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Pakistan's terrible idea to develop battlefield nukes

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Why? His English is perfectly O.K you inferiority-complex stricken bharti fobber :rofl:

I live in Amreeekaaaa.....When I would speak "Englishhhhh"" with you , you won't probably even understand what I'm saying. You can also find tens of "mistakes" in my posts...guess why? Because we are on a freakin INTERNET FORUM! It is NOT a "formal English Essay" class...So cut on this crap. Wannaaa-beeeee bhartis like you feel 'good' on their English ...:lol: In America , we don't care if one doesn't write 'formal English' during texting , facebook , or on some internet forum etc...

Now please , take your this 'English English' crap somewhere else , kid. Learn to act like grown ups ....

And oh yeah ...please post all the English mistakes I made in my post...I bet you can find many... Guys with no life (like yourself) are experts in 'correcting English' of others on internet forums :)

I have meet many Pakistanis like you in America who feel it insulted when I called them Pakistani.. they insisted me on calling them as Indians... and got as angry If I didn't as you are here on this forum.

How can Pakistani Americans increase Pakistan expertise? | DAWN.COM

And yeah I have a problem with American English used by your types.. so please don't make me run away from here.


Care to post a source for that brain fart , fan boy ? :rofl: ... How long did it take you to make these fantasy figures ? :azn:

Since when exactly has Indian started possessing nukes in the 100+ KT's range :azn: ?

I know your are Uneducated and a bit illiterate since you cannot read what's written on internet pages... but I never knew you were as brainless too.. and cannot see the facts posted before your eyes.


Here again go and try to read whats written and shown on post #304.
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To sum it up, you made a hoax statement pulled out of your a** and cannot back it up. Thank You Sir

Thats all i wanted to clarify. Good Day

I am not a Pakistani.

Pakistani warheads.



Indian warheads designs


Gauri, Shaheen, Tipu, Taimur, Changez Khan, Kublai Khan and all the other..etc etc.. missile use the same warheads tested in 1998.
Here again go and try to read whats written and shown on post #304.

Kid , I am asking you to provide a source for the " so called facts " posted on # 278 ... Brain fart if you will , since the weights and yields of warheads are never known publicly ... :azn:

Do not try to run in circles , I have just asked to provide a link or anything for the claim , nobody believes your personally calculated highly flawed " supposed facts " ...

Talking out of your *** , all the time , weren't you ? :lol:


What does this link has to do with Pakistani missile or nuclear program which has evolved leaps afterwards or with yields and weights you fantasized earlier ? :azn:

Indian warheads designs

Gauri, Shaheen, Tipu, Taimur, Changez Khan, Kublai Khan and all the other..etc etc.. missile use the same warheads tested in 1998.

Any future planned design still awaiting proof tests do not count here , post what you have now or is operational with your strategic forces , even we have many plans for the future :azn: ...

Yeah , any proof for that ? :rofl:

P.S Left with nothing , fan boy ? Since you are posting the same pictures and lots of unrelated information again and again and stil it ai'nt making your point ? :D ... You have conviently skipped a lot of questions ... Those operational 7 FBR's still remain :rofl:
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:rofl: It took your army two months to reach the border back in 2001 and achieve D-Day readiness ( go and look that word ) not to mention loosing 800+ soldiers in the process without us firing a single shot :lol: by the time PA was already there to welcome them at the border ... It has always taken / will take less time for us to deploy troops because the cantonments are very near the border hence the army has to travel less distance ... If you do not believe me , do look at your own sources or ask me to post it for you ... Get me a source for " IA can mobilize 60k personnels in 48 hours " or I will regard as one more fan boy making ridiculous claims like DARKY :lol:

Your highly flawed " Cold Start " relies on just one thing " surprise factor " , a near impossible feat to achieve in the case of Pakistan and due to the advancement in early warning technology :azn: ...

I wonder sometimes if those nukes cant do **** , then why do you always mobilize troops and then back off every time ( 3 times at the last count ) ? :cheesy:

What makes sense is that we have tactical nukes that can prevent a war in the first place ensuring peace ...

