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Israel is a terrorist state and its days r numbered now. The Arab and muslims r flooding it and the whole world cant help them bc they have no more balls.
Islam is straight and the west isnt.
No straight nation could ever lose against a non straight nation.
Its not even about islam

Tell it to Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.
Israel was not doing genocide of Hamar Terrorists in the Gaza Strip while the West values the life of civilian Muslims.
But with this terrorist attack, Muslims have themselves given the green light to Israel to act as the Myanmar army acted.

Please promise us that you will not cry when Israel also does the genocide in the Gaza Strip as it was done in Myanmar.
And you will also not cry if the far right in Europe gets the power and does the genocide of Muslims as it had been done in Myanmar.

You should come out of your fake dreams of Islamic Jihad. You have to support secular Western forces and Secular values in order to avoid the shedding of the blood of Muslim civilians.

You cannot cheer the killings of citizens of Israel by Hamas and then expect others to not to kill your civilian population in retaliation.
Kind of surprised to see that they not destroyed all those tanks? They will be heading to Gaza quite soon ...

Doubt they could use them, best option would just be to burn that place
Holy Hamas has executed the governor of Shaar Haganev:

lack of discipline . just think what a hostage is lost here . how many Palestinian could have freed if he was imprisoned
Israelis evacuating their fighter jets from the nearby air bases
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by ground that is hillarious
Utter stupidity as always by Hamas. Now Palestine civilians esp women and children will suffer from the indiscriminate slaughter coming in by trigger happy murderers
Doubt they could use them, best option would just be to burn that place

I was referring to Israel recapturing that base which they will and the tanks there, and then using them in the counteroffensive into Gaza if, the Palestinians did not get around to destroying them first before IDF gets there..

They "should be "cooking off by now". Surprised the tanks are not the first target once they got there ...
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The IDF was once regarded as the second strongest army in the world.Today, the IDF is considered the second strongest army in Israel.
Maybe u shud follow ur ancestor’s trend and go to talibans to get a Full Afghani Taliban makeover, as well as goat milking lessons before embarking on a holy mission carrying the taiibani flag on to occupied Palestine and fight .

Follow ur family’s footsteps
It is time to united against the zionists.
Look at Poland where there exist no Muslims.
If the right wing of the West comes to power, then they will do the same as Muslims do in their majority countries. ... i.e. put a ban on the preaching of Islam, and kill all those who convert to Islam in the name of apostasy.
After that, Muslims in the West will meet the same fate that the met in Myanmar, or what they are facing in China.

After the far right does this to Muslims what Myanmar did to Muslims, then you have to come again and tell us how Muslims are winning in Myanmar and Europe.
I respect poland and hungary bc they want to stay white n straight . But they shouldve tought about it when they joined nato into iraq and afghanistan. They tought not this would happen back then did they. Now islam has grown stronger. Its a global war. Islam vs leftist west n east too.
Poland n hungary will soon join the colored camp. The gray area will disappear and only islam will remain bc god created only man and woman.
This is an extreme take on Jews. My father met some Jews in the US and found them to be down-to-earth and minding-their-own-business type. Many Jews are smart and innovative people - Jews established the Banking system - the bedrock of modern economic activity. But some powerful ruling elements in Europe and Russia saw in progressive Jews a threat and worked to undermine and oppress them. This is apparent in both World Wars.

There are so many extremists in Europe and Russia - it shows on PDF as well. I am honestly surprised.

US welcomed Jewish immigrants in stark contrast to how Europeans and Russians treated Jews.
US benefited from Jewish works to become a superpower while Europe and Russia are locked in fighting.

The Palestinian issue is a sensitive one. I discussed this theme at length in here. The world is large but human minds are small.

Just to add that there's always been significant anti-immigration sentiment within the USA. And it's been directed at various groups over the years.
Tell it to Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.
Israel was not doing genocide of Hamar Terrorists in the Gaza Strip while the West values the life of civilian Muslims.
But with this terrorist attack, Muslims have themselves given the green light to Israel to act as the Myanmar army acted.

Please promise us that you will not cry when Israel also does the genocide in the Gaza Strip as it was done in Myanmar.
And you will also not cry if the far right in Europe gets the power and does the genocide of Muslims as it had been done in Myanmar.

You should come out of your fake dreams of Islamic Jihad. You have to support secular Western forces and Secular values in order to avoid the shedding of the blood of Muslim civilians.

You cannot cheer the killings of citizens of Israel by Hamas and then expect others to not to kill your civilian population in retaliation.
I dont support killing civilians nor does HAMAS. The mujahedin are taking prisonners and not killing civilians altough i dont know what a jewish civilian looks like bc they r all military.
But i urge the jews to pack up n leave isreal. Not even the biggest harcore muslim jihadi wants to kill the jews. We just want them out. I promise no jew will get hurt outside of palestine
I guess thats what happens when you spend decades drinking your own kool-aid.
You end up becoming "a legend in your own mind".:cuckoo:
the point was.. it cd be a false attack... so that, natan now can gain some political popularity.
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