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Pakistan's top spy met Israelis to stop India attack: WikiLeaks

The cable is dated October 09, but the information sharing that Pasha is referring to is of a prior case, and likely refers to the Mumbai attacks since he talks about an attack taking place, in September - November targetting Israelis. That has to refer to the Mumbai attacks - it is too much of a coincidence in terms of targets and time frame to be anything else. Also, IIRC, India did infact receive some sort of alert through CIA channels about a terrorist attack, which is precisely how the cable suggests Pasha wanted the information about theballeged attack conveyed to India.

I don't think you read that correctly.
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - The chief of Pakistan's spy agency said he had contacted Israeli officials to head off potential attacks on Israeli targets in India, according to an October 2009 U.S. diplomatic cable published by WikiLeaks.

Lieutenant General Ahmad Shuja Pasha, head of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency, told former U.S. Ambassador Anne Patterson that he wanted Washington to know he had been to Oman and Iran "to follow up on reports which he received in Washington about a terrorist attack on India."

"Pasha asked Ambassador to convey to Washington that he had followed up on threat information that an attack would be launched against India between September-November. He had been in direct touch with the Israelis on possible threats against Israeli targets in India," the Oct 7, 2009 cable reported

He is quite clearly talking about a potential attack & september-november likely than not refers to 2009. Not connected with the Mumbai attacks of 2008. Follows that Pakistan does not want another attack against Israelis by Pakistan based terrorist considering that the the normal Israeli reaction might be to target what they believe to be terrorist backers.

Good to know that Pakistan is passing on information though.

Pakistan has always insisted that JuD was not a terrorist organization, but rather one focussed on Kashmiri liberation. As such, the desire to retain the had more to do with maintaining options against India in Kashmir via reviving the insurgency, in case the peace talks collapsed, than with conducting any terrorist attacks.

Regardless of what Pakistan may or may not insist, JuD is an organisation implicated in the Mumbai attacks & proscribed for the same . Maintaining links to "revive Insurgency" cuts no ice if the rest of the world sees that as support to a terrorist organisation. If that indeed is the chosen policy of Pakistan, then Pakistan faces being automatically implicated when such an organisation, either on its own or with patronage from state elements undertakes what you might not see as a legitimate action i.e.26/11.
Yes we were alerted by Mossad and CIA. But the information was too little and too late.

Irfan Baloch sir,

America is the biggest air power right...and still it managed to let 4 boeing commercial airliners to stray away from its path during 9/11.

So it is like that IRA leader said "We need to get it right just one time, You need to get it right all the time."
I don't think you read that correctly.

He is quite clearly talking about a potential attack & september-november likely than not refers to 2009. Not connected with the Mumbai attacks of 2008. Follows that Pakistan does not want another attack against Israelis by Pakistan based terrorist considering that the the normal Israeli reaction might be to target what they believe to be terrorist backers.

Good to know that Pakistan is passing on information though.
I don't think it is clear that that the attacks being referred to are ones in 09, though the information provided by Ras does suggest 09 as a possibility.

Regardless though, it shows the ISI as cooperative with various Intel agencies in preventing terrorism, and further dents the as of yet still unsubstantiated argument that the ISI was involved in the Mumbai attacks.

Also, the Israelis have only taken on much weaker entities like Hamas and Hezbollah over terrorism - they have not taken on even Iran, let alone risking a fight with a much stronger Pakistan and a potential nuclear exchange.

Regardless of what Pakistan may or may not insist, JuD is an organisation implicated in the Mumbai attacks & proscribed for the same . Maintaining links to "revive Insurgency" cuts no ice if the rest of the world sees that as support to a terrorist organisation. If that indeed is the chosen policy of Pakistan, then Pakistan faces being automatically implicated when such an organisation, either on its own or with patronage from state elements undertakes what you might not see as a legitimate action i.e.26/11.
Jud was sanctioned by the UN after the Mumbai attacks. Pakistan has implemented what little thosebUN sanctions call for. There is as of yet no evidence provided to link HS or JuD to the Mumbai attacks.
Regardless though, it shows the ISI as cooperative with various Intel agencies in preventing terrorism, and further dents the as of yet still unsubstantiated argument that the ISI was involved in the Mumbai attacks.