How exactly do you put so much confidence in ABM system when even the major powers of the world are hesitant and doubt its reliability ? :azn:

P.S We will possess a nuclear triad in near future , Islamabad sent a strong message when it inaugurated the Naval Strategic Force Command (NSFC) recently ...

Your lack of knowledge pains me. India lost 100 soldiers without a single shot. The rest were confirmed to have been lost in skirmishes and artillery firing between India and Pakistan. As always, Pakistan did not even print and official report on how many soldiers they lost. I'm sure if we had the bodies, Pakistan would have said that they were Mujahideen.

After the 2001 deployment debacle, we have improved and conducted exercises in which 50,000 - 60,000 troops were deployed in 48 hours. Pakistan may claim that it can do it, but the fact remains that India has done it and Pakistan hasn't.

Here you go for your source:

Cold Start (military doctrine) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Three times? 2001 and?

Nukes can do a lot, but then it's hardly a sound tactic by Pakistan to assume that their nukes are the only ones that work eh? We have short range nukes too. Prithvi, Prahaar.

I do not put confidence in ABM system. But it's certainly better to shoot down 5 out of 10 warheads than to have your arse fried by all ten.

Nuke triad in future? How far in the future? Any official news? With the Arihant and ALCM BrahMos ready this year, we already have an effective nuclear triad.
EzioAltaïr;3393053 said:
Your lack of knowledge pains me. India lost 100 soldiers without a single shot. The rest were confirmed to have been lost in skirmishes and artillery firing between India and Pakistan. As always, Pakistan did not even print and official report on how many soldiers they lost. I'm sure if we had the bodies, Pakistan would have said that they were Mujahideen.

After the 2001 deployment debacle, we have improved and conducted exercises in which 50,000 - 60,000 troops were deployed in 48 hours. Pakistan may claim that it can do it, but the fact remains that India has done it and Pakistan hasn't.

Three times? 2001 and?

Nukes can do a lot, but then it's hardly a sound tactic by Pakistan to assume that their nukes are the only ones that work eh? We have short range nukes too. Prithvi, Prahaar.

I do not put confidence in ABM system. But it's certainly better to shoot down 5 out of 10 warheads than to have your arse fried by all ten.

Nuke triad in future? How far in the future? Any official news? With the Arihant and ALCM BrahMos ready this year, we already have an effective nuclear triad.

Shockingly, without going to war, 798 soldiers have been killed during Operation Parakram.
"During Operation Parakram up to July 2003, a total number of 798 Army personnel suffered fatal casualties," said Defence Minister George Fernandes in Lok Sabha on Thursday.

I am really sure that skirmish and artillery duels couldn't account for more than 25 % of the deaths at max ...

In the initial phase of Operation Parakram itself, around 100 soldiers were killed and 250 injured during mine-laying operations. Vehicle accidents, artillery duels with Pakistan and other incidents led to many more casualties.

Op Parakram claimed 798 soldiers - Times Of India

Alright , please post a source for that claim that India can mobilize 60 , 000 troops in 28 hours ... Pakistan has done it , it took 2 weeks for us to reach the borders in 2001 , if you have improved so have we ...

1987 , 2001 and 2008 ... Wars prevented by the Pakistani nuclear deterrent ... :azn:

I know that you do , it is just that we do not have " No first use " policy due to a couple of solid reasons ...

Yeah , better ... But again you are assuming 50% success ratio ...

You never know ! Defense projects and acquisitions in Pakistan aren't revealed until they are operational , if history is any indication ... If they inaugurated Naval Strategic Forces Command and declared it to be the custodian of country's second strike capability , there must be some reason right ?
I provided the source again and again,, but since you cannot see or read that.. its not a concern here.. not for me atleast.

The Data has been provided by Janes and not me.

