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Pakistan's top spy met Israelis to stop India attack: WikiLeaks

So it means when even ISI wanted to help the Israelis and Indians by sharing information with CIA and asking for steps to take security measures, The CIA deliberately did NOT inform Israel and India ?

In other words CIA wanted Israeli citizens to be killed in India?

How do you know they wernt informed?
From one of the cables in a thread I linked to in my last post:

11. (S) DGISI Pasha asked Ambassador to convey to Washington that he had followed up on threat information that an attack would be launched against India between September-November. He had been in direct touch with the Israelis on possible threats against Israeli targets in India. He had also gone to Muscat and Tehran to engage those intelligence services on threats, and they were alerted and working with Pakistan. He reminded Ambassador that information about an attack on India had come his way and he had asked CIA to convey it to the Indians through CIA channels. (Further details about these cases available in other channels.) He said he would meet his Indian counterpart any time, noting that it was critically important that any threat information be shared with him. He emphasized that ISI was doing everything possible to reduce the possibility of an attack on India.

This goes completely against how GOP and ISI reacted post 26/11...

Its a fact that GOI had asked the Mr. Pasha to come discuss the events post 26/11, however this was tacitly rejected with his trip being cancelled...

If the above is true, why was the meeting cancelled if the ISI was in fact trying to prevent an attack? If Pakistan wanted to truly diffuse the situation and help India, the meeting should have been promoted and such candid exchange of information regarding the source of the intel etc should have been shared with India....which never happened.
This goes completely against how GOP and ISI reacted post 26/11...

When Pakistan and especially ISI was pin pointed as the sole enabler of the attacks, the reaction was just and expected. DG ISI Pasha tried to convey a message through an intermediary but it seems that the message did not reach its destination. We do not know why and we can think of many reasons but its pointless now. Anyhow, from the onset of the attack, ISI was being made the scapegoat in an attack it was trying to fend off. This probably caused a severe reaction and thus the response.

Its a fact that GOI has asked the Mr. Pasha to come discuss the events post 26/11, however this was tacitly rejected with his trip being cancelled...

Zardari had told GOI that DG ISI Pasha would come to India to discuss the events but COAS Kiyani cancelled the plan. This was the right thing to do in my opinion because when the original information to prevent an attack fell on deaf ears, what would anything post the attack achieve.

If the above is true, why was the meeting cancelled if the ISI was in fact trying to prevent an attack? If Pakistan wanted to truly diffuse the situation and help India, the meeting should have been promoted and such candid exchange of information regarding the source of the intel etc should have been shared with India....which never happened.

The information to prevent the attack was relayed through intermediaries but it was not acted upon so what is the point in post event situation to discuss the attack.

Why was the information provided pre-event not acted upon, what people were involved in conveying the message and was it even relayed to India?

There are many questions but one this is certain, ISI tried to help but seems as if the help was unwanted.
I fear the Retards might not use it for there Recruitment frenzy and would come out in an all out war against the GOP...!
Can you read? The cable illustrates the fact that the ISI was in fact collaborating with various other nations to prevent terrorist attacks, specifically in this case terrorist attacks in India.

that sad excuse for a person is only inciting flame war here. obviously the mention of ISI has caused him bloody constipation.. whatever you will say will fall on deaf ears.

the Indian goverment's dealing with the whole Mumabi affair was dismal.

the alledged attackers managed to come by boat from "an enemy's shore" via boats right under the nose of the regions biggest naval power and then took the whole city hostage for 3 days.

while the stories of people being mowed down in the hail of bullets were pouring in the media, there was no response from the security forces but Indian goverment was quick to blame it in ISI even before its forces started engaging the terrorists.

then there were news of about the the Jews killed at the synagogue had the bullet wounds of INSAS that is the standard issue of Indian paramilitary forces. the story was a major embarrassment and was hushed up.

rest is history

this is what is shocking...

Now that's a real shocker.