Without going into whether the ISI was directly involved in the Mumbai attacks, I'm afraid your conclusion does not necessarily hold. The evidence (for those who are inclined to consider it) pointing in the opposite direction is not less considerable. The David Headley confession(now also a subject in an American court) along with many of the leaked cables, especially those of the Anne Patterson where she says that no amount of aid will prevent Pakistan from continuing to support groups against India are indicative that most do not subscribe to your argument. Another cable referring to "Cold Start" suggests that the Pakistan army are not too bothered by it (contrary to their public stance) using the argument that Pakistan has continued to allow Pakistani based groups to attack India, something which the argument goes would not have happened if Pakistan was worried about "Cold Start".
What is this rubbish thread.

This is the same India that sent 96,000 troops to fight 2700 Northen Light Infantry troops in Kargil. In case of a conflict next time, we should level India once and for all. Hadn't Nawaz Shareef shiitted in his pants infront of Clinton. Pakistan would have chocked the jugular of the Indian Army in Kargil and Kashmir.

RAW was directly involved in the Samjotha Express Bombing that is for sure. ISI had nothing to do with Mumbai and these are all baseless allegations.
I don't think it is clear that that the attacks being referred to are ones in 09, though the information provided by Ras does suggest 09 as a possibility.

Regardless though, it shows the ISI as cooperative with various Intel agencies in preventing terrorism, and further dents the as of yet still unsubstantiated argument that the ISI was involved in the Mumbai attacks.

Also, the Israelis have only taken on much weaker entities like Hamas and Hezbollah over terrorism - they have not taken on even Iran, let alone risking a fight with a much stronger Pakistan and a potential nuclear exchange.

Jud was sanctioned by the UN after the Mumbai attacks. Pakistan has implemented what little thosebUN sanctions call for. There is as of yet no evidence provided to link HS or JuD to the Mumbai attacks.

This is a wierd arguement, obviously 'officially' ISI would pretend to help and even actually help in a few cases to establish deniability when the real attack does happen.It is no one's case that ISI has brazenly said we will not cooperate..if that ever happens they will be called to account very soon.

This only shows that a normal deniability sham continues both from ISI and CIA.In reality, ISI doesnt want to be on the wrong side of Israel and fears them..given the amount of comment generated by them.

As far as evidence goes, even UN has banned these organisations and everyone has agreed that they have to be stopped...surely the message hasnt been allowed to be percolated to very Pakistani especially one's on this forum lest they feel let down.

It seems no amount of evidence and condemnation will these guys be accept the reality.Anti-India hatred runs so deep that any plausible climb down and change of strategy is seen as a defeat.

This serves ISI and Govt well, they can say one thiing in private and another in public and also even accept something one day and deny the other.
The cable is dated October 09, but the information sharing that Pasha is referring to is of a prior case, and likely refers to the Mumbai attacks since he talks about an attack taking place, in September - November targetting Israelis. That has to refer to the Mumbai attacks - it is too much of a coincidence in terms of targets and time frame to be anything else. Also, IIRC, India did infact receive some sort of alert through CIA channels about a terrorist attack, which is precisely how the cable suggests Pasha wanted the information about theballeged attack conveyed to India.

If you read the source its about another suspected attack in 2009. Why would the ISI chief be interested in preventing an attack that has already happened?

I believe you posted the entire cable from that source elsewhere, and I pointed out that source was wrong on several counts just months later in terms of his/her 'predictions'. That source sounds suspiciously like Farhat Taj or one of her ilk, especially with the whole 'people of FATA don't mind drone strikes' comments.