Pakistani Nuclear program isn't going anywhere until AQ Khan is in Jail.
Release him he might steal some more designs or get them at bargained prices from North Korea or China.
EzioAltaïr;3393053 said:
Your lack of knowledge pains me. India lost 100 soldiers without a single shot. The rest were confirmed to have been lost in skirmishes and artillery firing between India and Pakistan. As always, Pakistan did not even print and official report on how many soldiers they lost. I'm sure if we had the bodies, Pakistan would have said that they were Mujahideen.

After the 2001 deployment debacle, we have improved and conducted exercises in which 50,000 - 60,000 troops were deployed in 48 hours. Pakistan may claim that it can do it, but the fact remains that India has done it and Pakistan hasn't.

Three times? 2001 and?

Nukes can do a lot, but then it's hardly a sound tactic by Pakistan to assume that their nukes are the only ones that work eh? We have short range nukes too. Prithvi, Prahaar.

I do not put confidence in ABM system. But it's certainly better to shoot down 5 out of 10 warheads than to have your arse fried by all ten.

Nuke triad in future? How far in the future? Any official news? With the Arihant and ALCM BrahMos ready this year, we already have an effective nuclear triad.

Shockingly, without going to war, 798 soldiers have been killed during Operation Parakram.
"During Operation Parakram up to July 2003, a total number of 798 Army personnel suffered fatal casualties," said Defence Minister George Fernandes in Lok Sabha on Thursday.

I am really sure that skirmish and artillery duels couldn't account for more than 25 % of the deaths at max ...

In the initial phase of Operation Parakram itself, around 100 soldiers were killed and 250 injured during mine-laying operations. Vehicle accidents, artillery duels with Pakistan and other incidents led to many more casualties.

Op Parakram claimed 798 soldiers - Times Of India

Alright , please post a source for that claim that India can mobilize 60 , 000 troops in 48 hours ... Which exercise was that ? ... Pakistan has done it , it took 2 weeks for us to reach the borders in 2001 , if you have improved so have we ...

1987 , 2001 and 2008 ... Wars prevented by the Pakistani nuclear deterrent ... :azn:

I know that you do , it is just that we do not have " No first use " policy due to a couple of solid reasons , something which you may already know ...

Yeah , better ... But again you are assuming 50% success ratio ...

You never know ! Defense projects and acquisitions in Pakistan aren't revealed until they are operational , if history is any indication ... If they inaugurated Naval Strategic Forces Command and declared it to be the custodian of country's second strike capability , there must be some reason right ?
Take a moment to read my posts with the quotes of others included. You would find that each one of your points has been addressed.
I did, and i found it ridiculously amusing at first at how imaginative you indians are.

Regarding what IN already has and not what it will have. With what it has it has massive ridiculous superiority over PN.
You mean with that martian technology specially and exclusively delivered to only india by the Martians themselves.

PN doesn't need to match IN boat to boat as you are assuming it has to in order to gain equality or superiority, 1 carrier worth billions can easily be neutralized by missiles of various sorts worth thousands very easily.

Yes, that includes Barak I SAM already deployed. I have not included any projections other than those which have already been ordered. Yes, that includes Barak II.
Both of which are most likely not battle proven and must have been tested in a controlled environment against outdated missiles and rockets. Bravo.


BTW, didn't IN recently suffer setback with regards to Barak 1 acquisition?

Lastly, you said it isnt 1971 anymore. Today IN is much further ahead than PN than it was in 1971. It is easier to implement a blockade today than it was in 1971.
And its much easier to break a blockade than it was in 1971, and it's also easy to cripple indian ports than it was in 1971, just send a few AIP subs armed with baburs and we're good.
And its much easier to break a blockade than it was in 1971, and it's also easy to cripple indian ports than it was in 1971, just send a few AIP subs armed with baburs and we're good.

Yes Indian Navy is still the same as it was in 71..hence it must be very easy !!
Shockingly, without going to war, 798 soldiers have been killed during Operation Parakram.
"During Operation Parakram up to July 2003, a total number of 798 Army personnel suffered fatal casualties," said Defence Minister George Fernandes in Lok Sabha on Thursday.

