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Pakistan's ties with India critical to its future: United States

Of course it is as we can either be offensive and put these cowards to their right place getting kashmiries their right to self determination ensuring Pakistan's position as a central state pivotal for peace in whole central and south asia or we can be defensive letting them play dirty games through proxies to get some illegitimate presence in places where they don't even belong and continue throwing spanners in Pakistan's progress.
Naah.. that is Israel.
Pakistan is that country, which lost more than half of it's territory first time it held a democratic election, just before it could celebrate a silver jubilee of independence and now bombing parts of it's own other half with it's own airforce.

Hardly two pages and the nukes are out already ? Way to go :tup:

These guys don't know what they talk. I find them funny, hence some some banter with them.
Again loads of BS from a nut head.
I did not say Pakistan will gracefully use one or two nukes. you will throw all you got, no doubt in that.
Even though Pakistan uses all of its stockpile Indian nation will still survive. Why ? Because of vast land area and huge population. Your comparatively lower yield nuke toys will not be able to destroy all of India as you are deluding.
This thought of yours is because of madrassa education which you were made to forcefully suck. Try to learn some vedic science and mathematics.

I am happy you agreed that your country will disappear after our retaliation but you are totally wrong about taking all baniyas with you guys. Good dreams you got there.

Another BS uttered by a madrassa intellect.
Of course Pakistan will use all of what it got. But your low yield toys cannot completely annihilate whole of India and Indians as you and your madrassa classmates are hallucinating.
By the way who told you hindus are present only in India ?

So both of you, stop day dreaming. Pakistan completely annihilating India is never going to happen as your army and government have brainwashed you. Open your mind to the world other than Pakistan, you will learn the truth (bitter truth).

I will drop your stupid butt right here and move on. You just proved how stupid you are you will get me killed
Of course it is as we can either be offensive and put these cowards to their right place getting kashmiries their right to self determination ensuring Pakistan's position as a central state pivotal for peace in whole central and south asia

You can't do jack.Just shut up,will you ?

Do you forget what Zia said to Rajiv

People still believe that hoax ?

In response maybe Pakistan get nukes as well ...

Utter BS

But ... there wont be any hindu religion state left after this.. whereas there will alot of muslims in the world even after this...

Don't bring religion into this,,you bigot.
I will drop your stupid butt right here and move on. You just proved how stupid you are you will get me killed
Looking at your thoughts and delusions you are already a dead butt.

i can see your far better side who kills innocent for eating beef ..

I didn't kill anybody. I don't even support those who killed him if he is innocent.
If you are really cared about that then why don't you come up here and question those who did that ?
respect. We need you as much as you need us for economic prosperity and peace.

Both nations in their bilateral relationship hold the key to the peace and prosperity of nearly a fifth of all humanity. What could be more important to improve?
Both nations in their bilateral relationship hold the key to the peace and prosperity of nearly a fifth of all humanity. What could be more important to improve?

Your intentions are good but the top brass in your Government and my Government won't let this happen.
Pakistan leadership has become more violent and Indian leadership has become more adamant.
Your intentions are good but the top brass in your Government and my Government won't let this happen.
Pakistan leadership has become more violent and Indian leadership has become more adamant.

Those policies on both sides will persist until the costs associated with them and the secondary effects thereof become impossible to bear. It will happen.
Yes, it will lead to war.
Let them learn the lesson the hard way.

There will be no war between nuclear rivals. There are many other and better ways to achieve the goal of good bilateral relations.
If Pakistan normalizes its relationship with India, there are many take aways for US foreign policies....First Pak wont then buy too much of military hardware from China which directly and indirectly helping China's military industry which is not in good interest of the US...Second, if Pak sees India no more a threat and focuses on economic development, it will be a great market for US companies and can help US to sustain its economic prosperity for many more decades to come... Third, if India doesnt have to focus at Pak for defense planning and budgeting, it can fully focus and divert all its resources against China, which would a big big victory for US foreign policy to content China upto its neighborhood only!

I dont care what US achieves, but good relationship with India will only help Pakistan...It can become a superpower state among the muslim countries.....For India, it will still have some challenges as we will still have China as enemy and threat!
It means having good relations with India is critical for Pakistan's future.
Don't loosen your pants yet shorty. He said the same thing about India when he visited India.
Of course it is as we can either be offensive and put these cowards to their right place getting kashmiries their right to self determination ensuring Pakistan's position as a central state pivotal for peace in whole central and south asia or we can be defensive letting them play dirty games through proxies to get some illegitimate presence in places where they don't even belong and continue throwing spanners in Pakistan's progress.

These cowards has taken you for a ride at least five times and these cowards are also the one who has broken you into two. Don't do mischief else these cowards will break you again :P
What a BS logic and mind set you hindus got there.. why u assume that if and only if Pakistan nuke india that will be limited?
get out of your dreams ... once Pakistan started nuking india .. there wont be anything left and whole of the india will be targeted ...
In response maybe Pakistan get nukes as well ...

But ... there wont be any hindu religion state left after this.. whereas there will alot of muslims in the world even after this...

people will die on both sides in huge numbers .. so these are the wrong and stupid assumptions from india and hindu side...

haath judwa le bhai aise logic nikal kr laaya hai tu ki hume maaf krde.nuke hi kr diya tune mujhe

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