I didnt quote the speculative parts but the factual parts of the source. Farhat Taj is a FATA provincial official? I think she is based in the US, so its not her. Besides, we are talking about an in camera briefing to the parliamentarians by a government official. This is consistent with other cables and reports were LeT support is still considered as a way to outsource defence in Kashmir

Secondly, given the GOA' s duplicity in sheltering Baluchistan terrorists' and the perceived lack of commitment from NATO, if the report is true, the PA had good reason to hold on to some assets in Afghanistan.

Pakistan has always insisted that JuD was not a terrorist organization, but rather one focussed on Kashmiri liberation. As such, the desire to retain the had more to do with maintaining options against India in Kashmir via reviving the insurgency, in case the peace talks collapsed, than with conducting any terrorist attacks.

The cable refers to a secretary of defense claiming to be a member of LeT. Is LeT not a terrorist organization now? GoA and Baluchistan really have nothing to do with the duplicity that ISI indulges in to the detriment of the Pakistanis themselves. The Baluchistan issue has been simmering since independence and has had five insurgencies.

Infact, I would hope that the Parliament finally takes a strong stand against the ISI to stop supporting some extremist groups like LeT in the false hope that they will help in Kashmir.

They have cause pain and misery to the Kashmiri people and have resulted in a huge blowback to the Pakistani people on top of that.
If you read the source its about another suspected attack in 2009. Why would the ISI chief be interested in preventing an attack that has already happened?

I didnt quote the speculative parts but the factual parts of the source. Farhat Taj is a FATA provincial official? I think she is based in the US, so its not her. Besides, we are talking about an in camera briefing to the parliamentarians by a government official. This is consistent with other cables and reports were LeT support is still considered as a way to outsource defence in Kashmir

The cable refers to a secretary of defense claiming to be a member of LeT. Is LeT not a terrorist organization now? GoA and Baluchistan really have nothing to do with the duplicity that ISI indulges in to the detriment of the Pakistanis themselves. The Baluchistan issue has been simmering since independence and has had five insurgencies.

Infact, I would hope that the Parliament finally takes a strong stand against the ISI to stop supporting some extremist groups like LeT in the false hope that they will help in Kashmir.

They have cause pain and misery to the Kashmiri people and have resulted in a huge blowback to the Pakistani people on top of that.

You seemed too much concerned about the corrupt Pakistani useless politicians. Screw the politicians. Kashmiri mujaheeden are not terrorists and are freedom fighters. Indians should stop human rights violations in Kashmir and the useless Indian Government can stop the Indian Army and RAW from committing attrocities. Back to the topic, Wikilieaks or Diaper Leaks is all the same shhiitt.
What is this rubbish thread.

This is the same India that sent 96,000 troops to fight 2700 Northen Light Infantry troops in Kargil. In case of a conflict next time, we should level India once and for all. Hadn't Nawaz Shareef shiitted in his pants infront of Clinton. Pakistan would have chocked the jugular of the Indian Army in Kargil and Kashmir.

RAW was directly involved in the Samjotha Express Bombing that is for sure. ISI had nothing to do with Mumbai and these are all baseless allegations.

Another Pakistani kid on troll.. I don't think Pakistan army and politicians are that stupid and would ever think of taking this suicidal path. Think what will happen to Pakistan if you even plan to give it a try.

Apni bahaduri apnay ghar main jo terrorists attack kar rahe hain unpe dikhao. Internet pe bakwaas marke koyi sher nahi ban jaata...
You seemed too much concerned about the corrupt Pakistani useless politicians. Screw the politicians. Kashmiri mujaheeden are not terrorists and are freedom fighters. Indians should stop human rights violations in Kashmir and the useless Indian Government can stop the Indian Army and RAW from committing attrocities. Back to the topic, Wikilieaks or Diaper Leaks is all the same shhiitt.

The FATA provincial administrator and secretary of defence are not politicians but bureaucrats really.

