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#PakWithIndiaNotoLakhviBail: A Cross-Border Show of 'Hashtag Solidarity'

Indians should respect the judgement of our courts even when they are wrong. He is on conditional bail, not released.

We dont blame the courts .But we will blame the irresponsibility of NZ govt.After these terrific tragedy he should have been show some seriousness in terrorists related cases.
How many terrorists have been convicted so far?
If lawyer was not present due to some health problem(???) judge should have suspended hearing for later date
It's just like your system - the old judges just demand too high evidence - that is why you have "encounter specialists" in india, and why people who are guilty of killings here are released by the courts.

Encounter specialist as far as my knowledge goes is in reference to cops using extra judicial powers to eliminate terrorists, not terrorists targeting judges..
Personally I think Pakistan could take a leaf out of the Mumbai police manual in how they systematically finished the underworld in Mumbai which was getting out of hand.."encounters" if you will.

Also, I don't think judges have been targeted in India over sentencing terrorists if that's what you were alluding to.
How can anyone in the world respect the Pakistani Courts. Pakistani courts are not a legal system, its a kangaroo court.
Terrorists can threaten judges and judges let them off, if a judge actually has the galls to give punishment to a fanatic, the judge and his family have to run away to Saudi Arabia as he fears for his life. You can bet that judge will never be opposing the fanatics again.
Giving their own 'law of necessity' when asked by dictators!

Had Pakistani judicial system acted like the judicial systems of the world, followed laws laid down to the letter like judiciary is supposed to, everyone would have respected it. Right now its like a kangaroo court in some African country. So dont ask anyone in the International fraternity, let alone Indians to respect the judgement of Pakistani courts. Respect has to be earned by the institution, just because you are Pakistani, you ask everyone to respect the judgement, thats not how the world works.

Correctly said,the person who killed the Punjab Governor Salman Tasser is cooling his heels in prison,forget justice. At the same time many judges been killed who have given their verdicts against Taliban extremists. while some of the judges have sought asylum in foreign countries.
And given the kind of decisions the courts have made in releasing a major terrorist right after Pakistan's own 9/11, I would have to justify the decision...probably would have been inconsequential anyways..seems your judiciary is worried about the repercussions of prosecuting terrorists...
Armed forces need to take up the matter of executing these terrorists as they alone have the resources and force required to tackle the blowback that might follow.

But I do appreciate your candidness about Lakhvi...we feel the same way, add some torture before the train arrives.

@ the moment gov't has intervened & has challenged the bail of lakhvi , this guy most probably had intimidated the prosecution as the prosecutor dint show up , but the good news is that , the gov't has now intervened , so now this guy will most probably be locked up for a long time

Pakistan to Appeal Against 26/11 Accused Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi's Bail

Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi's bail surprises prosecution; Pak govt to challenge bail - The Economic Times
NEW DELHI: A Pakistani local court on Thursday granted bail to Lashkar-e-Taiba commander Zaik-ur-Rahman Lakhvi, provoking sharp reactions from New Delhi. However, later in the day, a Pakistan Interior Ministry spokesman told PTI that the government would certainly file an appeal against the trial court's decision.

"We have a strong case against the seven accused of the Mumbai terror attacks and we will challenge Lakhvi's bail in the high court," the official told the news agency on cond ..

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I will not blame their courts alone. It is mentality of the judiciary at both side of the borders. How can I question the judgement of Pakistan court when our own court has shown so much leniency in Jayalalitha's case? Giving her extension after extensions.
Though both the cases are hugely difference i agree there is serious introspection needed by NS government and judiciary about the 26/11.
Welcome to the Pakistani judicial system the most corrupt of all.
Your judiciary is just doing fine. More than 8000 terrorists facing death penalty is not a joke. This is a facade that pakistan is propagating. India should ready herself to face a rogue state.
Indians are getting real desperate here.:rofl:

Yes we are desperate, for we have borne witness to his spectacle of blood and death. We are desperate for we know that he is a rabid dog of extremism, and like all rabid dogs anywhere, he has no hope for salvation. He must be put down, and till that happens he will only infect and corrupt more and more weak minded persons to his version of madness.
Apparently he was granted bail because prosecution lawyer didnt bother to turn up and oppose the same.