I am really sure that skirmish and artillery duels couldn't account for more than 25 % of the deaths at max ...

In the initial phase of Operation Parakram itself, around 100 soldiers were killed and 250 injured during mine-laying operations. Vehicle accidents, artillery duels with Pakistan and other incidents led to many more casualties.

Op Parakram claimed 798 soldiers - Times Of India

Alright , please post a source for that claim that India can mobilize 60 , 000 troops in 28 hours ... Pakistan has done it , it took 2 weeks for us to reach the borders in 2001 , if you have improved so have we ...

1987 , 2001 and 2008 ... Wars prevented by the Pakistani nuclear deterrent ... :azn:

I know that you do , it is just that we do not have " No first use " policy due to a couple of solid reasons ...

Yeah , better ... But again you are assuming 50% success ratio ...

You never know ! Defense projects and acquisitions in Pakistan aren't revealed until they are operational , if history is any indication ... If they inaugurated Naval Strategic Forces Command and declared it to be the custodian of country's second strike capability , there must be some reason right ?

Here you go

The artillery duels and skirmishes accounted for 600 deaths, and 1500 wounded.

Did you now? You guys mobilised 300,000 troops in 2 weeks. That's about 40,000 in 48 hours. India did that operation a few years ago, a sanskrit name that translates to "blessed to win", mobilising 60,000 in 48 hours. I gave a link already.

1987? Pakistani SSG launched an attack on Siachen and failed. India didn't back off.

2001, never denied that, the nuclear deterrent has played a key part in preventing that war.

2008, confused about this one. All sources I read show that Pakistan moved troops to the border, and moved 'em away after we had talks.

Well even a 1% success ratio would be better than none right? We don't have an unlimited supply of manpower.

What's the proof of your last statement? I can find you posts of Pakistanis bragging about JF-17 when it was just a prototype, and Pakistanis have revealed the UCAV Burraq, and IRBM Shaheen III years ago, I still haven't seen any progress.
PN doesn't need to match IN boat to boat as you are assuming it has to in order to gain equality or superiority, 1 carrier worth billions can easily be neutralized by missiles of various sorts worth thousands very easily.

I Believe The USN, RuFN, PLAN etc aren't as smart as you.. since they have been investing more on Aircraft carrier more than ever.

Both of which are most likely not battle proven and must have been tested in a controlled environment against outdated missiles and rockets. Bravo.

If a Yakhont is outdated for you.. then what is C802/2/5 ?


BTW, didn't IN recently suffer setback with regards to Barak 1 acquisition?[/QUOTE]

Inspite of the setbacks you see barak 1 on Indian ships.. don't you.

And its much easier to break a blockade than it was in 1971, and it's also easy to cripple indian ports than it was in 1971, just send a few AIP subs armed with baburs and we're good.

Why didn't you do it during 1999/2002 then ?
None of the PN subs have Cruise missile launch capability.... Babur is a LACM cannot sink ships.

Akulas and P-8 would have a good time taking out those AIP equipped subs.
I provided the source again and again,, but since you cannot see or read that.. its not a concern here.. not for me atleast.

The Data has been provided by Janes and not me.

Pakistani Nuclear program isn't going anywhere until AQ Khan is in Jail.
Release him he might steal some more designs or get them at bargained prices from North Korea or China.

What source ? For the North Korean missile program ? :azn: ... Sorry , we are discussing Pakistani nuclear and missile program here which has taken quantum leaps after the M11 bought from N.K to study ... Post the relevant data here with the quotes like we do , mentioning the warhead specifications you claimed in post # 278 ...

I can see everything else but I cant see the yields and weights of different warheads on that link :azn: ... Why ? Because it ai'nt there , you are just running around in circles ...

Yeah , and I do not see your stupidity going anywhere ... Since , there's clear indication of the advancement of the nuclear program in Pakistan , check the Plutonium reactors link I posted on the previous page and activate your grey matter ! Every country stole nuclear technology from the other , kid :azn: ... If GoP wants , they can bargain on their own and nobody would care :lol: do not make childish statements ...