And please dont insult the word mujaheddin by saying that. They have been involved in the death of about 20,000 civilians alone in the last 20 years including beheading, throwing of acid, killing of Mirwaiz Umar Farooq's father and shooting his uncle in the head recently. Basically what the TTP have been doing in Pakistan in the last 5 years, these groups like LeT, Hizb e.t.c. have been doing in Kashmir.

100% agree that all HR abuse should be stopped wether it be by the Indian army or by the Pakistani army. Wether its in Kashmir or FATA.

All steps should be taken to maintain HR to the best ability possible. There is no need to disagree on that.
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Well you have to look at the date of the cable it was October 2009 AFTER the mumbai attacks.
So obviously this "cooperation" is after the intense pressure post mumbai attacks in 2008.

If you check other cables we can clearly see the good Taliban bad Taliban rhetoric being played out and even government ministers claiming to be LeT members?

Check out the January 2009 cable from Peshawar
Cable Viewer

or check out the an earlier November 2006 cable where government officials were linked openly with LeT despite LeT being on the sanctions list as a terrorist organisation
US embassy cables: Embassy displays impatience with Pakistan's failure to crack down on 'terrorist' charity Jamaat ud Dawa | World news | guardian.co.uk

Thanks for pointing it out. My bad!!! I should have checked the dates. Also various posters had made it abundantly clear that the warning by Pasha was for a possible attack in Sep-Nov 2009 which obviously was thwarted. However, I am still right where I said our own preparedness (Immune system) was pathetic. Anyway, that's not a topic of discussion here.

Secondly, given the GOA' s duplicity in sheltering Baluchistan terrorists' and the perceived lack of commitment from NATO, if the report is true, the PA had good reason to hold on to some assets in Afghanistan.

Pakistan has always insisted that JuD was not a terrorist organization, but rather one focussed on Kashmiri liberation. As such, the desire to retain the had more to do with maintaining options against India in Kashmir via reviving the insurgency, in case the peace talks collapsed, than with conducting any terrorist attacks.

This holding onto some assets like Afghan Talibans or JUD is precisely the reason the whole world is looking dubiously at Pakistan. Those days are gone my friend and it ain't no more an option to resolve conflicts. India realized it quick enough and washed off her hands from the likes of LTTE, BLA etc way back in the late 1980s. It's high time Pakistan start doing the same and look at other options to resolve her conflicts.

Also, the conficts,that Pakistan is mostly concerned with at the moment, may actually be of much lesser importance then the actual problems she is overlooking. It's also high time to re-evaluate her priorities.

As a patriotic Pakistani defence strategist one may still try to see benefits of such strategies. But, it would not take an Indian or American or Chinese to point out the larger picture if one is rational enough and ready to see from out of the box. The detriments of such strategies are far higher then its benefits, and it's there for all to see. How else, JUD, being an organization focussed on Kashmir (as per you), gets the sack from your own govt. because of Mumbai attacks? The problem does not arises from your views on good talibans or bad talibans, Lashar-e-Taiba or Laskar-e-Jhangvi. The problems arises because of the ideology, the tempation to bend the rule, the intention to keep some outlawed groups as back up, utter disrespect of international laws. From there begins the idea of extremism and results in terrorism. Be it in India or in Pakistan, it's the same, outlawed groups mercilessly killing scores of innocents. That is not going to solve any problem anywhere. Only the merciless killing of scores of innocents will go on, if one doesn't pull up their socks and take a fresh guard.
what ISI Chief Gen. Pasha offered to Israelis after the attacks on Chabad House ???

--info and collaboration on Iran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now we know why Isrealis were mad at Indians and. This mean Isreali in advance warned India for Isreali citizen security and India govt and top agencies totally failed or ignored the Isreali message........Isreali not even single time point finger at Pak and they been silent all the time.
A message for India...they are incompetent doing preemptive measures.
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