If Pasha had forewarned CIA about an imminent attack and CIA had intentionally or unintentionally failed to act, it's a gross intelligence failure on part of US, India and Israel's intelligence. No matter how much we Indians cry about ISI's rougue element's involvemen in the attack, the facts remains that ISI top guy had tried warn us about it (albeit indirectly). It's an utter failure of US intelligence in particular and our intelligence and diplomacy in general. And our preparedness for such attacks were there for everyone to see during the attack. If only, we tried to make our immune system strong then these ridiculus statements by our political babus, IMHO, we would have been in a much better position.

Although I believe Pakistan can still do bit more by dismantling the training camps, but I believe, on a Govt to govt basis, the mumbai tragedy was more of our fault. We could have done more. Much more then anyone else.

If only we stop these self praisings and start to actually and silently work towards our goal. I miss Gandhi jee.

Well you have to look at the date of the cable it was October 2009 AFTER the mumbai attacks.
So obviously this "cooperation" is after the intense pressure post mumbai attacks in 2008.

If you check other cables we can clearly see the good Taliban bad Taliban rhetoric being played out and even government ministers claiming to be LeT members?

Check out the January 2009 cable from Peshawar
Cable Viewer
In Camera Session And ISI
¶9. (S) XXXXXXXXXXXX confided that ISI, (Note: Pakistan's military intelligence. End note), during the in camera session of the parliament recently, had briefed lawmakers and senior GOP officials concerning the virtues of some taliban elements versus the "real militants."They reasoned small numbers from some of the militant groups could be useful in future operations in Kashmir or elsewhere. XXXXXXXXXXXX said although not everyone present agreed with the assertion it was this line of reasoning that contributed to his fear of the future.

or check out the an earlier November 2006 cable where government officials were linked openly with LeT despite LeT being on the sanctions list as a terrorist organisation
US embassy cables: Embassy displays impatience with Pakistan's failure to crack down on 'terrorist' charity Jamaat ud Dawa | World news | guardian.co.uk
2. (C) In a November 17 meeting, the Ambassador presented Foreign Secretary Riaz Khan with open source material detailing Al Rashid's television solicitations for Zakat donations, a website highlighting federal Minister of Information Durrani's participation in an Al Akhtar Trust Ramadan event, and a press report on the declaration of the Ministry of Defense Parliamentary Secretary that he was proud to be a member of LeT and that he seeks to extend support to jihadi organizations when they seek his "cooperation." Each of these reports is disturbing in itself, the Ambassador said, as they seriously damage Pakistan's image in the international community. These incidents point to a more fundamental question: is the GOP is committed to implementing the sanctions that follow a UN 1267 Committee designation?
If you check other cables we can clearly see the good Taliban bad Taliban rhetoric being played out and even government ministers claiming to be LeT members?


yea this same terminology has been adopted by the US and Afghan goverment. the level of their "intelligence" is evident from the story that a shopkeeper in Quetta was able to bull the mighty CIA and American Army along with the Northern alliance stooges for a long time posing as a taliban commander.

that asside.. there is nothing wrong with the term.. this is how you bring the opposing party's even headed people to the table otherwise its a vicious circle and it can go on for decades

Afghan have been doing it for over 3 decades. does US have that stamina?

what I dont understand is the level of paranoia of Indians about the word ISI, not borthering to read that the spy master is actually helping in preventing terrorism .. these geniuses are at pains in finding the jinny between the lines:undecided::undecided:
Your point being "ISI is working to prevent a terrorist attack against India"
But I still don't see the point, suppose a terrorist attack is to take place on Israeli targets in India and ISI gets a heads up on it, why would it inform Israeli secret service or for that matter any other country except Indian authorities, what possible good would that do??

contrary to what your media, BJP, RSS & Shiv Sena feed down your throats ----Pakistan is not some evil country which enjoys seeing blood spilt.