Why didn't you do it during 1999/2002 then ?
None of the PN subs have Cruise missile launch capability.... Babur is a LACM cannot sink ships.

Akulas and P-8 would have a good time taking out those AIP equipped subs.

Because there was no full scale war going on , genius ... :azn: ... Why didn't you dare to cross borders in 2001 if you had so much conventional power ?

Yeah , while the Orions will be sleeping , right ?

EzioAltaïr;3393151 said:
The artillery duels and skirmishes accounted for 600 deaths, and 1500 wounded.

Did you now? You guys mobilised 300,000 troops in 2 weeks. That's about 40,000 in 48 hours. India did that operation a few years ago, a sanskrit name that translates to "blessed to win", mobilising 60,000 in 48 hours. I gave a link already.

1987? Pakistani SSG launched an attack on Siachen and failed. India didn't back off.

2008, confused about this one. All sources I read show that Pakistan moved troops to the border, and moved 'em away after we had talks.

What's the proof of your last statement?

Sorry , your own sources aren't supporting that fact ... Most of the deaths are blamed at mine laying , vehicle accidents and other incidents besides artillery duels and skirmishes which were a norm along LOC before :azn: ... How many IA soldiers were killed before until suddenly there was a massive hike in 2001 and numbers reached 600 according to you ? :azn:

Did we need to now ? ... You are the ones preparing for " Cold Start " ... If we could do it then , we can do it now ... What was the name of that operation ? I would be interested to look it up ...

Look up " Operation Brasstacks " ... The largest military mobilization after WWII near our borders while we were engaged in Soviet war , aimed to cut Pakistan in half by rapid attacks , in the end IA backed off when Zia-ul-Haq threatened of a nuclear war :azn:

Both countries moved troops to the border in 2008 after India threatened of a war , in the end you backed off again and hence devised " Cold Start "

Research our history and you will come to understand ... A100 were only revealed to the public in the Azm Nau exercise , they wouldn't have been suddenly bought , right ?
I Believe The USN, RuFN, PLAN etc aren't as smart as you.. since they have been investing more on Aircraft carrier more than ever.
aircraft carriers that have only been used against Iraq and Afghanistan, wow, so potent.

If a Yakhont is outdated for you.. then what is C802/2/5 ?
That part of my post was in referral to the Barak 1.

BTW, weren't you the one who stated Pakistanis will welcome IA into Pakistan and turn against the PA? I can't believe i'm even wasting my efforts on you.

Bravo, what an imagination.

So when are you planning on producing this bollywood film of yours where Pakistanis welcome the IA into Pakistan? :lol:

Inspite of the setbacks you see barak 1 on Indian ships.. don't you.
No, i don't. Mind showing me?

None of the PN subs have Cruise missile launch capability.... Babur is a LACM cannot sink ships.
Yes, they do.

Akulas and P-8 would have a good time taking out those AIP equipped subs.
Maybe in your upcoming bollywood film in which Pakistanis welcome indian army, but in real life those akulas would make nice targets for our P3C's and Z9EC's. Not to mention JF-17's would have a field day.

So when Pakistan army invades india and indian people support us and turn against IA, not to mention our swarm of ASM's would send the many target IN ships to the bottom of the ocean where they will make a nice undersea apartment complex for the many homeless fishes, and our subs knock out all indian ports, thus crippling india and depriving it of its fuel.
EzioAltaïr;3392953 said:
No I ain't a sardar. I'm a Mumbaikar.

Doesn't matter. You are still dumb.

Doesn't matter what they can do. Has there ever been an exercise where they have done so? If yes then I'll gladly accept defeat in that area.

What? We mobilized our troops quicker than india did....and that goes for EVERY TIME! So it will stay the same in the future...

In your other posts...by your OWN calculations (whether true or false)...Pakistan was able to move 40,000 troops in 48 hours back in 2001!!! Now guess what would be our present capability? ;) ... Unlike your hesky , lazy , useless army...Pakistan armed forces are quick , leaner , lethal , and smarter...

