to high schools?
Even Pakistanis also hate the Taliban as the TTP got stronger it and started attacking Pakistani forces after the come back of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Anyway, Americans were hiding behind 100s bn worth of equipment. So if you want the fair fight, why didn't Americans " gentlemanly " were there with their guns only on the charter flights.
Why should they not hide behind their equipment? It is a war. The only difference is US was not killing the Talibani women and children when Talibani men fled and hid in the caves in Afghanistan.
jews are vengeful people and they don't see non-jews as humans. What do you think will happen?
This is an extreme take on Jews. My father met some Jews in the US and found them to be down-to-earth and minding-their-own-business type. Many Jews are smart and innovative people - Jews established the Banking system - the bedrock of modern economic activity. But some powerful ruling elements in Europe and Russia saw in progressive Jews a threat and worked to undermine and oppress them. This is apparent in both World Wars.

There are so many extremists in Europe and Russia - it shows on PDF as well. I am honestly surprised.

US welcomed Jewish immigrants in stark contrast to how Europeans and Russians treated Jews.
US benefited from Jewish works to become a superpower while Europe and Russia are locked in fighting.

The Palestinian issue is a sensitive one. I discussed this theme at length in here. The world is large but human minds are small.

I agree kuffars like Satan wanted to tempt muslims into leaving islam for secularism bc the west welcomed some muslim refugees in the west after having destroyed many muslim countries with wars..
But muslims didnt leave islam and now kuffars r crying about it. I agree dis is wat happened one hundred per cent.
Islam is winning n kuffars r crying about it.
Look at Poland where there exist no Muslims.
If the right wing of the West comes to power, then they will do the same as Muslims do in their majority countries. ... i.e. put a ban on the preaching of Islam, and kill all those who convert to Islam in the name of apostasy.
After that, Muslims in the West will meet the same fate that the met in Myanmar, or what they are facing in China.

After the far right does this to Muslims what Myanmar did to Muslims, then you have to come again and tell us how Muslims are winning in Myanmar and Europe.
Hizbullah should open the front from Lebanon. It is most important to support the Palestinains at this stage.
Hamas firing hundreds of rockets at civilians and gunning down/abducting civilians from the streets as they again sink to their preferred form of “resistance”, terrorism.
The arabs can never simply keep it purely miltary…..

Prepare for Israel to retaliate with an iron fist….
Israel is a terrorist state and its days r numbered now. The Arab and muslims r flooding it and the whole world cant help them bc they have no more balls.
Islam is straight and the west isnt.
No straight nation could ever lose against a non straight nation.
Its not even about islam
This is an extreme take on Jews. My father met some Jews in the US and found them to be down-to-earth and minding-their-own-business type. Many Jews are smart and innovative people - Jews established the Banking system - the bedrock of modern economic activity. But some powerful ruling elements in Europe and Russia saw in progressive Jews a threat and worked to undermine and oppress them. This is apparent in both World Wars.

There are so many extremists in Europe and Russia - it shows on PDF as well. I am honestly surprised.

US welcomed Jewish immigrants in stark contrast to how Europeans and Russians treated Jews.
US benefited from Jewish works to become a superpower while Europe and Russia are locked in fighting.

The Palestinian issue is a sensitive one. I discussed this theme at length in here. The world is large but human minds are small.

There was quite a lot of antipathy and resistance to Jewish immigrants in the USA at points.
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