So much for "fight against terrorism"

I'm going to post two great posts of another thread. Exposing indians own negligence and incompetence which they are blaming on us.

There is a reason why we are giving all the accused bail one by one and the reason is india hanging kasab prematurely
Bare with me while i try to explain this

I say prematurely because the case of the other 7 revolves around kasabs statement. According to pakistan law of evidence ( qanun e shahadat order1984) " if a witness has to give any statements against any person or has to be the eyewitness against any accused the witness must present himself infront of court. Alternatively the statement can be taken from the witness and presented in court by an authorized person such as a magistrate or judge"

As per pakistani law kasab had to appear in a pakistani court and be cross questioned, or the person who took kasab's statement as well as allow him or herself to be cross questioned. However due to the relations between the two countries this was not going to happen. Therefore pakistani law presented an alternative. If the above conditions could not be met then a judicial commision could travel to where kasab was and record his statement. In march 2012 pakistan sent a commision under the impression that india would allow it to meet kasab or the magistrate which took kasab's statement but on the last minute india refused! Not only was india hesitant in not presenting kasab to the judicial commision india also disallowed presenting the magistrate and verifying the statement made by kasab through cross questioning.
Question for indian here before continuing.
Why would india do that?

Moving on pakistani courts could have easily used either statement to used against the 7 accused in jail but sadly this didnt occur. Pakistan tried again several times but india refused. Then in november he was hanged and this was the final nail in the judicial commision. Together with limited findings and the lead witness dead the judge was left with no option but to release the accused on bail I hope that clarifies everything thanks to all who read the whole thing

There is a reason why we are giving all the accused bail one by one and the reason is india hanging kasab prematurely
Bare with me while i try to explain this

I say prematurely because the case of the other 7 revolves around kasabs statement. According to pakistan law of evidence ( qanun e shahadat order1984) " if a witness has to give any statements against any person or has to be the eyewitness against any accused the witness must present himself infront of court. Alternatively the statement can be taken from the witness and presented in court by an authorized person such as a magistrate or judge"

As per pakistani law kasab had to appear in a pakistani court and be cross questioned, or the person who took kasab's statement as well as allow him or herself to be cross questioned. However due to the relations between the two countries this was not going to happen. Therefore pakistani law presented an alternative. If the above conditions could not be met then a judicial commision could travel to where kasab was and record his statement. In march 2012 pakistan sent a commision under the impression that india would allow it to meet kasab or the magistrate which took kasab's statement but on the last minute india refused! Not only was india hesitant in not presenting kasab to the judicial commision india also disallowed presenting the magistrate and verifying the statement made by kasab through cross questioning.
Question for indian here before continuing.
Why would india do that?

Moving on pakistani courts could have easily used either statement to used against the 7 accused in jail but sadly this didnt occur. Pakistan tried again several times but india refused. Then in november he was hanged and this was the final nail in the judicial commision. Together with limited findings and the lead witness dead the judge was left with no option but to release the accused on bail
I hope that clarifies everything thanks to all who read the whole thing

Published on Aug 28, 2014 (Explain this shyte Indians ? )
Punjab and Haryana High Court on Thursday (August 28) granted bail for Swami Aseemanand in the Samjhauta Express Blast case. Aseemanand and three others were facingSwami Aseemanand, an accused in 2007 Samjhauta Express blast case, was on Thursday (August 28) granted bail by Punjab and Haryana High Court

Explain this to me and how its related to this bail.

What is his status right now?
@ the moment gov't has intervened & has challenged the bail of lakhvi , this guy most probably had intimidated the prosecution as the prosecutor dint show up , but the good news is that , the gov't has now intervened , so now this guy will most probably be locked up for a long time

Pakistan to Appeal Against 26/11 Accused Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi's Bail

Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi's bail surprises prosecution; Pak govt to challenge bail - The Economic Times
NEW DELHI: A Pakistani local court on Thursday granted bail to Lashkar-e-Taiba commander Zaik-ur-Rahman Lakhvi, provoking sharp reactions from New Delhi. However, later in the day, a Pakistan Interior Ministry spokesman told PTI that the government would certainly file an appeal against the trial court's decision.

"We have a strong case against the seven accused of the Mumbai terror attacks and we will challenge Lakhvi's bail in the high court," the official told the news agency on cond ..

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That's honorable :tup:
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