AWACS is such a big accomplishment? We have 3 Phalcon AWACS, with 3 more to be purchased. Alongisde a future order of 3 indigenous AWACS. That means 3 AWACS now, 9 in the near future, and upto 24 later. Same with AA refuellers, what's so great about that?

Dumbo barbie girl , I didn't tell you about AWACS to show you any 'achievement'...are you THAT naive? I told you that how AWACS/AEW capability has demolished your 'surprise' factor in your deal cold-start (pathetic) doctrine. You can have all the AWACS you want...nobody gives a sh!t...It is india you deploys cold-start doctrine , PAF doesn't.

Hope you understand.

Yes, they won't waste BMDs to intercept BF nukes. We have Akashm SAMs, which can become anti-missile SAMs if a low yield nuke is put on it's warhead.


Battle-Field nukes like Nasr can't be stopped. Do you think your invading armor divisions will be carrying Akash? Do you think you would have enough Akashs to balance out Pakistan's offensive missile rain , if Pakistan decided to go that way ?

Please stop embarrassing yourself. You don't know jack about defence-related issues..and if you don't believe me , please ask your any knowledgeable indian member that how dumb your posts are looking...

And to the rest of your post: *facepalm*.

To the fact you were born : *facepalm*

We have already brought in one regiment of Agni IIs that has a range greater than the Shaheen II (your most advanced missile).

regiment of Agni II? Yup , trying too hard to look all dandy and professional. Go learn something , child.

Pakistan's Shaheen-II range is 2500km to 3,000 km .. it cover ENTIRE India..so range is not even the issue here...lol...

The Agni III will be inducted within the next few month. That will make our range greater than the Shaheen III (a missile which Pakistan hasn't even developed yet). By the time Pakistan has the Shaheen III ready, we'll have the Agni VI. :P

For India , we are already done. We don't need any other missiles..cuz you guys are already handled. Any 'further range' missile will be inducted after taking political-strategic interests into consideration. But you are a fanboy...or..fangirl...so you won't understand what I'm saying...

You didn't answer...

Do you have any nuclear-capable quasi battle-field ballistic missile? Any nuclear-capable stealthy cruise missile? Any nuclear-capable ALCM weapon? NO! you haven't!!! because your missile program sucks a$$ infront of prestigious Pakistani missile program :lol:

Look at the first line and look at the description of BrahMos. It's a STEALTH supersonic missile. We have also built the ALCM version of the BrahMos which is to be mounted on Super 30s. What quasi-ballistic missile are you talking about?

For heaven's sake... Brahmos is Russian missile for goodness sake. Brahmos "stealthy" ? :rofl: Does it deploy TERCOM? Terrain Hugging? Oh bhai..uski to awaaz hi itni hai that it takes away ALL the 'stealthy' aspect of the weapon...Please have some sense and stop giving me BS wikipedia...It is not a source..Wiki edited by indians like you is what keep india as a nation brainwashed...Brahmos stealthy? smh...

EDIT: India has a quasi ballistic missile named Shaurya. 900 to 1900km range, with 1 ton payload. Flies like a Ballistic Missile halfway, and a cruise missile the other half. Performs rolls to spread out heat and prevent melting. Can avoid other missile. Couldn't find anything about Pakistan's quasi ballistic missile.

Google : Nasr Nuclear missile of Pakistan... Pakistan's battle-field nuclear weapon :agree:

I have meet many Pakistanis like you in America who feel it insulted when I called them Pakistani.. they insisted me on calling them as Indians... and got as angry If I didn't as you are here on this forum.

LOL. To my insults ...you could only come up with this as a reply? Woah Big Boy! Get a girlfriend , please.
Doesn't matter. You are still dumb.

What? We mobilized our troops quicker than india did....and that goes for EVERY TIME! So it will stay the same in the future...