why WOULDNT the ISI alert them if it had gathered and ascertained + deemed the intel credible? It isnt standard indian practice to ever be the ''devils advocate'' or view things from a neutral perspective, but think about it for a second

this article is important because if these leaks are valid, it means ISI not only wanted to prevent Mumbai attack but it also wanted to provide intel to ANOTHER country with whom we do not even have a diplomatic relations or recognition of

Also keeping in mind recent wiki leaks report of Wikileaks: Nothing will stop Pak Army from supporting anti-India militants
I am not sure what is ISI upto?

you ought to be....considering how obcessed your media is and it's 24/7 coverage of anything pertaining to them


it's a shame india never acted, given this intel.....166 lives could have been saved :(

a lot of subsequent head-ache and baseless finger-pointing could have been averted

oh, wait..... why would the indians (the policy-makers and agenda-setters at least) want that ;)
Well you have to look at the date of the cable it was October 2009 AFTER the mumbai attacks.
So obviously this "cooperation" is after the intense pressure post mumbai attacks in 2008.
The cable is dated October 09, but the information sharing that Pasha is referring to is of a prior case, and likely refers to the Mumbai attacks since he talks about an attack taking place, in September - November targetting Israelis. That has to refer to the Mumbai attacks - it is too much of a coincidence in terms of targets and time frame to be anything else. Also, IIRC, India did infact receive some sort of alert through CIA channels about a terrorist attack, which is precisely how the cable suggests Pasha wanted the information about theballeged attack conveyed to India.
If you check other cables we can clearly see the good Taliban bad Taliban rhetoric being played out and even government ministers claiming to be LeT members?

Check out the January 2009 cable from Peshawar
Cable Viewer
I believe you posted the entire cable from that source elsewhere, and I pointed out that source was wrong on several counts just months later in terms of his/her 'predictions'. That source sounds suspiciously like Farhat Taj or one of her ilk, especially with the whole 'people of FATA don't mind drone strikes' comments.

Secondly, given the GOA' s duplicity in sheltering Baluchistan terrorists' and the perceived lack of commitment from NATO, if the report is true, the PA had good reason to hold on to some assets in Afghanistan.
or check out the an earlier November 2006 cable where government officials were linked openly with LeT despite LeT being on the sanctions list as a terrorist organisation
US embassy cables: Embassy displays impatience with Pakistan's failure to crack down on 'terrorist' charity Jamaat ud Dawa | World news | guardian.co.uk
Pakistan has always insisted that JuD was not a terrorist organization, but rather one focussed on Kashmiri liberation. As such, the desire to retain the had more to do with maintaining options against India in Kashmir via reviving the insurgency, in case the peace talks collapsed, than with conducting any terrorist attacks.
The ISI warning is about attacks after the Mumbai attacks and not about the Mumbai attacks. The Israelis had their own warning sent out at the same time about Israelis being targeted in India.Both Mossad and ISI probably picked up the same "chatter".As no attack happened,it looks like the plot was foiled quietly.

"Pasha asked Ambassador to convey to Washington that he had followed up on threat information that an attack would be launched against India between September-November. He had been in direct touch with the Israelis on possible threats against Israeli targets in India," the cable read.

A few weeks before the cable was written, the Israeli Counter-Terror Bureau had issued a travel advisory warning of possible attacks against Israeli sites in India. A year earlier, 166 people were killed in multiple attacks in Mumbai, including an attack against the local Chabad house.

WikiLeaks: Pakistan passed terror intel to Israel
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The ISI warning is about attacks after the Mumbai attacks and not about the Mumbai attacks. The Israelis had their own warning sent out at the same time about Israelis being targeted in India.Both Mossad and ISI probably picked up the same "chatter".As no attack happened,it looks like the plot was foiled quietly.

WikiLeaks: Pakistan passed terror intel to Israel

Thank you Ras, for clearing the doubt. Highly appreciate it.:tup:
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