In your other posts...by your OWN calculations (whether true or false)...Pakistan was able to move 40,000 troops in 48 hours back in 2001!!! Now guess what would be our present capability? ;) ... Unlike your hesky , lazy , useless army...Pakistan armed forces are quick , leaner , lethal , and smarter...

Dumbo barbie girl , I didn't tell you about AWACS to show you any 'achievement'...are you THAT naive? I told you that how AWACS/AEW capability has demolished your 'surprise' factor in your deal cold-start (pathetic) doctrine. You can have all the AWACS you want...nobody gives a sh!t...It is india you deploys cold-start doctrine , PAF doesn't.

Hope you understand.


Battle-Field nukes like Nasr can't be stopped. Do you think your invading armor divisions will be carrying Akash? Do you think you would have enough Akashs to balance out Pakistan's offensive missile rain , if Pakistan decided to go that way ?

Please stop embarrassing yourself. You don't know jack about defence-related issues..and if you don't believe me , please ask your any knowledgeable indian member that how dumb your posts are looking...

To the fact you were born : *facepalm*

regiment of Agni II? Yup , trying too hard to look all dandy and professional. Go learn something , child.

Pakistan's Shaheen-II range is 2500km to 3,000 km .. it cover ENTIRE India..so range is not even the issue here...lol...

For India , we are already done. We don't need any other missiles..cuz you guys are already handled. Any 'further range' missile will be inducted after taking political-strategic interests into consideration. But you are a fanboy...or..fangirl...so you won't understand what I'm saying...

You didn't answer...

Do you have any nuclear-capable quasi battle-field ballistic missile? Any nuclear-capable stealthy cruise missile? Any nuclear-capable ALCM weapon? NO! you haven't!!! because your missile program sucks a$$ infront of prestigious Pakistani missile program :lol:

For heaven's sake... Brahmos is Russian missile for goodness sake. Brahmos "stealthy" ? :rofl: Does it deploy TERCOM? Terrain Hugging? Oh bhai..uski to awaaz hi itni hai that it takes away ALL the 'stealthy' aspect of the weapon...Please have some sense and stop giving me BS wikipedia...It is not a source..Wiki edited by indians like you is what keep india as a nation brainwashed...Brahmos stealthy? smh...

Google : Nasr Nuclear missile of Pakistan... Pakistan's battle-field nuclear weapon :agree:

LOL. To my insults ...you could only come up with this as a reply? Woah Big Boy! Get a girlfriend , please.

So India which has 14 regiments of Akashm will not spare 3 or 4 for our invading forces? How naïve of you to believe that.

There's nothing that can't be intercepted. The frikkin Nighthawk, seen as an epitome of stealthiness has been shot down, what's stopping from a missile from intercepting another?

I'm a try hard cause I write facts? Wow man, really, wow.

The S-2 covers entire India if the launcher is located in Lahore. While an Agni III India's launcher on Wheeler Island can cover entire Pakistan, while it is out of range of Pakistan's missiles. :P

I did answer your silly question. We have the Shaurya as our quasi-ballistic missile, and BrahMos for the other 2.

BrahMos isn't Indian? So a Joint Venture by default is non-Indian? Even though India owns 50.5% of shares in BrahMos Aerospace, all tests of the missiles were done in India by India, all upgrades were made by DRDO?

BrahMos travels 10 metres above the ground, meaning it is terrain hugging. Can your CM do that? :azn:

What does it matter what guidance it uses? TERCOM has only one advantage, and that is that it can't be jammed as easily as GPS, since there is no satellite communication. But what does that even matter? It does not make it less vulnerable to anti-missile systems.

Personal allegations eh? K, I'll make my own claims, Wiki is edited by BS Pakistanis like you who give no source for their facts.

These excuses are for idiots who don't like being proved wrong. The trustworthiness of a page can be seen by scrolling down to the References section. Wiki is edited by professionals who argue for weeks over whether it's worth adding the stuff or not. Look at the Indian and WMDs page. Even though the Agni V has already been tested, they still list Agni II since it's in active service unlike the Agnis 3, 4, and 5.

What's a source? Rupeenews?

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